Champions Day

I've never understood the Richard Hills bashing full stop. Punters absolutely love to slate him, the fact is he always gives horses a chance of winning which is more than can be said for the sweethearts like Moore, Spencer and even Fallon at times.

He had Ouqba in a beautiful position throughout the race and the horse takes an age to get into top gear. He tracked Ashram (rightly) and that rival just cut across him when weakening.

Richard Hills has been superb this season, I'd say he's been the jockey of 2009.
Could be an interesting thread for post Breeders Cup... Some form of 2009 flat season awards.

Suspect Horse of the Year would be quite a competition....
The winner was in great form, Fame unfortunately ran as flat as a pancake (as seemed on the cards after a similarly flat run in the Arc). They don't bounce back at this stage of the season. Sariska looked great value, but after being left at the start always had it to do. She was probably very unlucky.
Fame was frothing at the mouth all the way round the PR pre-race - I've got a number of pics and in only one does he not have froth dripping from his mouth. But maybe he always does that? My impression was he didn't look a happy horse at all - ie it looked like he'd had enough for the year and didn't want to be there. I hope he can stay in trianing and do himself justice next season.

The Cox camp were thrilled with Xtension's close 3rd - CC will have left plenty to work on.
I agree Beethoven looked very chubby close up - he could be monster next year with all that experience under his belt.

The WE after the Champion was something to see - in Italy R Hills would have been lynched for the objection, but as it was England he only got booed! The crowd was appalled... Ditto any press I exchanged words with. Huge cheers when the result was announced post-Stewards, and HRAC shed a few tears whilst waiting for the presentation. He got a great ovation. We Brits do understated emotion so well LOL