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Champion Hurdle 2015

There are aspect of this forum I value. I find EC1's contributions invaluable and would like to see more.

Why on earth that would spark such a homophobic interference from you is beyond my understanding.
There are aspect of this forum I value. I find EC1's contributions invaluable and would like to see more.

Why on earth that would spark such a homophobic interference from you is beyond my understanding.

Because everytime he has a squabble with someone you stick you stupid face in telling us how wonderful he is........

Never do you debate the subject it's just EC is right and everyone else is wrong.

Be you're own man let us hear your opinion on the subject in hand and stop automatically defending a guy with no reasonable input of why.

Just because EC contributes a lot. which I happen to agree with that he does, it doesn't mean he should get preferential treatment from me you or anyone else.

Don't you think you're a bit too old to be having an idol?
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That's more like it.

I tend not to debate EC1's stuff because I don't fully understand it, but want to. I will ask him the occasional question about it. I will even query his conclusions, eg that sprinter he highlighted back in the spring from a race at Newcastle. I was quick to cast doubt on the prospect of it being a G1 sprinter (which was a part-misunderstanding on my part).

I am concerned, though, that people like you come on here and insult him and his work to the extent that he might consider leaving here, which would be a far bigger loss than some I could think of.

I offer plenty of opinions on here. But the more they are criticised for the sake of the criticism rather than having any basis in fact, the less likely I am to post.

This isn't a playground corner. This is probably one of the best forums to be found anywhere but it isn't as good as it once was because certain people moved away because they were abused. Why spoil the place with unwarranted personal attacks?

If you have a point to debate, why not just debate it?
That's more like it.

I tend not to debate EC1's stuff because I don't fully understand it, but want to. I will ask him the occasional question about it. I will even query his conclusions, eg that sprinter he highlighted back in the spring from a race at Newcastle. I was quick to cast doubt on the prospect of it being a G1 sprinter (which was a part-misunderstanding on my part).

I am concerned, though, that people like you come on here and insult him and his work to the extent that he might consider leaving here, which would be a far bigger loss than some I could think of.

I offer plenty of opinions on here. But the more they are criticised for the sake of the criticism rather than having any basis in fact, the less likely I am to post.

This isn't a playground corner
. This is probably one of the best forums to be found anywhere but it isn't as good as it once was because certain people moved away because they were abused. Why spoil the place with unwarranted personal attacks?

If you have a point to debate, why not just debate it?


Your having a laugh
I merely agreed with DO and Colin that EC1`s contributions were informative, enlightening and entertaining. A view, IMHO, I think the majority of forum members would agree with, even if they do not agree, or understand, his conclusions or methods. I don`t think anybody is suggesting "he is right and everybody else is wrong." I enjoy many of your and reet`s contributions but the abusive comments above of yours are not in that category. Not that that will bother you in any way.
Water off a ducks back Dan...the thing that gets me is it's almost like you can't disagree with the man without someone telling you he's right.

I happen to think sectional times in NH racing are a bit like aftertiming...........analysing a race after and event has it uses but they tell you nothing more than what you can read in any good racing rag.

Nothing else to add really anyone wants to waste his life doing sectionals that's his choice but don't try and tell me they are the gospel.

If they were every bookie in the country would close tomorrow

I'll back my eye against any computer any day of the week.
What a bunch of coksuckers..............sook sook sook.............why don't you reply to posts other than say EC is the greatest......don't you have a fookin brain to think for yourselves?

I am sick to the teeth of youtoss pts who have nothing to say or debate........all you do is sook up EC's ass like he's a god.

I don't mind anyone disagreeing with my posts but ffs grow up and stand on your own 2 feet.

People who speak out when they think something is out of order..are bigger men than those who fail to criticise their "mates" when making posts such as the above.

Your "mate" Reet Hard is very quick to post on here when he wants to run something down..not so quick to condemn posts such as yours...which any right minded person would know isn't really in keeping with a nice place to visit is it?

Reet and you were very happy to discuss my medical needs when i didn't post on here..i suggest you look at your own tbh

I'm not replying to any more of this stuff Tanlic...in fact..just viewing the site banner is making me feel a bit sick tbh

I'll have a week or two away from actually posting because i haven't really got the leaning for it at the moment.

I'll just say one thing Tanlic..who was the only person who wished you good luck with your big bet on SS?..that doesn't strike me as someone who really deserves to be harried virtually every time they post does it?

I've just read your above post...i've got the message..you think sectionals are sh1t..thats fine with me..if i valued your view it might actually bother me.

you don't need to keep repeating it..Iknow..and don't really care.
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..the thing that gets me is it's almost like you can't disagree with the man without someone telling you he's right.

I think that's part of the issue for you, Tanlic.

I can't say for certain but I would be surprised if I did say anywhere I think EC1 is/was right.

I might thank him for his input. I might say I find it interesting or enlightening.

The reason I can't imagine me saying he is right is because I wouldn't know.

For the same reason, I don't think I've ever said you were wrong. I might have said I disagree with you - probably not very often actually - but I tend not to offer a right/wrong opinion unless it is something I know for certain. And that in itself would be very rare.
You really didn't think of it? eeesh.

I couldn't have thought of it as I hadn't seen your post. I'd like to think I'd have thought of it straightaway but saw the Dan had already done it.

Anyway, if I'd said 'beat me to it', I'd have been accused of aftertiming...
I really don't understand the mentality of anyone consistently attacking someone else on here. If you don't agree make your point and move on.

Over the last few months there has been page after page of this stuff, and it's the same small handful of people who do it. And quite frankly like many others I'm absolutely bored and fed up with good threads, good discussion, and good debate being polluted with it.

I got wrapped up in it myself on a thread on the general topics section, but thankfully I woke up to myself. I've found numerous things I could easily have jumped on with those people on that thread but quite frankly I really can't be bothered expending any energy whatsoever replying to them. Simply because I can predict I'll get the same old tiresome responses, and probably more aggressive tone that I really can't be bothered to deal with from behind a keyboard.

I can't believe that those people who consistently jump on others on here live their 'real' lives that way. There's certainly a few that need to go and take a look hard look in a mirror and figure out a different way of taking the stress out of their lives, rather than sucking out the enjoyment others take from here because all they want is good old ruck to take the stress out of their day.
Should The New One be aimed at the Coral Cup in 2016.

I think they'll see if he gets 3 miles first with the WH being the first aim. If not then possibly the Coral Cup but with priority given to the 2 1/2 mile race at Aintree.
Geesus no mate give him some credit he's better than that.

They have for to try him over 3 miles round Cheltenham the first chance they get. If he does stay he'd win the World Hurdle standing on his head and I don't even like him that much.

It 's the weakest division of the top 5 races and he's got more class in his tail than most of them have in their entire body.

One could argue he might not stay but if you don't try??
Coral Cup won't have entered their minds as of yet. Not to say he won't but think Twisters would give you a stern look if you mentioned TNO in a Coral Cup. As for the World Hurdle. Think he will have many supporters of him getting the 3m trip. I'm not one of them.
Very hard to see him winning a Champion Hurdle -maybe they should try and win as much as possible away from the festival.