Breeder's Cup

No, dear, you can't. You are relating far too closely with horses, I think. You = human. SYT = horse. You cannot try to go hurdling against horses. They will simply mash you and embarrass your family.
I'm not really seeing this Reet tbh

he looks a bull of a galloper to me and i'm not surprised he was tried over further than 10f before.

He doesn't have speed for a mile imo..his battling strength is at he showed against the filly in Ireland..she was on top form that day and he grinded her down

just because a horse gets beaten doesn't mean you have to keep trying new trips..sometimes it just means that you are getting beat by better horses on the day.

I hear what you're saying EC, but that was his first race for 2 months, and there's little doubt that Snow Fairy was unlucky not to reverse the form given a stiffer test at Ascot.
Considering 5 others beat him home last night, I'd doubt that all are better horses. My personal opinion is he's better than he's shown so far, and I hope he sticks around long enough to prove it.