
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Wish Clivex was still here, so he could held to account for his hopelessly optimistic (some may say utterly fu*cking useless) predictions, as to how it would play-out.

Maybe this dig in-absentia will flush him out of the shadows? :ninja:
Cant you weigh this up

Airbus is committed for the next 15 years . It will clearly be 20 before they can do anything, if they do anything at all which they have made very clear, they have no idea about.

it's a total non story

Nostradamus doesn’t have a look-in.
He's just made a somewhat snide reference to TH on TRF, on 'what does ITV mean' thread, so feel sure your Airbus post has needled him

Shame he hasn’t popped back up, Drone. There’s no better man for staunchly defending an indefensible position, in the face of overwhelming evidence which repudiates his argument.

I genuinely miss such pointless exchanges.
Scotland, I have read, would have to renegotiate their membership as a separate entity, so who knows what that might cost in terms of monetary and other terms.
I don’t think there would be any cast-iron guarantees about Scotland’s re-entry to the EU, but I do think that an application would be viewed very favourably, given Scotland would have been extracted from the EU, entirely against its will. It is a wholly different dynamic to a new country requesting to join the Union, and I’d like to think it would be viewed in that light, in other European capitals.

If Brexit comes to pass, the United Kingdom is finished anyway. England are effectively stripping every Scot of their European citizenship (and all the benefits that are derived from it) - something which is an order of magnitude greater in terms of the outrage it has generated up here, then using Scotland as a testing ground for the Poll Tax, for the example.

We, like many in England, can see the writing on the post-Brexit wall, and there is absolutely zero appetite to go down, tethered to the Little Englander ship. As our World Cup record has shown over the years, we are perfectly capable of spectacular failure all by ourselves, thanks very much.
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The TH poll was Stay 27 Leave 20. Presumably these votes were cast before the referendum

Would it be possible to have a new poll to see how that 47 - and others - would vote now?
Six years to the day since the vote.

Almost 2 years since we 'left' left.

Some of the arguments on this thread have proven accurate - others less so (some of mine included).

Several Member casualties along the way.

Grass's considered analysis: Brexit is an even bigger shi*tshow than I feared, and the Tories are even more right-wing than I ever thought possible.

Can an Irish person please adopt me.
:D Tory right continues to believe we can show those Johnny foreigners a thing or two despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Interesting, the Tories have stolen Labour’s clothes with all the Covid and energy costs handouts and borrowed (printed) shed loads of money much to the chagrin of the same Tory right.
We were in Middleham on referendum voting day, having done a postal vote ( which we handed in to make sure it was counted). The memory of that night, lying awake watching the results coming in is still fresh in my memory. We drove past flags and placards throughout Yorkshire saying we want our country back. I can’t remember anything more divisive in my lifetime. I’m still not aware of any brexit benefits. I think anyone that voted leave should waive their right to any sort of dual nationality because it’s imo grossly unfair!