Bloodstock News 2010

Teofilo and Authorized books were pretty select.I remember being told about peolple paying double trying to get into Strom Cats book and some were turned away.
Aha - that's a very interesting question. Here we are debating how selective various studs are, not just on the basis of numbers, but on quality, yet how do we know? There must be some sort of searchable archive to trawl through who had babies by which stallion. It'd then be interesting, for the sake of debate/info, to find out just how elite those mares were.

Also, the issue of rejecting certain bloodlines (as per Dylan T above) - what grounds would you have for doing that? What bloodline is so poor that you wouldn't have it any price? Heck, there must be thousands of racehorses tracing back, say, to Hyperion - many of them by now having been diluted to donkey status, but where are you starting and finishing that sort of elitism? I had an entirely useless racehorse whose grampa was NEARCO - I only bought him as a hack, I wasn't racing him myself - but presumably one wouldn't know how good or bad he'd be until he'd actually tried to race (or not, in his case). How would you determine a 'low class' bloodline and cast it out from your stallion's programme?
It can be seen in the Return Of Mares book.I also know from being involved in bloodstock what mares get turned away.It is not as much that bloodlines are not good enough some just arent proven or the family has never bred anything worthwhile
Gal, I'm only asking - I didn't know you could buy copies, or I wouldn't be so feckin stupid as to be raising the questions, would I? Okay, fine - where do I buy them? Oh - missed that post - Weatherbys. Right, I'll get a copy, and see just how well-restricted and finely-tuned things are. (Not a lot, is the answer, before I even look.)
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Gal, I'm only asking - I didn't know you could buy copies, or I wouldn't be so feckin stupid as to be raising the questions, would I? Okay, fine - where do I buy them? Oh - missed that post - Weatherbys. Right, I'll get a copy, and see just how well-restricted and finely-tuned things are. (Not a lot, is the answer, before I even look.)

I was only being a smart arse K don't mind me -
Consider yourself spanked! (I missed your earlier one-liner about Weatherbums, though - Specsavers have sent me two reminders about being due for another test, and I kinda think they're right!) :blink:
When I made enquiries in the Irish National Stud about all their stallions they asked for my mares pedigree and recommended the one I wanted anyway.

The reports on Weatherbys are fascinating but can be pricey.
Turning away a mare because of her bloodlines doesn't seem like a very sensible idea.

If a mare is a decent winner herself, she has a better chance of producing winners than a poor performer who happens to be the daughter of a top racemare or producer.

If a stallion owner like that of Sea The Stars is in the happy position of being able to pick and choose mares, then he/she should do it on the basis of the mare's racing ability, or rather lack of it, or on conformation - if your stallion has dodgy knees or very upright pasterns you wouldn't want a mare with the same defects. (Of course, if she were a multiple G1 winner then it would be difficult to turn her away!)

I believe John Hislop was very fussy about Brigadier Gerard covering only the Belgravia set mares and little good did it do him, although he probably wouldn't have set the world alight anyway.
SONEVA, triple Group 3 winner and currently in the hands of Marco Botti, is to be retired to stud after her last run, where she failed to fire at Meydan. She'll be covered by GALILEO.
Holy Roman Emperor has his first runners tomorrow should make for interesting viewing as we have a mare scanned in foal to him already this year.
Well, that'll give you some idea if your investment looks like being returned, DT! Do you know what she's got on board?
Jon - it's most likely far too early to be able to scan a foal and know the sex.

DT - have you seem many HREs ? I only ask because I've only seen a couple and they definitely seem to be on the smallish side and the mares themselves weren't but that could just have been coincidence.

SONGSHEET was covered by BAHAMIAN BOUNTY last Sunday, so am hoping she got in foal - if she does, it will be nice to have a March foal....