Big Brother 8

I am a bit biased against her, but that Chanelle is so shallow, what sort of an ambition is being a WAG? The papers have been like a dog with a bone harrassing everyone she knows, getting hold of phone numbers, myspace accounts etc. My sisters bf sold some phtos just to get them off his back, for more money than he earnt all of last year, but the other papers have found out and are offering more, its totally bizarre! One to watch tho, if the stories i've heard are right a few weeks inside the BB house might send her right over the edge...!
Emily - :luv: :luv: :luv:

The Twins - only one :luv: and a norty to go with it (cos they aren't very bright, but thats what gags are for :laughing: )

And thats about all I have to say so far on BB, but I'm sure I'll drop some classic quotes in from the twins at some point (like one today 'when it rains, does the rainwater go in the pool (the outdoor pool that is, I mean do they think it sort of swerves around the pool or something :eek: )
Originally posted by BrianH@May 30 2007, 10:46 PM
You think that Big Brother's bad? How about the reality show that's going out in Holland later this week (unless the complaints can get it stopped). It's made by Endemol, the BB people and it features a dying woman who has to decide which of three contestants deserves her kidneys when she's gone. Unbelievable - no wonder satire died, they couldn't beat these p[rogrammes.
Thats been anounced as a hoax tonight :what:
Gamla - N-u-L? My Mother and I lived there for quite a few years! Great town, although spoiled a great deal by its Council in raising rates so high for the small, local shop-owners. Wonderful market on 'The Stones' - is it still going? I still have the six porcelain mugs I bought there before coming down to Brighton, and friends in the area (well, Harriseahead and Kidsgrove more than Newcastle). Give the town a hug from me!
How do you hug a town? I have long aspired to give Limerick a big hug as it badly, badly needs one, but can't work out how to do it.
AC, it's a metaphoric hug. Trying to literally embrace a town would be time-consuming and you'd be bound to miss some areas, to their disappointment. Choose somewhere comfortable to sit, like one of those bars with big, squashy sofas (do you have those over there, or are you still all spit 'n' sawdust?), drink several of your favourite alcoholic bevvies and imagine a town you're fond of. Now imagine it as quite tiny, down to the size of Mick Kinane. Metaphorically open arms, and embrace. Actually opening your arms and loudly declaring "I love you, Limerick" might gain you a little unanticipated interest, especially in hostile territory, and not from the most desirable of the attendant barflies, either. But I find that's the way to hug a town. Or most things these days.
The kidney show apparently was a hoax.

I am doing well . I haven't watched any of BB8 and don't plan to .
Originally posted by an capall@Jun 2 2007, 06:43 AM
How do you hug a town? I have long aspired to give Limerick a big hug as it badly, badly needs one, but can't work out how to do it.
My Greyhound is from Limerick, I can hug him for you will that do? :D
The twins are so annoying and are so stupid.
But they're lush and I love them.
Twins to win
Thankfully that horrid Shabnam should be getting kicked out on Friday. She's so bloody obnoxious. I can't stand her pouting and preening in mirrors, she claims she's entertaining in the house and had the cheek to ask if she walked would she still get deals with the media :what: A bit of self confidence is fine but she really ought to get over herself, she's very unpleasant.

Ziggy seems like a nice enough chap. Not sure if him and Chanelle are genuine though. They'll know full well that by having a 'relationship' in the house they'll be quids in when they flog their story to the magazines. Chanelle seems to be taking a leaf out of Nikki's book from last year, her whinging rants in the diary room remind me so much of her. A few more hissy fits and a moan about the air conditioning and she'll have got her Nikki impression perfected.
I have just watched 3 whole minutes and can honestly say that I have never been more bored, such a bunch a shameless media whores
Below is why she was kicked out!

She was heard to say "Are you pushing it out you n**ger?" to Charley while dancing with her housemates in the living room at approximately 8.30pm last night.
What would be fantastic would be if it was taken off the air completely..and they all came out, and nobody cared. That would be brilliant!!

The Doors all become unlocked, and they come out to see a single member of the crew, pointing to a mini bus to drive them home. Everyone else has packed up and left. A judge somewhere puts a media ban on interviews with them. They all board the bus, all of course taking time to pose and see their reflection in the window, and they drift off into obscurity where the fame hungry egotistical Muppets deserve to be...