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Celebrity Big Brother.

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The lack of publicity over Jacksons "white trash" comment simply reinforces the bizarre general view in this country that you cannot be racist if you're black, only if you're white.

It's wrong.
I have edited Stav's post Betsmate to replace the offensive adjective with white . Rather than delete it.
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Jan 20 2007, 08:18 PM
Congratulations on proving Godwin's Law once again, clive!

It's true though isn't it? It's actually amazing how many times people seem to use it as a point of reference
Been watching tonights highlights show, and I would've thought that with all Jades money Jack could've bought a pair of jeans that actually fit properly.
It`s called fashion Griff. When i was in my early 20`s it took me half an hour to get mine on they were so tight. How times change.
The other day I watched a program about the Birmingham mosque.
The people in that programme were about 10 million times more racist than Jade Goody, but have they made headline news for the last week? no of course not.

Put me down as 100% in agreement with Stav.
Lads, Jermaine Jackson's white trash quote was taken out of context,

He actually pointed out that she was conforming to a stereotype of what people often refer to as 'white trash'

Don't make it out like he said: "Jade is white trash"

It was nothing of the sort.......but hey.....don't let what actually happened get in the way of a lame comeback.
Jade Goody reported on teletext as admitting to racist bullying :lol: Oh Channel 4 and Endamol must be thanking her for that one :lol:
Originally posted by Bobbyjo@Jan 20 2007, 11:14 PM
Lads, Jermaine Jackson's white trash quote was taken out of context,

He actually pointed out that she was conforming to a stereotype of what people often refer to as 'white trash'

Don't make it out like he said: "Jade is white trash"

It was nothing of the sort.......but hey.....don't let what actually happened get in the way of a lame comeback.
Actually, Bobbyjo, people don't refer to this stereotype as "white trash"......black people do.

The general, non-racist term is "trailer trash".

What colour has to do with it, I do not know. Jackson seemed to think it was relevant though :brows:
As you're such an expert on the matter, perhaps you could explain why he didn't simply say "trailer trash"?
I'd recognise and use the term white trash rather than trailer trash where appropriate, and I'm "white", does that make me racist?
No - just like a black man calling another black man a 'nigga' is not racist, but a white man calling him that would be.
I understand that I dont know any of the contributors to this thread personally, and I could be way out here. The impression that I get is that there are plenty of middle class white individuals who would love to believe they are the victim of racism, only that the minorties have the bigger lobby.

I'm sorry if that opinion offends, but its what I see here.
Any of the "white middle classes" here identify themselves with "white trash" goody etc?

If not...which i suspect might be the case...hard to see how they (or we) think we are victims of the racism discussed above

Maybe we just dislike hypocrites. or those that say a little selective bigotry is fine provided that i dislike the victim too

good point Ted. But unlike CBB it was not a total suprise and therefore not news perhaps
Your opinion doesn't offend me in the slightest, Garney - I'm white but am certainly not 'middle-class'.

The thing is, the minorities do have the bigger lobby. Is that fair?

As Ted has said, there were some people inside that mosque who are truly horrifically racist towards non-muslims, yet I can't recall any worldwide headlines displaying outrage? Of course it was reported but nothing like the sensationalism we are seeing here.

So on one hand we have Jade, a moronic imbecile who happens to call an Indian woman she fell out with "Shilpa Poppadum" and mimic her accent, and uttered a few ignorant and uneducated comments about the way of life in India.....and on the other hand we have a group of blokes preaching that they want innocent people who don't conform to their beliefs and religion to die horribly.

One of these instances has caused uproar around the world, burning effigies in India and people just as ignorant and stupid as Goody herself stating that she is representative of the average white Briton.

The other must be acceptable behaviour, I guess.

Channel 4 has done us all a great service this week in exposing the vile racism and hatred which lurks within British society.

The camera has laid bare the vicious enmity which so many of our fellow citizens harbour towards those of different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs.

But, no, I'm not talking about Big Brother, I'm referring to Dispatches, which was broadcast on Monday night.

Secret filming of incendiary sermons at some of Britain's leading 'moderate' mosques reinforced the findings of Sue Reid's investigation in last Saturday's Daily Mail into Islamic rabble-rousing in the Home Counties.

It would be sloppy shorthand to describe the revelations as 'shocking'. Alarming, maybe, but not much of a shock.

This documentary only served to confirm what many of us have long taken as read - namely that what is preached inside a substantial number of Muslim places of worship in Britain is diametrically opposed to what 'community leaders' say for public consumption.

Over four months, Dispatches recorded an assortment of mad mullahs calling for 'jihad' (holy war) against the 'kuffaar' (unbelievers).

Muslims are urged to hit women who refuse to wear the hijab, kill homosexuals, reject British law and democracy and set up in this country an Islamic state within a state.

Praise is lavished on those who kill British soldiers, particularly the Taliban. "The hero of Islam is the one who separated his head from his shoulder," screams one imam at the Sparkbrook mosque, in Birmingham, which has been hailed by Tony Blair for its contribution to its "multi-faith and multicultural activities".

The unrelenting message is one of Muslim world domination and denigration of 'infidels'. At the nearby Green Lane mosque, Channel 4' s undercover reporter was directed to a secret website where the popular convert Abu Assama preaches that Jews and Christians are the enemy of Islam and it is the duty of all Muslims to fight them.

Green Lane mosque, bankrolled by Saudi Arabia, is the headquarters of the radical organisation Markali Jamat Ahi-Hadith, which is affiliated to the 'moderate' Muslim Council of Britain.

At the Regent's Park mosque, in London, as well as many others throughout Britain, DVDs disseminating the most disgusting slurs on the 'kuffaar' are on open sale.

Needless to say, the 'moderates' who run these mosques deny any knowledge of the preachers of hate and their violent propaganda, which almost exclusively follows the teachings of the extremist Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia.

They claim not to be able to control what is sold in their bookshops or what is said in their mosques or community halls, which are hired to a number of outside groups.

If they popped their heads round the door for 30 seconds they wouldn't be left in much doubt.

Can you imagine what would happen if a Conservative Club was regularly letting its function room to white supremacists?

A couple of weeks ago, after the Guardian had wasted seven months on an undercover investigation telling us - shock, horror! - that the BNP is pretty unpleasant, I wondered why neither they nor the rest of the so-called 'liberal' media ever bothered looking in to what goes on in Britain's mosques.

So Dispatches is to be congratulated on this exposé and its reporter on his bravery. If there were any justice, this programme would win a Bafta. But it won't.

The 'anti-racism' brigade aren't interested in these inconvenient truths about Islamic fanatics.

I looked in vain for any mention of this programme in the Guardian, or its mini-me, the Independent.

Nothing, nada, zilch.

Unless I missed something, it didn't even warrant a line on Channel 4 News, which immediately preceded Dispatches - even though cross-promotion is the lifeblood of any TV network.

Curiously, there have been no questions in the House, either.

Surely the police were investigating the Dispatches revelations with a view to bringing prosecutions for incitement to violence and racial hatred - especially against the backdrop of this week's London Transport terror trial.

Er, not as such.

Perhaps the Old Bill are too busy sifting through the e-mails about 'racism' on Big Brother.

In the normal course of events, I wouldn't even dignify this fatuous freak show with any comment. I've never seen it and have no intention of ever watching it.

I don't suppose Gordon Brown has seen it, either, any more than he listens to the Arctic Monkeys.

But that didn't stop him commenting on it, even though he hasn't said a word about the increase in mortgage rates, the Himalayan personal debt mountain or the highest inflation figures for 14 years - which are supposed to come within his area of competence.

Most MPs watch TV only when they're appearing on it. But still 24 of them have found the time to sign a Commons motion expressing outrage about what a pig in lipstick said to a Bollywood actress they'd never heard of.

Any opportunity to flaunt their 'anti-racist' credentials, while remaining blithely indifferent to the latest evidence of the very real threat Islamic fanaticism poses to the safety and security of our society.

For crying out loud. Channel 4 News, which completely ignored Dispatches, has been filling its boots with Big Brother 'racism'.

In India, where no one has seen it either, effigies of Big Brother's producers have been burnt in the street by an 'angry mob' of half a dozen layabouts from central casting rounded up for the benefit of the British TV cameras.

If you believe the hype, this is a rerun of the ridiculous Danish cartoons episode. Which it isn't.

I'm sure the overwhelming majority of the Indian people couldn't give a monkey's.

If anyone is to blame, it's Shilpa Shetty's agent, who should have watched a few old videos of Big Brother before pitching her into this mindless menagerie and exposing her to the high priestess of the slagocracy.

Still, it allows everyone to revel in their own self-righteousness and gives the Guardianistas the chance to lord their moral superiority over Britain's burgeoning underclass of 'white trash' (no racism, there, then).

We're told there have been more than 20,000 phone calls of complaint. I imagine every handset connected to the Endemol switchboard has been on speed dial.

The show might have lost its sponsor, but there'll be another one along in a minute.

Most depressing of all is that off the back of this artificial outrage, the viewing figures for Big Brother have risen to 5.7 million.

Meanwhile, Dispatches: Undercover Mosque attracted only 1.5 million viewers. It deserves a wider audience.

If you missed it, you can catch the programme again tonight - or rather in the early hours of tomorrow morning.

Set your Sky+ or video recorder for 3.30am - straight after Celebrity Big Brother Live.
The tone of this piece and the rag in which it is printed undermines the point of the Dispatches programme- a lot of people have been very worried about the infiltration of mosques for a very long time - in particular the lack of control over visiting imams largely from Pakistan - who are ill educated and self qualified.

Somehow , as it appears for the first time in the Mail on Sunday however they think it is only just happening now and nobody knows about it.

The idea that this sort of activity is not being monitored by Special Branch or the security services is naive in the extreme - they are hardly going to go on about doing it or it will go underground.
Spot on

its amazing how clear outright bigotry is being ignored by the left but actually being picked up by the right

The funniest thing is that the a section of the far left has hitched its bankrupt almost laughably failed ideaology onto a creed which despises the very commuinities they supposedly championed

Of course, what this tells us is that they are more obsessed with "thine enemies enemy" than the supposedly less fortunate in society.... Pathetic

And there is of course the buzz they get off the control and authoritinarism that that the extreme muslims thrive off.

No coincidence that the Iranian authorities flirted with the far right in germany
of course. All in the same bag
How very terrible for the MOS to highlight the genocidal intentions of a section of our society when they should of course be hammering Jade Goody for a remark or two
We've put one mad mullah in jail for several years, Clivex, and are in the process of seizing his properties to pay his £6m court fees. The police and security agencies have spent probably 100's of thousands of pounds in rounding up various suspects (for promoting religious intolerance, threats to kill, etc.) and many of those are in the process of going before the courts or being deported. If Britain didn't have a chaotically incompetent Home Office, these people could have been denied access to the country, or rounded-up and thrown out much earlier.

If we have government agencies and addled officials who don't know the difference between an illegal immigrant, a genuine asylum seeker, a dangerous ex-con from Uzbekhistan, the Ukraine, or Nigeria, and a madrassa-schooled, al-Queda trained extremist, you can hardly put the blame on 'society'!

We (that is, British society) has been very badly let down by a swamp of harebrained political correctness, from the ill-starred, forced, 'Care in the Community' decisions, which have seen terrible events on both sides of the issue (the attacks on the mentally unfit, and attacks on the public by them in turn); to the laxity at our various entranceways which allow inhumane gangmasters to exploit and cause the deaths of foreign workers; to the crippling of the Police with tons of quadruple-copy paperwork; to the disgraceful situations arising as I've described in the paragraph above.

If many people in Britain feel resentful or furious, they should aim their resentments and fury at the right target - the government officials who've let this country down in virtually all of its major social spheres. There will always be extremists, racists, conmen, gangsters, and people taking advantage of weak systems and weaker attitudes. That Britain is paying the price for these lapses in control and common sense is tragic. I'm not sure that a change of party will reverse the damage done, but change has got to come, and quickly, too. Perhaps if Reid's proposed splitting of the Home Office into more manageable portions is successful - and the incompetent deadwood thrown out quickly - we can get back on track. But when the headlines are goof after goof after goof, most of which are between enormously costly to downright dangerous to this country and its people, it's not a question of xenophobia to call to book whether the people being allowed in to Britain are actually good for Britain.

Years ago, you had to have the skills that Canada wanted, and $100,000 in your account, in order to be considered for residency. I don't know what the USA wants, or Australia, but some countries certainly had the right idea 20, 30 years ago about who they wanted to let in, and the TYPE (not the race) of person they didn't want. They didn't want unskilled or low-skilled litter-pickers and the broke, who'd be signing on for 'benefits' within a week. Good for them, I say. Why this country's so coy and twee about asking that incomers will REALLY benefit British society, I put firmly at the door of wishy-washy political correctness.

My own analogy to our 'official' stance on incomers seems to be like leaving both doors to your house open, with all your goodies on display, and letting anyone at all roam in and out at will. Yes, you MIGHT get someone who'll set to cooking a good meal (the skilled worker), but while they're peeling the spuds, someone's nicked the silver, another's set up a brothel in your bedroom, another one's dealing drugs from the back door, a religious fundie's burned the tv, and a small gang are breaking down your car to sell to Korea. Super-smashing-marvellous!
Im just watching Jade on BBLB on C4 atm, this is out of order now imo and has gone to far. She's getting it from all angles.

I genuinely think her tears are real.