Bloodstock News 2010

Good news to see the first Racing Post Yearling Bonus has been won by owners of Gay Kelleway's. They bought their filly for £5,000, have now won £10,000 plus the prize money, so must be quids in, which hopefully will encourage others to get involved in racehorse ownership. At Gay will ensure the whole concept gets as much publicity as possible and of course, the RP will puff off about it too, so that's good!
Gay was present at Lingfield today with the owners and her website designer, who I'm sure will do a super piece on it... the owners are two first-timers, and the other who'd been only in a club or extended syndicate before. I just hope they don't think it's going to always be this easy! Filly did it well, won by a handy margin.
Looked like a run of the mill fillies maiden to me. The Racing Post are driving it down or throats as best they can but I just dont get it.
I'm sure the owners are ecstatic, 'run of the mill' race or not. When one has a winner, one doesn't think 'oh that was a crap race so doesn't mean anything'.
I'm sure the owners are ecstatic, 'run of the mill' race or not. When one has a winner, one doesn't think 'oh that was a crap race so doesn't mean anything'.

so its suddenly now all about the owners? I wiser person once told me that within the game owners are considers lambs to slaughter.
Hard to know what to make of it, Sheikh. The article I read in yesterday's Sunday Times made reference to a 'culture' of bullying prevalent within the stud, but only went on to detail cases in relation to Clarke.

Very interesting to read that he was under investigation at the time of his departure.
Re the Kelleway win: the filly picked up a £10,000 bonus, so that's why they're ecstatic! Dom... why, I'm not sure I know what you mean! :whistle:
There's a fund of approximately 2.6 million quid for distribution to various races throughout the year for 2yo this year and next year, will include 3yo races also.

It was done to try and prop up the sales last year, as breeders contributed £500 to the fund, matched (I think) by owners at the end of the year or beginning of this. All fully paid up foals of 2008 are eligible to win additional prize money of £10,000 on various races both here and in Ireland. The extra prize money is an incredible bonus to someone who's horse has just won a Class 5 race and basically, will go a long way towards the training fees.

Several trainers when the scheme was first mooted were very pro the idea and, in fact, Gay was one of them and said she wouldn't buy a yearling that wasn't eligible, I believe.

All my yearlings were paid up and our breezer colt is paid up to the Breezer Bonus Scheme too. However, I know one owner of one of the yearlings didn't pay up, which is annoying but their choice.
Hard to know what to make of it, Sheikh. The article I read in yesterday's Sunday Times made reference to a 'culture' of bullying prevalent within the stud, but only went on to detail cases in relation to Clarke.

Very interesting to read that he was under investigation at the time of his departure.

I wonder with so many of the people working there having other thoroughbred interests does it require ruling with an iron fist. Obviously porking the staff is not required but I would doubt the absolute conviction of the employees to run the place to its utmost potential when they are probably running an organisation that is in competition with their own interests..................or is he just a bollix

It would seem like a lot of cases for a place of that size.

Or a soft touch perhaps ?
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Does anyone know if its been announced what stallion Ouija Board will be going to this year?

dunno. I haven't seen anything, but wasn't there some talk about matching her up to Sea The Stars at some point? Her latest foal (third), as you probably know, was a filly by Galileo.
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Thanks steve, yes I read about the filly but thought it a little odd that they didn't say who she was going to next, read just about any article where a mare has given birth & the stallion who is next on the list is mentioned!

I think she had the filly on 24th Feb so realisticly what would be the latest date she could be mated this year?