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Celebrity Big Brother.

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I am not of the opinion that she is an intentional racist but she represents so many people in this country who think that phrases like "I am going to the Paki shop" are fine and dandy. Ignorance and stupidity combined with foot in mouth disease and a bullying nature make for a totally repellent person.
That's the conclusion I've come to Paul. What I think might have happened is that in the last 24 hours someone's explained to her what constitutes racial bullying etc and she's now conceeded that, that's what she was guilty of. A lot of people seem to labour under the delusion that you have to be quoting from the BNP manifesto to qualify, which isn't true of course.

Barbara Ellen writing in today's Observer is probably the closest thing I've seen committed to print yet that sums up my own feelings. More tellingly she puts Goody's "back to slums" out burst in the context I saw it as, (class, privledge and humility) and points the finger at the Lloyd-O'Meara axis as being the much more overtly racist.

Clearly Channel 4 are coming out of this very badly, and with Goody now blowing the main stay of Andy Duncan's defence out of the water, tomorrows board meeting might make for interesting viewing were they to extend the true spirit of the 'fly on the wall' broadcasting. Ch4 I think have sought to blame Goody, and she by contrast has now blown apart their defence. If it's apparent to Jade Goody that racial bullying was taking place, then Andy Duncan with all of his years of broadcasting experience and greater intelligence, is going to be hard pressed to say he didn't see anything. The Car Phone Warehouse spotted it for crying out loud.

David Putnam was interviewed on Ch4 on Friday, and didn't look to pleased to put it mildly. Although he refused to get drawn into it ahead of Mondays meeting it was reasonbly clear he held a strong opinion. Looking at some of the other names on Ch4's board I'm not sure Mr Duncan is going to be congratulated on a ratings coup tomorrow some how :lol:

I'm sure that if a transcript, broken down in context was ever produced, then Goody's mum, and Danielle Lloyd would be the two who would be in the dock, along with Andy Duncan. My gut reaction is that the latter might find himself seriously struggling tomorrow, as the search for scapegoat is definately on, although the press are quiet on the prospect.
Originally posted by The Pro@Jan 21 2007, 04:19 PM
Foot & Mouth disease, Are you calling her an ugly cow.

Umm how big of you.
I think it's a play on words Pro, suggest you re-read what Paul wrote, and not what you think he's put
I havnt devoted any of my time to this brain dead programme, but whilst at the shop this morning I saw a picture of Jade splattered across one of the papers. She looks an asolute mess, and i feel sorry for her husband/boyfroend having to service that every time she wants it. she is repulsive.
To be honest, I'd expect the spotlight to shift away from Goody a bit now, and turn on Ch4 in the next 48 hours
Whose hypocrisy, Shadz? I think we should be told... :confused:

Just going back a wee bit about name-calling, in South Africa the phrase 'poor whites' has been common for decades. It's the equivalent of America's 'cracker', 'po' white trash', and 'trailer trash' - while the latter doesn't signal race, it's generally aimed at whites too poor to own or rent a 'proper' home. In South Africa, it was primarily aimed at Afrikaaners by white South Africans of non-Boer origin (in other words, usually of British origin). While multiracial marriages are now happening and are generally welcomed (our family is happy to have its first South African Hindu), there used to be a nasty little insult thrown at any white people showing any form of friendship towards (let alone a romantic interest in) black South Africans. The term was 'kaffir lover', on a par with the USA's 'nigger lover', and was practised by mostly Afrikaaners against incoming, liberal-minded whites. So, as is said a few posts up, the notion that abuse is hurled only at other races is wrong - there's plenty of it to be had within a racial group.

Going back to BB - doesn't Ch.4 screen its participants for their attitudes towards certain issues, such as race/religious bias, gender, and so on? I'd have thought they would have done so, in order to avoid bringing down calumny on their own heads. If they didn't, it looks like a major goof not to have done so.
You're too sharp for me by far Aunty!! ;)

I think the person involved must have a good enough recollection of the oft-shouted comments involved that in my book most definitely constitute hypocrisy of the highest order where comments made here are concerned.....
Oh, no, per-leeeease... Jade and her two young sons are in a safe house in Essex, with a police guard, amid fears that she could be attacked in her home. The news item reports that she's 'constantly weeping' and on 'suicide watch' - er, yeah, with her boyfriend having told her she couldn't help being herself, because 'your'e thick', and flirting in the jacuzzi once she'd departed! Sounds like a perfect way to bring up a couple of kids.

Originally posted by krizon@Jan 22 2007, 05:54 PM
Oh, no, per-leeeease... Jade and her two young sons are in a safe house in Essex, with a police guard, amid fears that she could be attacked in her home. The news item reports that she's 'constantly weeping' and on 'suicide watch' - er, yeah, with her boyfriend having told her she couldn't help being herself, because 'your'e thick', and flirting in the jacuzzi once she'd departed! Sounds like a perfect way to bring up a couple of kids.
It might not be but come on you can tell Jade worships her kids and depite all thats gone on it does'nt make her a bad mum, although i know your not implying that.
Pro, I have to be honest and say I really don't know the first thing about Jade's mothering capacity. I am a cynic when it comes to so-called 'celebrities' who pick up and put down their children according to the availability of nannies, photo-shoot schedules, and spending what would've been weeks squirrelled away on a film set without them being able to be with you - at such a tender age.

Now that this last bit of publicity has backfired, the kids have to be hauled out of the home they know and subjected to a distressed, howling Mother (if that's to be believed, too) - probably on the mobile all day, shrieking to various people. I've no idea if she loves and cares for her children, Pro. I just would have thought twice before dumping them on someone before trying to make myself even richer on a locked-down set. Jade isn't a film star on a set where kids can stay in a luxurious trailer, or see Mum or Dad at the end of the day's shooting. She's apparently immensely wealthy, can hardly need the dosh, and I'd have thought that the kids would far prefer to have their Mummy than not. And yes, I'd have said the same about a Daddy of two very young kids, too, who'd done the same.
It would appear that some of Jade Goody's behaviour can be put down to anxiety due to being in the latter stages of pregnancy while in the house. She has, in fact just given birth to triplets.
