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Cartoons Of The Prophet Muhammad

Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Feb 3 2006, 07:43 PM
Gareth your so correct mate in what you say!! When they offer themselves to die, its for their maker!! This guy MUHAMMAD....

ALLAH in their eyes and they then kill ex number of innocent Jews or innocent ordinary people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time...

I really think as stated earlier! Its a bubble just waiting to burst in my estimation :o

Colin yes I agree, most threads can be very interesting given the right treatment by all..... ;)
Oh dear, here we go again.

Firstly, Muslims do not believe that Muhammad is their maker, neither is he Allah (God). Muhammad is a prophet and a very holy man, but a human being. Among the other prophets honoured in Islam are Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Lot, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, Ezekiel, David, Solomon, Elias, Elisha, Jonah, Zachariah, John and Jesus. You may be familiar with a few of those.

But it's the "they" in such postings to which I object most frequently - there are approvimately 1,565,750,000 Muslims in the world. How many of them do you think want to kill people?

I choose not to be a believer in any faith, though I have done some studying of comparative religions and if I were forced to choose then Buddhism would be high on the list. I do accept everyone's right to believe and have difficulty in understanding how people can lump billions of people from all over the world into one category. It's my very firm view that most people want the best life possible for themselves and their families and to get on with their fellow man. And that's whether they are Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Muslim, Hindu or believers in any other deity (or none).

The shame of it is that the condemnation of the many for the evil doings of the few fuels the fires that leads the evil ones to continue in their ways.
Merlin, it may interest you to know that the frequent, lengthy, nasty wars between Britain and France were conducted by committed Christians. That the 'Crusades' comes from the word 'cross' and that the crusaders mangled as many Muslims as they could. If you knew even the tiniest jot of history, you'd know that what's going on today is a tiny dot on the landscape of not just centuries, but two millennia of religious intolerance - including Muslim vs Muslim, Christian vs Christian, on and on, to the shame of all.
Firstly, if muslims are not supposed to look at images of Mohammed, how could they have recognised him in the cartoons?

Secondly, from what I've heard, the main criticism which non-believers make of Mohammed, i.e his marriage to a six year old child and the subsequent raping of her when she was nine, was not alluded to in any of the cartoons.
One thing i find a great deal more offensive than these cartoons is the Iranian holocaust deniers conference
JON I think your missing the point? I have not viewed these cartoons either! and to be quite honest would not want to, I am an atheist or non practising Christian, although christened a rock cake but never carried on the faith.....that’s my religious point out of the way.....

These people of the low countries & Norway displayed these cartoons in their own newspapers (from the little I know about the case as I have already stated in previous threads) not a rag in downtown Ramallah....... so are these people going to stop free speech throughout this world and is everything going to revolve around them then? Will you have to consult with these people about anything you want to talk about?............ :o

There’s a thing called taking something too far, this is classical of that in my opinion........

p.s. I do not want to get involved in a religious argument or debate as I need to go to sleep tonight not tomorrow night…………. :angry:

Please send me a BNP entry form tonight!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

What about this guy too that’s very contentious as well, putting the guy on trial for pointing out to people of this land what’s actually or really happening in the U/K..

Another to be abstained from owing to its implications……….. :angry:
Old hat, Venusian. It was never proved that one of Muhammad's MANY wives (his first wife being 15 years older than him) was as young as nine. Scholars can't be sure of her exact age (any more than they're sure of anyone's exact age from that time), but given that she did not resist the union, was apparently extremely intelligent and supportive to Muhammad, it would seem she could well have been older.

Not that marrying the old to the young was - and still is - unknown in the Middle East and elsewhere, or that sex, legal, consensual, or not, between the very old and the much younger wasn't practised. Witness Genesis 16:1-16, where you can check up on the cavortings of prophet Abraham. In case you don't want to be bothered to look his expoits up, I can remind you that he 'lay with' a young maiden of his own wife's - without marrying the girl, thus committing adultery. His age at the time? 86. God-blessed great prophet, or dirty old lecher? You choose.

If you want to reject Muhammad as a suitable prophet due to marrying a very young girl when he was 50, then you'd better ditch the Bible in its entirety - both Old and New Testaments - since both books sing Abraham's praises as a great person.
Homer - sorry, that's going too far on here. If you want to practise your hatred, do it in public, outside Whitehall, okay? I've deleted your posting, and you know why.

Merlin, please go ahead and join the BNP if you aren't already a member. They need more people like you.
Originally posted by krizon@Feb 3 2006, 11:05 PM
Homer - sorry, that's going too far on here. If you want to practise your hatred, do it in public, outside Whitehall, okay? I've deleted your posting, and you know why.

I didn't think it was that bad but fair enough. It isn't hatred I was expressing but utter contempt.
Yes, the Muslims and their supporters waving those hate-filled placards will do nothing but harm to their cause, but defiling holy books isn't the answer to making amends! More moderate Muslims have shooed them away from their offices and mosques into the streets, where, thanks to our democracy (which they're vehemently denouncing, I see) they can wave them around to their hearts' content. I would, of course, recommend the worst be rounded up, charged with inciting unlawful acts, and, where possible, deported to wherever they'd prefer to be!
Two moderators - one posting? How did that happen ?

I am beginning to change my mind about glorifying terrorism offences after yesterday's demonstration by extreme elements from Regent's Park mosque.Islam's problem is that the behaviour of these hotheads gives an impression of a religion that is far from the wicked evil faith that the BNP describes it to be .

Then again , as Neil Addison pointed out on Radio 4 imagine the outcry if what Dr Sacranie said about gays and civil partnerships had been said about Muslims .

You can't have it both ways .
Originally posted by Ardross@Feb 4 2006, 09:53 AM
Two moderators - one posting? How did that happen ?

I don't understand the question. Euronymous put up one of the controversial (and unfunny) cartoons. I, the well-known non-deleter, deleted it because I didn't want Col to have any repercussions.
I see - Krizon had deleted a posting of Homer's to which PDJ seemed to be referring.
From what I've read elsewhere there's been a swing to the far right in Denmark and the cartoons were carried by right wing press. IF that's the case, imagine it from the hypothetical situation where it was the BNP who had a sizeable vote in the UK and some sympathisers in the British press put up the cartoons. The BNP would be loving the fact that the muslims had played right into their hands but, I'd like to think that most of us would not be playing their game and judging all muslims based on the reaction of a minority.
Originally posted by BrianH+Feb 4 2006, 10:04 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BrianH @ Feb 4 2006, 10:04 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Ardross@Feb 4 2006, 09:53 AM
Two moderators - one posting? How did that happen ?

I don't understand the question. Euronymous put up one of the controversial (and unfunny) cartoons. I, the well-known non-deleter, deleted it because I didn't want Col to have any repercussions. [/b][/quote]
Fair enough, but you also deleted this

I`d have more sympathy for a people whose faith has been made fun of if they weren`t so hypocritical. Cartoons like these are a regualr staple of Arabian newspapers and magazines.
Sh1t, i uploaded the wrong one. This is the one i meant...it appeared in a Saudi Arabian paper in november

Showed a swastika imposed on a Star of David
This is deeply depressing to see - the original cartoons were published on September 30th and some sort of agreement was reached at the time. Then they were reprinted presumably as some sort of deliberate provocation and the Arab world in general duly took the bait, out came the lunatic fringe and voila, a clash of civilisations is duly created with each side seemingly incapable of comprehending the other's point of view.

There have been pictorial representations of Muhammed for several centuries in European works which haven't caused outrage (16th centuries representations from a Middle Eastern ms are on display in the Chester Beatty in Dublin) but this fearsome overreaction from the Middle East has implied that a similar gap in comprehension exists between Muslim Europeans and Christian and secular Europeans. This is a small issue which points at a much bigger problem. Europe seems very united over this and at the same time very divided from some of its inhabitants. This type of scenario is going to be played out over and over again in the next few years - interesting times indeed.
Euronymous now everyone has had a chance to see it I am deleting that swastika poster - it makes my blood boil everytime I see it
Apparently Euronymous has vastly different ideas about what is offensive than the rest of us. Very distasteful , again.