Cheltenham Ante Post Competition - Feb Entries

As promised here are the images of everyone's portfolios, the grey shaded areas indicate horses not running, red show higher odds available on the cut off date than those taken earlier and green shows lower current than those taken. The totals indicate the amount that would be won should all the possible runners win.

Again, sorry there are so many but they are alphabetical as usual so it shouldn't be too difficult to find the right image for your list.

First 5 here


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Next lot......


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and next......


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and finally, the last lists plus a list of all horses (still running) with the total bets and total money placed on them along with a list of races and the amount bet on each.

Let me know if you spot any problems with your lists.


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Early lead to Steve T with £16,000, close behind is suny bay on £15,500 and only other member in 5 figures is Desperate Dan with £10,000.

Will keep everyone updated with progress each day.

Good luck to all
Tout Seul shoots into the lead with £20,000
Steve T still on £16,000
suny bay still on £15,500
SlimChance now on £14,000
and Desperate Dan and Luke on £10,000

I'll update again tomorrow
No real change in the top three today but a few more catching up now, I'd be as well giving up now unless The Giant Bolster wins the Gold Cup!

Good luck tomorrow and I hope everyone is doing as well (or better) for real.
I really thought he was going to do it :( but at least his 2nd got me into the thousands rather than hundreds for my score. :lol:

The winner is Tout Seul, no one could overtake him after Champagne Fever's win.

Congrats Tout Seul and I'll post the full table up a little later.
Very much a question of one bit of luck ( my others were rather underwhelming) getting me in front of some clever and/or shrewd people.
A well devised and extremely well adminstered comp which I am sure will stay as an annual fixture.

Those that had a good tilt at winning are among some of the most knowledgeable people I have come across and I hope their real bets were as profitable as their comp entries.
Here is the final table of results, well done to everyone especially Tout Seul and those others with healthy profits.


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No, I wish I did, that'd be my dream job - anything to do with racing or horses, whether it be admin/analysis type stuff or actually working with horses would be great. Unfortunately I work as an analyst in the Fire service, interesting at times but not quite the same!
I agree entirely with On The Bridle when he says well done to everyone who finished in profit, ante post betting seems to me to be very difficult. Very well done to those who finished up near the top, and congratulations to our two winners, Tout Seul and Trudij.

Thanks to Grasshopper and Roddy Owen for putting up the prizes (I'll be in touch!), and to Roddy for suggesting the competition in the first place.

As for New Approach, you've been a star.
Can someone tell Tout Seul that his message box is full and I cant therefore PM him about prize-money.
