Euronymous - you cannot be serious about religious hypocrisy? :lol: :lol: You just found that eternal truth out? Whaddya think, The Big Three tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth the whole time? Religion is politics, and in some countries, politics is also religion. Try to enter into the spirit of things, dearie - all of this is theatre, always has been, and will be until one day, in a galaxy far, far, away, none of these myths and legends will be remembered, and beings will actually be quite nice to each other.
And shouldn't that read, as it did only a day or so ago, "as a lapsed Jew"? I wasn't aware that as a Jew you were actually permitted to lapse, so you're clearly not Orthodox, or you wouldn't be anywhere within 5 furlongs of a racing/betting site! (Gambling being a major proscription, etc., which you do have in common with the adherents of Islam.) You either is, or you ain't. I don't see how you can be puffed up with self-righteousness 'as a Jew' one day, and a 'lapsed Jew' another. You're either practising and believing, or you're as nothing. (The same for all 'lapsed' Christians, and 'lapsed' Sufis - if you're not practising your religion, you're not following its doctrines.)