Champion Hurdle 2015

cheltenham is a bit of fun to me though Marble..i absolutely love the whole thing..
Good to hear, And same here. I'm probably one who has been following racing about 15 years but never been to the course, not because I don't want to, but I'm happy watching on the box when i can and not a fan of huge crowds.
Hopefully one day i can get along to a smaller meeting at the track. :)
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aw go on disagree:D

i've been on here when one year some plum actually started a thread openly taking the p1ss out of people who had got it wrong about a race..many people posted on that thread thinking it was ok..i personally thought the person starting it was cnut and those not condemning were cnuts too

but thats just my view..people who sneer and rub it in afterwards are beneath contempt imo
i disagree with people if i think they have read something wrong imo..thats what i always do Tanlic..your assertion that it was a bad ride imo is a wrong call

if TNO had been got after at that point he wouldn't have finished like he spent catching up at that point would have told later because they were really seriously racing at that point

its all down to the horse not having tactical speed the others had at that point imo..thats my just doesn't sit with yours..its no big deal

Well thank **** you not a jockey :lol:
Good to hear, And same here. I'm probably one who has been following racing about 15 years but never been to the course, not because I don't want to, but I'm happy watching on the box when i can and not a fan of huge crowds.
Hopefully one day i can get along to a smaller meeting at the track. :) must go..i've said before only time i have gone was 1985..and i've been watching festivals from 1976 ish onwards on the telly
people who sneer and rub it in afterwards are beneath contempt imo
You thought I'd done that once, I think someone must have really been a cnut at some point and we've all been in the frame for this ever since! :)
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did i?..can't remember that one

all forgiven now;) ..we are all here to make a bob or two..discuss..disagree..but ultimately enjoy the game..i know i get a lot of pleasure out of it
I was just being born...:)

give over Marb..i feel old enough now..watched the one show earlier...cockney rebel were on..come up and seem..was their big won't remember it..bloody 40 years was at work then..makes you feel old when things are 40 years ago..and now its getting 50 years ago and i can remember it like it were yesterday..and worse..i was an adult for the 40 years ago stuff
True. I feel inferior on here but I'm certainly confident enough to post on the forum.

Over confidence is one of my weaknesses though. I'm like a fat bloke outside the pie shop who tries to chat a supermodel up.
No chance sunshine. :)
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give over Marb..i feel old enough now..watched the one show earlier...cockney rebel were on..come up and seem..was their big won't remember it..bloody 40 years was at work then..makes you feel old when things are 40 years ago..and now its getting 50 years ago and i can remember it like it were yesterday..and worse..i was an adult for the 40 years ago stuff
Haha :)
True. I feel inferior on here but I'm certainly confident enough to post on the forum.

Over confidence is one of my weaknesses though. I'm like a fat bloke outside the pie shop who tries to chat a supermodel up.
No chance sunshine. :)

you nor anyone else has reason to feel have posted some good stuff up..we all got opinions and should voice them..thats what the forum is for..more the merrier
thats what makes me laugh tbh..not gettin at you here Links,,but lots of people nail their colours to the mast..make strong statements about horses..and even when they are wrong..still won't ever admit it..there are always excuses

i'd love it if people just came on and said..i got that wrong..but imo there are about 5% of people who can do this on this forum

people will rarely admit they are wrong..but you can guarantee the ones taking the pee out of someone for being wrong..are usually the worst offenders

I don't know if that's an honest reflection of the forum, to be honest, EC1. And in the long run, I don't think it matters that much anyway.

People might genuinely believe that their view is right - even if their selection has run in line with the sceptics expectations rather than their own. All form is subjective anyway, and can be viewed through a numbers of prisms. Look at me and DO on the Gold Cup thread. Our views of Djakadam are profoundly different, but even if he wins with his head in his chest, I will probably still rate his performance lower than DO would.......and we'd both reckon we were accurate.

I think your view is probably tainted, by the excellent ding-dong we had on (I think) the 2011 Champion Hurdle. It ranged from mild disagreement, to DefCon1 at times, and our relative positions were extremely bold throughout. That Hurricane Fly won doesn't really matter in the long run - because you still rate the form lower than you're perfectly entitled to.

That debate was quite intense - exhausting at times - yet here we are, four years on, jawing away and still disagreeing about how we rate most horses. Who cares who was right and who was wrong that one time in that one race?

Broadly speaking, there are many more misanthropic missives about hard-luck stories, than there are about Member A crowing he was right and Member B denying the obvious. That kind of lark is very rare, because there are too many people on here, prepared to put a stop to it. Because like arseholes - we've all got an opinion. :lol:

If it does happen, I honestly can't think of many - if any - recent examples, where someone is holding a laughable position that simply isn't defendable. Or at least, it happens a lot less than your numbers (which I acknowledge you plucked out of your opinion) would suggest.

The funny thing about you and Hurricane Fly was this; you were so deep in the pit, that another couple of whacks, and you'd have found yourself some diamonds. :lol:

Peace out*. Life's too short.

*Except for viewers in clivex (too hippy)
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Just posts crossing within seconds of each other, that's appealed to my sense-of-humour, for some reason.
I was 10 years before you in 75 which was probably the worst year anyone could have picked to go. Place was like a bog and was abandoned one day.

I went there with Don Nolan and Margaret Bell. Her old man won with Quick Reply when left clear when Rag Trade fell at the last.

Royal Epic Ten Up Lanzarote Summerville all won for me. Went with 80 quid and came back with 1800 quid,

I remember meeting John Wilson after racing at the restaurant at Scotch Corner and he had a big trophy with him so you and I were at the same meeting EC:)

That's the last time I went to a Festival meeting for the whole day......had a flying visit in 1999 in bet and out stop aintree in bet out again next stop Thailand...little Irish horse.

It's an experience but doesn't have a patch on Perth but you have to go,

Like Sandown which was a dump when I went for the first time 1998 it looks much better on the TV than it does in reality.

I would imagine a lot has changed in 15 years but the atmosphere will be the same.
thats what makes me laugh tbh..not gettin at you here Links,,but lots of people nail their colours to the mast..make strong statements about horses..and even when they are wrong..still won't ever admit it..there are always excuses

i'd love it if people just came on and said..i got that wrong..but imo there are about 5% of people who can do this on this forum

people will rarely admit they are wrong..but you can guarantee the ones taking the pee out of someone for being wrong..are usually the worst offenders

Thats exactly what I meant.My view is McCoy style of riding doesn't suit the Jezki.Just because others disagree with me doesn't put me out in the slightest.We will see Tuesday one way or t'other but I will be the first one to say if McCoy gets him home 'yeah I got that wrong'.I doubt it though as I'm right 99.3% of the time :lol:
I was 10 years before you in 75 which was probably the worst year anyone could have picked to go. Place was like a bog and was abandoned one day.

I went there with Don Nolan and Margaret Bell. Her old man won with Quick Reply when left clear when Rag Trade fell at the last.

Royal Epic Ten Up Lanzarote Summerville all won for me. Went with 80 quid and came back with 1800 quid,

I remember meeting John Wilson after racing at the restaurant at Scotch Corner and he had a big trophy with him so you and I were at the same meeting EC:)

That's the last time I went to a Festival meeting for the whole day......had a flying visit in 1999 in bet and out stop aintree in bet out again next stop Thailand...little Irish horse.

It's an experience but doesn't have a patch on Perth but you have to go,

Like Sandown which was a dump when I went for the first time 1998 it looks much better on the TV than it does in reality.

I would imagine a lot has changed in 15 years but the atmosphere will be the same.

you went to the 1985 one Tanlic?

francome's last meeting..Dessie ran in the CH..Browne's gazette..did he refuse to start in the CH?..see you then won his first one..about 14/1?..can remember Harry hotspur but can't remember any other winners apart from those two

it was a lovely day as i remember, really sunny. i was in the triangle at the top of the course. the view of the whole of the stand from there was didn't have access to the main bits but it was still really good. I'll never forget the experience tbh. took 1.5 hours to get out of the car park..well it was a field as it was then just up the road from the course.
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Harry Hastings!
Iirc Harwood bought him for a syndicate on the flat for £300+ and then told them to take him away because he wasn't good enough. Sold to Scottish buyer and was amazing over hurdles. Went off in front and they never saw him again. Unfortunately injuries cut short his career. First race of the meeting and my bet of the week. On beautiful day going racing couldn't be better.

Browne's Gazette actually ran in the wrong direction, no chances taken with that then.
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I'm worse than you for memory. I definitely wasn't there for the Supreme Harry Hastings won because I distinctly remember watching Browne's Gazette not starting on the telly in the Champion Hurdle.
I remember Frank Berry was there riding something I think I went for one day because someone had a ride as I remember carrying his saddle though so I got in for nothing LOL or maybe that was another time and I was at Hexam and met John on the way home as we came from the same place....If I could look at the results it would jog my memory but the service supplied by the RP and SL websites is absolute could every result for the last 100 years on without a problem and once up there's no maintenance....Shocking you can't even look up Red Rum's races.

tbh and I don't mean to put anyone off but one thing I do remember is the 2nd time I went I hated it and when I went there to back Istabraq it was straight in and straight back out again

I suppose it was down to the fact I was going racing 3 or 4 times a week then where you feel relaxed and don't have the hustle and bustle of Cheltenham where you can't hear yourself think.

But as I said it's a must for those who have never gone
Harry Hastings!
Iirc Harwood bought him for a syndicate on the flat for £300+ and then told them to take him away because he wasn't good enough. Sold to Scottish buyer and was amazing over hurdles. Went off in front and they never saw him again. Unfortunately injuries cut short his career. First race of the meeting and my bet of the week. On beautiful day going racing couldn't be better.

Browne's Gazette actually ran in the wrong direction, no chances taken with that then.

I remember those big white flashy socks he used to wear. Can you remember who owned him when he was with John?

I remember another good un from that time Fredcoteri with good reason........Fred Colin and Terry, Terry being a local accountant I got to know pretty well asked me if I was interested in taking a leg in Harry Hastings for something like 10K.......Terry was a bit of a shark so I never gave it another thought......It might well have been after he won the Waterford........didn't he break down soon after?