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Clare Wills & Watership Down At Newbury

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kathy
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Brendan has (as far as I am aware) absolutely no issues about Sir Clement as an owner. As Sir Clement is a journalist, as a trainer, you have to take the rough with the smooth as do any jockeys riding one of Sir Clement's horses! shrug:: It goes with the terroritory I'm afraid.
The trouble is that he delights in using the RP as a tool to dig at people as well as using it as a threat and/or blackmail "if you don't do xyz I'm going to write something about you in my column" ~ w*anker. He really is a nasty piece of work.

Oh dear, HS. If it helps any I could probably direct you where to send the heavies in if you can get hold of some - only language some people understand, or even deserve!
Might take you up on this at some point SL :P It would give me great satisfaction... We do know where to send them btw! But situation is still a little complex...

Re Freud, his own brother [Lucien] can't stand him and stopped speaking to him at least 40 years ago
Ah, but I have several locations - you'd be guaranteed to strike gold somewhere along the way!


(that was b*stards...")
Just to let you know that Clare Wills is riding in a ladies amateurs race at Nottingham this afternoon on Atacama Star for Brendan Powell.

Fingers crossed both she and Atacama come back safe! :)
For those of you that have been following Clare's progress (especially) with the lovely Watership Down, she is back in the saddle tomorrow at Newbury.

Come on Clare! :clap:
They both got round safely and even led for a short while. This race will have done Clare's (and Shippy's) confidence the world of good.
An update on Clare Wills and Watership Down!

I thought you would like to know Clare won a point to point at Larkhill today. Clare made all the running to win by 8 lengths at 4-1, beating Rachel Green on Reviewer (6-4) and Beadnell Bay (10-1) who was 10 lengths further back.

It was pleasing that Robin Gray (who also rides out for Brendan Powell) who often helps Clare by riding out Shippy was also the racecourse commentator. :D
Pics from Cheltenham Hunter Chase meeting May 8th 2008



In the lead on the first circuit

I thought Clare and Shippy ran a cracking race to lead for nearly one circuit. Bar one mistake, the jumping was very good. It was an experience I am sure Clare will never forget. Thanks for sending the photos DG, I am sure Clare will be thrilled to see them.

I hope you had a great time.
I had a text from her at 11pm last night. She is absolutely estatic, Colin! Brilliant for her and her Mum and Dad and everyone at the Powell yard who all support her so much!

Well done, Clare and of course, Shippy!! :clap: :clap:
Having seen Shippy perform just okay during my race-reading stints at Hackwood Park this year and last, I hadn't see anything that would have presaged last night's win at Folkestone. Mind, Hackwood wouldn't be every horse's cup of tea, and the shorter trip at the Kent venue might also have helped.

Either way, very well done indeed to all concerned. Given that Shippy has been plying his trade over fences for a very long time now (I know Brendan won a Sedgefield chase with him when he was still four), it's a real tribute to Clare that the horse still retains all his enthusiasm for the game; and lowering the colours of Cape Stormer - who'll almost certainly find another small summer handicap or two when returned to Nick Gifford shortly, one would have thought - is no small feat, either.

Thanks, Jeremy! Believe me, no one has worked harder with this horse than Clare - she spends almost every spare minute she has with him. I have done a very quick write up on Brendan's website, and at this rate I will have to start Clare a website of her very own! :)
Clare is back on board Watership Down again tonight at Huntingdon. Cape Greko is also running with AP on board. Fingers crossed for a double! :clap: :)
Lordy, how close was that!

Fine ride from both of the first two. That's the best way to ride Bell Rock, to my mind. What a pity Cottenham stopped being a Rules course between the wars - a few meetings there year-round would increase that horse's options!

How exciting for Clare- and old Shippy seems to be improving at his age!

So sorry she got pipped but she has to have had the adrenelin pumping and really enjoyed that anyway.
One saving grace for Clare is that she didn't have to suffer the fate of having her photo taken with yours truly gurning inanely when presenting her with the memento.

Seriously though, it was a great finish and although it would have been a smashing result had Watership Down held on, I was delighted to present the prize to Alan Hill - it must have been a great fillip for him and the yard only days after they lost their stable stalwart Mr Splodge at Kingston Blount (ironically the track where Hill is employed as clerk of the course)