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Celebrity Big Brother.

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As a conscientious non watcher, who has unfortunately been unable to duck it due to its media exposure, it strikes me that it could easily be called 'thick bitches in a box'. Essentially it says much about the degeneration of society that people like the Goody's can become millionaires on the back of this.

Hasn't Jade Goody been involved in some anti bullying charity? just proves what facile window dressing these kind of gestures are, if she is. I still struggle to see what the attraction is in watching a bunch of fragile wanna be's might have beens, and never weres is ? I'm aware the genere is called 'reality' but from a distance it looks like poison to me. IF sparks a collective national soul searching about what we've become/ are becoming it might yet serve a purpose. More worrying, according the BBC, who run it as their headline on their site, it would appear that Shilpa is up for eviction, now what does that tell us?

I half wonder whether this kind of gruesome entertainment is a reaction to the over expsoure of sport in the media? as if this genre of programmes have been designed to appeal to a certain part of society by way of knee jerk?. In many respects its almost medieval in context. You pay a slightly freaky and monsterous individual like Jade Goody to entertain you, because they're oblivious to their comedy and ridicliousness, whilst you sit back with a sense of (often misplaced) superiority and laugh at them. They might as well give her a red and yellow hat with bells on it.

I caught some radio snippet with some Liverpudlian contestant? putting up some pathetic sense of self justification tinghed with a sense of self righteous shock. It was the kind of thing I'd associate with the self regarding over statement that a footballer uses when describing an incident. Stupid and inappropriate, and far from sincere imo

Sod Channel 4, I'd happily see them hand over the production to the Israeli airforce.
I caught some radio snippet with some Liverpudlian contestant? putting up some pathetic sense of self justification tinghed with a sense of self righteous shock

very un- scouse like of course

must admit ive been dragged into it. Sort of morbid fascination.

I cannot quite go along with the Shilpa is "charming" bit. She has a difficult side too.

bit i agree warbler

the fact that a moron has become a multimillionaire with endless exposure simply because shes thick (here comes another warning...) and is almost admired by a segment of the population as being "one of us" is a bit depressing isnt it?
Originally posted by clivex@Jan 18 2007, 11:09 AM
Ithe fact that a moron has become a multimillionaire with endless exposure simply because shes thick (here comes another warning...) and is almost admired by a segment of the population as being "one of us" is a bit depressing isnt it?
I don't watch these type of programmes, and really don't know much about Jade Goody but according to the paper she has earned an estimated £8,000,000. I assume this is an exagerated figure and wonder why the media hype her so and foist her upon us at every opportunity. I really couldn't care less about her but someone out there obviously finds her entertaining. Maybe its just me who's thick.
Jermaine Jackson called Jade "white trash"

When asked if his wife was black, he replied "of course"

I've been scouring the media for the hysteria over these racist comments but can't seem to find any.

I'm confused.
I was sat on the omnibus the other morning, reading the Metro (as one does), and I happenchanced upon the Letters page.

The first letter was from someone rattling on about the current 'racism' crisis in CBB.

The sender was most indignant, and she said that she had - and I quote - "......lost all respect for Jade".


Originally posted by Stav@Jan 18 2007, 12:00 PM
Jermaine Jackson called Jade "white trash"

When asked if his wife was black, he replied "of course"

I've been scouring the media for the hysteria over these racist comments but can't seem to find any.

I'm confused.
Stav , what is the source of that quote.

Jermaine married his third wife a couple of years ago, I believe she is from the middle east and Jermaine now resides there, somewhere.
Piece-of-Shit Jade is up against Shilpa in an eviction vote that Jade will surely lose.

Expect her ugly welcome to be muted though as Ch4 will be at pains to avoid it being pelted with more than just abuse, before surrounding it with supporters for the davina interview. Her tiny mind will be left thinking she is the goody rather than baddy of the piece.
Looks as if the nominations have come from a divided group. I bet Jade's team voted for Shilpa and the celebs, who had to listen to Jade spewing out that filth, voted for Jade.
It may well or well not be based in racism, but certainly whoever said there was a culture and CLASS clash isn't wrong. Shilpa comes from an echelon of Indian society, the rich and famous middle class, which would look upon the likes of Jade, were she an Indian, as fit to be her toilet-cleaner. The brief clip of Shilpa's mother shows a well-spoken, well-attired, well-groomed woman sitting in what looks to be an equally well-appointed home. She's wearing what isn't some M&S 'bling' on her wrist, but a diamond bracelet.

Once again, you can take the girl out of the gutter, but you can't take the gutter out of the girl in Jade's case. It doesn't matter how much dosh she has. She is no way in Shilpa's 'caste' and try as she might, Shilpa is probably struggling to find anything in common with what are at heart a couple of foul-mouthed, rough creatures - regardless of their nationality, colour, or shoe size.
I am working in San Francisco at the moment and took my copy of USA Today, America's only national paper, with my triple skinny latte with cinnamon and lite cream cheese bagel this morning.

If you know USA today you will know that foreign coverage is usually about 200 words. Today this section ran to half a page, one topic only.

The topic was Jade's victimisation of the Indian bird, and how this merely represents British society as a whole.
Well, that's the American Press for ya - balanced, unstereotypical, fully-comprehensively international.

I've just clicked onto the San Diego Zoo website to see how Su Lin the baby panda is (she's snoozing up a tree at the mo) and it's nearing 11.30 a.m. with a beautiful, deep blue sky. You lucky (expletive deleted), AC!
Originally posted by krizon@Jan 18 2007, 03:04 PM
.........Shilpa comes from an echelon of Indian society, the rich and famous middle class, which would look upon the likes of Jade, were she an Indian, as fit to be her toilet-cleaner. ..................
Lets not cut Jade too many favours, Krizon, please.
I think it was Jermaine, Was just nominating and said he couldn't understand Jades accent and apparently Shilpa told Jack he needed ellacution lessons...Both are true but are these just as racist as the comments to shilpa! ?
Shilpa actually said etiquette lessons but Jack and Jade didn't understand...and misinterpreted it as elecution

It was Dirk that said the other thing and I can see your point in that regard
Or even elocution lessons !

With Jade in there do we need Nick Griffin ?

Tonight apparently she called Shilpa - Shilpa Fuckawallah and Shilpa Poppadum .

But it wasn't "racial "
Originally posted by Ardross@Jan 18 2007, 10:23 PM
Or even elocution lessons !

With Jade in there do we need Nick Griffin ?

Tonight apparently she called Shilpa - Shilpa Fuckawallah and Shilpa Poppadum .

But it wasn't "racial "
She's a right laugh. :lol:
And people said that Vicki Pollard was an absurd grotesque and people like that didn't exist.