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Celebrity Big Brother.

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The makers of this shambles should hang their heads in shame at the apalling comments directed at Shipla. Cancel the show now.
Can't watch it. No interest in any of them.
Now if it was Michael Jackson, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham, Rebecca Loos, Simon Cowell, Prince Charles and Mohammed El Fayed, then they might have a ratings winner!!
Originally posted by The Pro+Jan 17 2007, 09:37 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (The Pro @ Jan 17 2007, 09:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Ardross@Jan 17 2007, 07:47 PM
Also what a wet bunch of tossers the men are .
Oh you saw the video of Jack wanking then ? :lol: [/b][/quote]
If you were going out with Jade ...................
All bullying is pretty pernicious Stav- racist bullying is particularly offensive as it is based not on the behaviour of a person but merely their skin colour or ethnic origin .
I watched tonight's show because I was told there was a humdinger of an argument in it. It was astonishing stuff.

To be honest, I think that this is essentially - but in an exaggerated way - the principal of what Big Brother was meant to be, to put people from different backgrounds in one house and see what happens. What's happened in this instance is truly horrible.

At one point, Shilpa said something alone the lines of: "Is this the UK today?"

And when you think about it, when you have the likes of Jade and Danielle and other reality celebs and WAG's who are famous for nothing other than being famous, you have to ask questions of a society that builds these people up and puts them on a pedestal.

In the brutal environment of BB, with no advisors around them, no air brushing of what they say, never mind their appearance, then you can see what deluded monsters have been created. Which is why, in some respects, for all this racist storm and the hysteria that goes with it, this edition of Big Brother has actually served a very important purpose.

In the long term, you'd like to think that the youth who watch it might learn something from it..

On the other hand, you'd hope that they just don't get angry at Jade, spend hours texting in votes to evict her, and line the pockets of Endemol and Channel 4....
A fair point about a society that both places people like Jade on a Hello enhanced pedestal whilst despising them in private .

The fact is that the bullying of Shilpa , and I admit to being someone who has watched it to see what has really been going on , has been as much caused by racism as by envy .

Jade , Danielle and Jo have really screwed up their " careers " from now on
The papers seem to be putting it all on Jade, i wonder if that is because this Danielle creature is attractive and Jade isn`t.

I find it interesting that all the model type girls who have appeared on BB. Orlaith in BB6, Ashlynne from this year and now Danielle have all been utter pieces of shit. It must be something to do with the rampant self obsession all really pretty girls seem to have.
I don't watch it, but have been seriosuly concerned (my rant on the 0870 thread) being far from jest. The sad fact is, that if it didn't appeal to people though, then it wouldn't be there because no one would watch it. The successive dumbing down of the education system, the material society of the 80's, the shallow superficial window dressing only of the 90's and the deciet and duplicity of this decade (not to mention all sorts of other external and internal influences) have combined to mould this Frankenstein monster, which I'm forced to admit sadly, probably is a microcosm of how we've degenerated.

Personally I blame women :D

Gals, you lot watch this crap, :o you lot vote for it, :o and not surprisingly its all women who have combined to create what is now an international incident :o

So sort it out ;)
I probably spend a total of 15 minutes looking in an entire run - just to see if anyone interesting is ever brought in (not since Sly Stallone's mother, surely for the purposes of lending the grotesque?), but I noticed every now and then the dialogue disappears into sounds of an overhead aircraft and woodland birdsong. Sorry, but what's the point in losing huge chunks of a 'conversation' if the whole purpose is to watch and LISTEN to how people interact? Or is the background cuckoo some clever subliminal irony?
I think it is when they say anything that could be libellous but I am not sure, Jon.
Apparently last night Shilpa expressed the view that it is racism . Channel 4 of course for viewing figures sake deny it . Any employer allowing this to go on at work would be in very very serious trouble.
Notable is the silence of the CRE . OFCOM has exclusive jurisdiction over the communications industry.
Maybe I'm naiive but I think the whole racism aspect has been blown out of all proportion. From what I saw, the argument was over some stock cubes, a not so well cooked chicken and a momentary lapse in Shilpas otherwise perfect command of the English language leading Jade to mistakingly believe she was being lied to. I'm sure Jade would've got just as disgruntled if it were a white person she was arguing with. Danielle and Jo were laughing at the hysterical state Jade was getting herself into over nothing at all, not at Shilpa. Shilpa isn't used to being amongst people with such low morals, limited intelligence and poor use of language and seems to find it unbelievable people could behave like that. It's ignorance, not racism.

They don't like Shilpa eating or touching food from their plates with her hands. I wouldn't like anyone doing that to me regardless of their colour. I really am sure that if Shilpa were white all these arguments would still occur, just as there is always conflict within the Big Brother house :unsure:
Danielle has made a couple of quasi racist remarks, more to do with finding an ignorant way to put someone down than anything else. I can't see that Jade has done anything that can be remotely construed as racist, just lashed out like the scumbag she has been brought up to be.

I don't even agree that it is bullying. Shilpa has this refined patient slow way about her which can easily be described as patronising or uppety. She was the one who actually started both chicken related arguements, but she makes her points without shouting so it becomes easier to believe the first shouter is the instigator.
This is isn't something that has just happened in the last couple of days, it started as soon as Jade walked in. First of all a few bitchy remarks were made, then they started to take the mickey out of her and now this.

Lets change the roles here....... Asian Big Brother [ don't think there is one but,] a house full of Asian celebs and Jade is in there too. If she was being victimised, this country would go mad.
I think it is her snootiness rather than her colour that she is disliked for. I seem to remember some comment from her walking away from an arguement that she shouldn't have to put up with this, at home she has people waiting on her hand and foot.

The most aggravating thing in the world when you want to have a good shouting match, is for someone to come back at you in a calm refined tone. It is as if to say the other person is so low they are unworthy of an arguement.

The racism thing is being brought up for the exact reason you state, the person disliked by the many is Asian. That does not make it racism.