Big Brother 8

Originally posted by uncle goober@May 26 2007, 12:24 AM

.... Yes, situations on this show are manufactured. The applicants 'profiles' are thrown together with a mission to see them react against each other in the name of entertainment and/or experimentation...
I read a couple of days ago that the regularors have already turned down 3 or 4 people chosen by the production company as being unsuitable for the 'experience'. One's imagination can only boggle concerning what kind of freaks those must have been.....
Make it credible

1. First eviction send them out the house
2. Three days later they appear in an electric chair then the camera blacks out
3. The rest of the house are bricking it for the next 3 months. Then all go back to obscurity having learned a valuable lesson about trying to get famous and fear.
Sometimes though a housemate will appear and i`m like what the feck is that? But they`ll be totally different in the house, a good example is Glyn from last year. Despite the odd Victoria Beckham thing Chanelle appeals at 28s for small money.
Originally posted by AliGupter@May 30 2007, 08:09 PM
That anti-war woman who just walked in...has she got a beard, or was it just the light?
Dunno but i bet her clam is bearded.
You think that Big Brother's bad? How about the reality show that's going out in Holland later this week (unless the complaints can get it stopped). It's made by Endemol, the BB people and it features a dying woman who has to decide which of three contestants deserves her kidneys when she's gone. Unbelievable - no wonder satire died, they couldn't beat these p[rogrammes.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You could NOT be making it up.
No wonder I found it increasingly hard to make a living - I don't belong in the modern world

Oh, now, come on, Brian! It's going to be done in the best possible taste! I can't wait for a few more to come to pass in time:

"Save the Killer!" Four convicted killers will be handed State-related tasks to see which one wins the chance to have his death sentence overturned! Watch to see how No.1 from Alabama picks cotton to time! See how No.2 from Wyoming herds cattle! Check out No.3, the Texan, and his wrangling skills! And finally, all the way from New York State Pen, No.4, and his street rap! Wow! This is gonna be close, folks! :clap:

"Who Gets the Sperm?" Three beautiful, tragically childless women will line up and be chosen on the basis of their personal grooming, beauty, charm, and cooking skills to receive the sperm of tonight's donor. Now, if you don't cry when two of these beauties have to remain childless, you're a stone cold heart!

"Burn the Perv!" Ten of the country's worst perverts will be given the chance of release from lengthy jail sentences if they walk the Plank of Chance across the deep and seriously hot Lake O'Flames. Audience participation is encouraged, with non-injurious missiles provided. See which Perv wins the reprieve in the Big Walk-Off, and which end up as crispy critters! Fun for ALL the family!
Identical twins - DRESSED IDENTICALLY!!!!!!

These people need shooting, can they not have their own identity, can they only identify themselves i terms of being a twin
The plastic surgeon who operated on "Tracey" ( and surely she was born a he ) must be bloody good. Hard as I tried, I couldn't see the frontal labotomy scar at all. :brows:

How about this series, they have all gone in, we have seen the mix. Ch 4 just don't broadcast any of it for the next 10 weeks and they just make up the evictions as they go along. The inmates, sorry housemates, spend their time thinking how great they must look in there, and how much money they will likely make on release. Oh how much more fun that would be when they find out the truth.

By the way, the non smoking squash drinking welsh girl will win.
Fair to say that they haven't avoided the temptation of providing another freak show this year, then?
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@May 31 2007, 12:54 AM
Bring on The Running Man.
The only film which featured two actors who were to become governors of states - as well as the future governor of California there was Jesse Ventura as Captain Freedom. Ventura later became governor of Minnesota.
would i be correct in thinking that Arnold got a "Best Actor" Oscar for his role in The running man? :ph34r:

Im nearly sure it was him, or maybe it was for his role in Commando...
The twins are from my hometown, they'll put Newcastle-under-Lyme on the map...

and I definitely would.... :shy:
The twins are like tinkerbell on speed Dave. Will put it on the map for sure, can't help feel they're being exploited due to a lack of common sense and what appears to be total naivety. They'll be screwed later in the series when it gets bitchy.