Chrisbeekracing / Stargazy

I see you are down at Brighton with Stargazy today. Best of luck!

Thanks Kathy, he ran a belter coming 5th in a competitive claimer. he has needed a few runs to be spot on but is now back where we need him to be and shouldn't be long winning again now.
Crikey ~ an Arazi-esque run from Stargazy at Wolverhampton to win the opener. Odds of Beeky proposing to the winning jockey have crashed to 1.01 :D
yes just like to add my four penneth well done to chris and stargazy showed a nice turn of foot coming from last to first.And also well done to Holly Hall on riding her first winner.:D
Well done Chris, looks like someone had a bit of 16s about her :cool:

When he crossed the line in front, was your joy somewhat tempered by the fact that he is rated guess is, it was not ;)
Absolutely great! So happy for you Chris, and for your success getting Holly that first win in your colours - what a talent! Bet you are having a great party

I had a bit of 16 but left a bet to run on 'keep' at 22.5 which was matched as soon as he was slow out of the gate - he went to 60 + in running LOL ! Had a place bet too at c 3.75... just in case!

Smokey just gave me my 4th winner today from 5 bets!! What a day
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I just wrote this on FFR so I'll echo again. Sheikh as of this moment is officially retired and on his way to join my 2 pointers at home in a fully pledged retirement.

Thanks so much everybody.

I'm not afraid to say it but I actually cried today, after a furlong I thought we had no chance but Holly's orders were to go out and enjoy herself, he misses the break so don't panic and just ride with confidence, I think he's the best horse in the race and if he is it will work out alright in the end.

I was pretty much in tears more for Holly and Star, the last year has been so straining on me with family issues and more recently developing an illness which means I was all Christmas on medication and unable to drink alcohol again (might lose some weight now).

Star has always been a pet to me but paying £15,000 + a year just isn't possible at that level. I wanted him home with me and wanted to take a break until the summer with owning horses, and getting fully back on my feet after a tough few months.

Thanks for all your comments and I couldn't have been more chuffed and thrilled for Holly who I think a lot of and know she can succeed given the chances. She told me at the start of November she was going to give up, getting no rides, calling herself a shit rider. I have literally spent everyday since chatting to her on msn and text messages trying to give her confidence and trying to advise her to go and get her name about and get some rides. I promised her in November the ride on him today and said to her it would be her first winner. She is such a nice lass and I'm so pleased for her and star. Picking races out for horses is the easy part, so I'm thrilled for Holly, Star and also Bill who has done wonders getting him back after slicing his leg in April and again picking up another problem in September.

I suppose it was just meant to be in the end, every cloud and all that. Thanks a lot everyone, it really was needed today, I've been very down this past 3 months and it was a much needed lift, maybe 2009 won't be so bad after all.
It seems that all Holly needed was an opportunity to prove herself, and I for one am delighted that Chris has given her one.
Now now people, no rumours please !!!!

Holly is a good mate nothing more, anyway she is far too good for me !!
Star came out of his race really well. Bucking, kicking and squealing to be exact. I had 4 phone calls today all pointing out races for Star which gives me the impression those who also work with Star think I'm being premature with the idea of retirement.

I'm not talking heart stuff here, I'm talking head stuff. But I would be interested in peoples views, so honestly and be honest with me, no half comments, If you owned him would you run him again ?

I know someone who definitely wants him to run again and to be honest they seem to have total control over me at the moment so that's why I seem to be listening to them. However I won't be going past the 10th of Feb if I do.

The plus side would be a chance to let him see if the key is Wolves, a girl and this 7f trip. It also gives him a couple of runs to prove what he always showed at home.

On the other side, he's won and he's failed before (albeit only one try over this C&D and is a year older) and it's expensive in low grade racing if you're not winning or placing and I've already made his stable up lol.

Honest answer's please, I await an honest response, would certainly help me think about a few things.
Hmm - difficult one. On the one hand,you know hes well and youre under pressure from people - it would certainally be easier for you to run him again.WHats right is rarely the easy option though...

On the other hand, its not them who pay the bills, and you have already set your mind on him coming home to you to be let down,and finish.

In a purely financial sense - would he win more or equal to what it will cost to take him to the races again?? Id guess not by the time you add all the costs in... and even if you did find out that 7f,Holly and Wolves was his key,what difference will it make - will you be going through the same pressure and questions again??

At the end of the day, hes your horse,and its up to you what you do. I dont know that I could ask a horse that I was already going to retire to do any more than win a race for me,Id be thrilled that he was going out on top.Having said that - I can completely understand the wanting to keep going while hes running like he is and is so well in himself.

Hes a lovely horse,and Im sure whatever you decide (and it has to be YOUR decision at the end of it !) you will do right.
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Can only echo what Trudij says: if you are sure he is going to be the best horse in the next race, and that yesterday was no fluke (I know you don't think so!) then it must be very tempting. But as Troodles points out, would you recoup your further month's expenses - and why spoil the story?

On the other hand I bet Holly is dying to have another bite at the cherry!
- and he certainly showed a real will to win for her
If the horse is fit and sound and there are races avalable for him to run in, then I don't see the point in retiring him. If there are financial reasons for considering retirement, then only you can answer whether retirement is the best option. Is there any chance of reduced rates if able to transfer part of the equity in the horse to the trainer or perhaps with other owners in the yard?

Having been involved with part-ownership of a few lowish grade horses myself, it's a case of having to accept that financially they will never be profitable, but with days like I'm sure you had on Friday, you'd acknowledge it's a small price to pay.