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Cartoons Of The Prophet Muhammad

As a Jew, it is more offensive to me than most. I put it up as an example of Arab hypocrosy...and also with the knowledge that a mod would...rightfully..delete it eventually.

PDJ spends too much time on this forum trying to score points.
I just voted yes in this pole on sky news but was surprised to see the percentage who has voted in the affirmative................. :o :P :o

p.s. I have still not seen them ................ :rolleyes:

Cartoon row: Should UK media publish them?
Yes 73.45% (42,708 votes)
No 26.54% (15,430 votes)
Total: 58,138

Expires: 07 Feb 2006
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Euronymous - you cannot be serious about religious hypocrisy? :lol: :lol: You just found that eternal truth out? Whaddya think, The Big Three tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth the whole time? Religion is politics, and in some countries, politics is also religion. Try to enter into the spirit of things, dearie - all of this is theatre, always has been, and will be until one day, in a galaxy far, far, away, none of these myths and legends will be remembered, and beings will actually be quite nice to each other.

And shouldn't that read, as it did only a day or so ago, "as a lapsed Jew"? I wasn't aware that as a Jew you were actually permitted to lapse, so you're clearly not Orthodox, or you wouldn't be anywhere within 5 furlongs of a racing/betting site! (Gambling being a major proscription, etc., which you do have in common with the adherents of Islam.) You either is, or you ain't. I don't see how you can be puffed up with self-righteousness 'as a Jew' one day, and a 'lapsed Jew' another. You're either practising and believing, or you're as nothing. (The same for all 'lapsed' Christians, and 'lapsed' Sufis - if you're not practising your religion, you're not following its doctrines.)
Rubbish krizon

Jews are recognised as a race as well as believers in a religion . Many of those who died in Auschwitz and elsewhere were non-believing Jews . Hitler didn't get them to do exams on their belief it was their racial origin that he used to murder millions of them . Israel is a secular state and has a very large proportion of its population who do not follow the edicts of the religion and who are driven barmy by their own ultra Orthodox fellow citizens.

They didn't cease to be Jews just because they do not believe.

I think your posting is out of order.
So, Merlin, in the interests of free speech for all, and no censorship, you'd be perfectly happy to be called an idiotic, ignorant fool who is damned to rot in hell forever because you don't believe in and follow the teachings of Christ?
ARDROSS: It's not out of order at all - people who live in Israel are Israelis, and guess what? Some are Arab by ethnicity, but nonetheless Israeli, and Muslim! Some are Israeli and - gasp! - CHRISTIAN! :o (True, a small minority, but not all Israelis are Jews, and not all Jews are Israelis.)

You have this obsession with Jews and the Nazis. The Jews which I've just detailed in another thread were Iberian Jews (persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition). They didn't 'come from' Palestine - they had been living in Spain for ages. The Jews persecuted by the Roman Inquisitors weren't 'Israeli' Jews - they were Jews who happened to be born within either of the two non-Papal regions, or in the Papal States, of the time -there being no unified 'Italy' at the time of the persecutions. Why on earth do you think people call themselves American Jews, French Jews, German Jews, etc.? It IS their religion. Euro has called himself a 'lapsed Jew' when posting on one hand, and 'a Jew' when posting on another. I don't think you can dip in and out of a religion to suit your opinion of the day. You aren't one minute a 'lapsed' Catholic when you aren't following the doctrines of the Church, then suddenly 'a Catholic' when you want to defend its past actions.

I think your stance is illogical.
To be fair Kri, Ardross is right about the race. Judaism is a race as well as a religion. Therefore you can't 'stop' being a Jew anymore than you can 'stop' being English, or Arabic, or Persian! It was one of the basics we learnt in fist year RE lessons - the Jews are not only a religious group, they are a race.
I disagree. Race is a genetic distinction, and refers to people with shared ancestry and shared genetic traits, doesn't it? You can't change your race; it's in your DNA. I could never become black or Asian no matter how much I might want to. I could become Jewish though.
With respect your posting in reply is even more rubbish than your first .

SL is spot on . The Jews milled out across Europe , known as the " diaspora" . They are recognised as a race although they may have originally shared a religious belief . The same applies to Sikhs . It is why both groups are protected by race relations legislation when other religious beliefs are not and have to rely on religious belief .

You can't stop being Jewish by not believing . The fact that Jews also identify with the country where they live and have nationality is neither here nor there . You are confusing nationality with racial origin .

PDJ - just because you can become Jewish ( in essence be treated as if you were of Jewish ancestry by your belief) by what is a difficult conversion process doesn't mean that it applies the other way . Jews whose Jewishness is by birth and background can't lose that Jewishness by stopping believing .

Euronymous thus may be a non-observant Jew but as he says he is Jewish nonetheless.

Anti-semitism does not differentiate .
Thangggyew.... if I married a Jewish man, I could take his faith. I would then be an English Jewess, which would in no way affect my ethnicity, only my faith.

JEW: a person of HEBREW descent OR religion; an ISRAELITE; Jewish: of the Jews OR their religion.

SEMITE: a member of any of the peoples said to be descended from Shem, OR speaking a Semitic language. SEMITIC LANGUAGES: Assyrian, Aramaean, Hebrew, Phoenician, ARABIC, Ethiopic, etc.

ISRAELITE: a descendant of Israel or Jacob; a Jew; one of the elect; a member of a Christian sect that observes Jewish law.

(Chambers Dictionary)

Clearer now?
A person of Hebrew descent OR their religion - Get it !

Thus a Jewish person by descent is still Jewish whether like one of my friends they are an atheist too .

Accordingly , to say to a Jewish person that
You're either practising and believing, or you're as nothing.
is grossly offensive .
May I go on to point out that the much bandied-about phrase 'anti-Semitic', almost now solely used re. anti-Jewish/anti-Israeli activities, embraces anti-Arab ones, too, since they are also Semitic people? Thus any cartoons against Muslim Arabs are by definition also anti-Semitic.

SIKH: one of a North Indian monotheistic sect, founded by Nanak (1469-1538) - later a military confederacy. Therefore, first and foremost Sikhs are Indians. The sect (faith) is Sikhism.
Absolutely, Ardross! As in the Jews (if I recall my early biblical studies correctly ) are descendants of Israel, and they settled in Canaan after being a nomadic people for so long. I lose the plot afterwards (ie whether Palestine came first, or Israel, or which one was the Canaan originally occupied by the Jews, etc) but I do know that this is why the Jews are a race - they are descendants of the Canaanites [or more specifically, descendants of Israel].

Except, obviously, those who have converted to, or adopted Judaism - but then that is true of all races. I could emigrate to China, become a naturalised Chinaman & have perfectly white children who would be Chinese - there are always exceptions to the rule that of you are a race you HAVE to be descended from the original forbears of that country.

We were taught about Judaism being a race in very early days of RE lessons - in fact if I remember correctly, it was a favourite catch-you-out exam question!
Clear as mud, eh? I know what I mean though!! :lol:
"You are as nothing" - in terms of speaking as a Jew on the subject we were discussing - Cartoons of The Prophet Muhammad - note the context, Ardross. And, sorry, both my Mother and I have friends who consider themselves, through personal choice, totally out of the frame in observing any Jewish rituals or observing Judaism's various edicts - they are English born and bred, and have decided that they are NOT Jews. They are vehemently anti-Zionist, to boot. Try telling them that they are Jews because you insist that they are!
I remain to be convinced that such thing as a Jewish race still exists, or ever did.