
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
I've republished this on Kindle just now and will run a 5 day-free promotion, the best things in life are free I hope.

I'll stick a link to it on here for anyone who fancies it.:)
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Fair dues Marb.

Reminds me of an author I like very much, Antonin Artaud. He spent many years in asylums undergoing electroshock therapy. His letters from Rodez are very beautiful, though very sad/
Caught some of May at PMQs today. Ok she's up against a retard but this is looking like the job she was born for.
I thought the "Remind him of anybody?" line was quite clever............though it did look somewhat staged (as PMQ's has tended to do over the last couple of decades).

She has something about her though. It's early-days yet, but so far, she has looked thoroughly Prime Ministerial; in both her actions and presentation-style.
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Bit of a penalty kick but she was good and as someone pointed out there was a bit of Thatcher about her: the lowering of her voice and poised leaning on the despatch box. The little exhalation of breath at the end did suggest she found it something of an ordeal but that's only to be expected on a debut

I have high hopes for her and her team; but as mentioned earlier we have no option but to wish them well

Still to formulate an opinion of Owen Smith. Being Welsh one can forgive him the loquacious windbaggery that seems to have been all that's emanated so far: 'progressive' policies please Owen
Having watched most of PM's questions for the last 12 months...Corbyn regularly got his arse handed to him by Cameron..May did the same today..i've never seen him "win" one.

Corbyn only has one retort..i've got a large had a large mandate months ago..5 minutes is a long time in politics...never mind months... even those in his camp can see what a totally usless job he has done..if he been a football manager he would have gone months managers get large mandates..large mandates mean fook all if you are useless

I don't think i have ever seen anyone so far out of his depth in a job tbh..anyone supporting him to be PM needs their head looking at imo. If the far lefties keep him as leader then Labour have done as far as winning an election is concerned for another 20 years

What i'd like to know is why none of the big hitters have had the balls to stand against him..Benn..Tristram HUnt chukka...and Dan Jarvis are yellow backs imo for letting a light weight take the job on..i think Eagle was the right one of the two..but wtf are those that will be critising Corbyn the most as in the above 4 named doing shitting in the pot and ducking it.

Corbyn will be seen as bringing the party down..which he will have..but the above 4 named also play a part by standing on the sidelines.
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Welcome back. I assume you have been on or some other Flattie-infested corner of virtual Hell, these last 2-3 months?


Agree with all that but it actually has to be considered that it could actually be physically dangerous to stand against him and his mob now.
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sorry Clive,,but one of those 4 should have been the it stands..Corbyn will win..then they are fooked royally

its such a bizarre carry on..if it were a film you'd say it were too far fetched
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I reckon those mentioned are biding their time.

If Corbyn wins again, I think there is an SDP2 possibly in the offing.
its about time some of these making threats were made known..and let them have a visit themselves one night about midnight...they must know who these people are in this day and age with all the monitoring we are led to believe is happening
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I reckon those mentioned are biding their time.

If Corbyn wins again, I think there is an SDP2 possibly in the offing.

i could understand biding time if it were an ordinary person leading the party now..a caretaker..the problem with the biding timers is its not a caretaker in there..its someone who will wreck the party..there won't be owt left to bide over...if labour splits then neither side of teh split will see power for years..if ever..they will both be unable to gain power

on a thread on here after they elected him..i said then he would split the party..a la SDP..its definately on the cards..but its not a great option for Corbyn or the splitters imo

they needed a strong challenge right now..instead they let a lightweight take him on..cowardly..and ill judged imo...does anyone think he will beat Corbyn?..i don't.
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sorry Clive,,but one of those 4 should have been the it stands..Corbyn will win..then they are fooked royally

its such a bizarre carry on..if it were a film you'd say it were too far fetched

the membership is now just about every thick headed trot in the country now. They couldn't win whilst the rules are as they are. Corbin is a certainty now to win the vote and no matter how badly he performs it will make no difference because to these morons he is "the glorious leader". Look at the membership polls. These are people who actually do not want power and least of all compromise. In their eyes you and others are scum Red Tories. Worse than jews

It makes no difference Ec. the party is gone. it was in effect a near planned take over as is much of the intimidation too. Why else was "momentum"created?

this is the biggest change in uk party politics in my lifetime.

its finished.
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yes its militant all over again..only this time..momentum have the whip hand

aye i've seen them Clive at first Tony Benn meetings in the 80's here in Chesterfield....they leech on to people like Benn and Corbyn..funnily never see them in a queue to pay their rates

i can't see a good outcome for Labour now..which is bad news becasue it will be good news for such as UKIP..a disaster..where is the opposition going to come from?..and we never needed a good oppo like we do now
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i could understand biding time if it were an ordinary person leading the party now..a caretaker..the problem with the biding timers is its not a caretaker in there..its someone who will wreck the party..there won't be owt left to bide over...if labour splits then neither side of teh split will see power for years..if ever..they will both be unable to gain power

on a thread on here after they elected him..i said then he would split the party..a la SDP..its definately on the cards..but its not a great option for Corbyn or the splitters imo

they needed a strong challenge right now..instead they let a lightweight take him on..cowardly..and ill judged imo...does anyone think he will beat Corbyn?..i don't.

They're not biding their time to take over. They're biding their time to see if the Labour Party is something they want to continue to be a part of.
They're not biding their time to take over. They're biding their time to see if the Labour Party is something they want to continue to be a part of.

not according to what some of those opposed to Corbyn have been saying over the last few weeks though....the opinion i've heard is that whatever Corbyn goes forward with won't be classed as labour by the MP's that oppose will be him and any MP's that go with basically they will have their party conference in a telephone box..but they won't be classed at Labour..probably best just to call themselves Momentum

I doubt anyone biding time could bank on anything re what is going to happen..its not biding imo..its cowardly standing back and letting a lightweight fight your battle...and thats now what this is

the vast majority of Labour MP's left..will still be labour in their views...obviously that will be all up in the air as Corbyn will say he is the true Labour party and anyone that breaks away won't be..a right mess whatever was best get rid of him at this go..or at least put a viable candidate..because when he wins this **** up of a leader election.....its curtains for the party imo. They had two candidates..i thought Eagle was the obvious pick..but as usual with Labour these days..they go the wrong way..big mistake not going with Eagle...even bigger mistake the heavier weights sitting back

it might be a bit like a 70's band where two members fall out..and you end up with two groups called the same thing:)..wishbone ash comes to mind..whatever it is...both new parties won't be seeing biding your time to be permantly in opposition don't look too smart to me

i think those that have stood back are very foolish...nothing clever about letting Corbyn win least give him some proper oppo

it was same when Corbyn won the leadership..those that stood back were supposedly shrewd..supposedly biding time...look how thats worked out
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I simply cannot see how a split can be avoided. The real question now is who's party is it? Who had the right to the name? Who is the official opposition party?
that will be the next edition in this catastrophy for labour Clive takes them 6 months to decide which shoes they are wearing each deciding who will get the Labour name will run and run

technically..if Corbyn stands his ground..then anyone breaking away would be the ones who would need a new name you would think....but unlike with the looks like most of the MPs will break away..not just 4

like i said above though..that question has been put to a few MP's over the last few weeks..and the answer will be Corbyn + co..that is a breakaway..not us
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If you want to know why its a waste of time standing against him, read dan hodges blog. Hes a labour supporter who has been a little more optimistic about the possibility of Corbyn being toppled (he actually hates him though and regards him as nasty piece of work)^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

if having a challenge was such a waste of time..then they might as well have just got together..and broke away..all the leadership election is doing is extending the pain for a month or two

i get the impression that most labour mps are pretty spineless..its..oh i don't want corbyn..but what are we going to do..oh yes..lets have a token challenge..just pointless