Originally posted by Garney@Jan 20 2007, 05:58 PM
Lads, ye are not doing yereselves any favours in the arguement by pointing out the supposed racism in Mr Jackson's quote. The reality is, and you know the reality is, that its not how it works in the real world. The oppressed majority...doesnt really work.
I dont believe that Jade is racist in the BNP sense. My impression from her is one I'd say is pretty common throughout the world, she is the benign type of racist, the type who has it engrained for better or worse by society that being white is better. So without the intellegence to debate or argue, she uses race jokes in much the same way as fat jokes are used. Its not malicious just reverting to using stereotypes without having the intellegence to know how offensive they can be.
Like those who appreciated Mind Your Language etc way back when, and still say that it was only a bit of fun.
So, it seems the same people here are saying at the one side that she is a gormless bully who is essentially too stupid to be racist, but at the same time so intellegent that she is manouvering her future career without prompting from outside. I dont think Jade's defenders can have it both ways.
Long and short of it. She is an idiot that shouldnt have the publicity that she does. I'm guessing that there are plenty of girls with little enough going for them who would love to have Jade's life, and the sooner she is out of the papers and off the screens, the better for everyone.