Constitution Hill

There's more conspiracy theories going about than the Donald Trump Russia Russia Russia hoax. NIco felt he wasn't right and eased right down on him was what was said at the time...He probably could have finished upsides had he got stuck into him but he's way too experienced to be that stupid. unless you have experienced mucus in your respiratory system you probably don't realize how much affects you. You become short of breath very easily but if it's a bacterial infection a course of antibiotics for 7 to 10 days and you are back to normal. if it is not a bacterial infection no amount of antibiotics will help....hence the test by the they know the cause his chances of making it are increased 10 bet is he will get there

Tanlic, your post reminds me of that old Simpsons episode when Homer drops his ice-cream cone into a dog turd, and quickly fetches it out claiming “It’s only a little sprinkled”.
I'd be interested in JJ's or Ed's view of the video of the Kempton work out. To my uneducated ears CH sounded like he had a slight 'whistle' in his breathing - (a) am I correct and (b) if 'yes' would this be caused by mucous or something more nefarious?

The root cause of course is that NH insisted on running some of his other horses whilst CH was resting. One of them brought a bug back with them. Next year there will be no more runners from 7B between Christmas and Cheltenham. Just to be on the safe side.
Someone at my men's shed mentioned the other day they'd been charged £7 for a pint at a restaurant in Glasgow at the weekend. They were clearly still fizzing about it.

To try and make them feel better, I told them I was charged £7 for a Guinness in a pub below the shopping centre at Stephen's Green [Dublin] TWENTY YEARS AGO. God knows what it must cost there now.

At Ascot on the day of Nashwan's King George, they were charging £1 for a thimbleful of orange juice. For context, back then that was probably twice the price of a pint in the pubs.
I can never understand why there is a need to drink at the races.theres plenty of time after the races.
Jinny just said it was £112 to get in wonder they haven't sold all the tickets.just greed.

Imagine what it would cost from Thailand.........for 2 people between £5000 and £6000 pounds all in.

We stayed 4 weeks in a luxury resort in Phuket for half that amount aa few years ago and could still watch the entire festival :0)
The market just took a strange swift movement, all in State Mans (totally blue) direction..
Because Hendo reporting that while they won't get the blood test results back until Monday, they were showing a large degree of inflammation.
The Cheltenham Hokey Cokey! I thought it sounded as though it would be unlikely that he would get to Cheltenham, and now it seems to have swung the opposite way! Good news that CH isn't showing signs of mucus, but will be interesting to see if inflammation markers have reduced on Monday.
Not for me to tell Nicky his job but it takes 2 or 3 hours tops to get the result of a blood test.

I couldn't resist telling the vet do one now if I got the all clear on mucus
The Cheltenham Hokey Cokey! I thought it sounded as though it would be unlikely that he would get to Cheltenham, and now it seems to have swung the opposite way! Good news that CH isn't showing signs of mucus, but will be interesting to see if inflammation markers have reduced on Monday.

They are no different from us guys.

Mucus can cause shortage of breath but even when it clears you're still not 100% and it can take days for the side effects of the anti biotics to wear off.

Even if Monday is good news and his blood count is ok he will still need too come through a serious bit of work to make sure he's ok.

This is going to the wire if it gets that far
Nicky is sending Under Control to Kelso. 346 miles from Lambourn.

Leopardstown is 340 miles from Lambourn.

It must be all that bumpy, wumpy on the boaty, woaty that worries him.
Henderson’s updates are getting tiresome and tedious.

I wish he’d STFU about Constitution Hill, until he either declares him on Sunday week or not. Rather that, than have to listen to his self-fellating “keeping everyone informed” schtick.
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Geez Grassy ..maybe the best since Arkle and racing fans want to know. I know my first visit everyday is to see what the latest news is in the hope it's good.

When a really special horse comes along like Arkle Phar Lap Secretariat etc. the world stops every time they step foot on a racecourse.

**** Arkle got more Xmas cards than Santa Clause

You ever thought about taking up spanking the monkey as a hobby:lol:
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Geez Grassy ..maybe the best since Arkle and racing fans want to know. I know my first visit everyday is to see what the latest news is in the hope it's good.

When a really special horse comes along like Arkle Phar Lap Secretariat etc. the world stops every time they step foot on a racecourse.

I get all this.

It's the way Hendo goes about it. I also think he spends half an hour in front of the mirror each morning practising that wide-eyed, flummoxed, roll of the eyes, shrug of the shoulders, gaspy sigh and 'educated' stammer.

It probably comes across to the casual TV viewer as care for the horse's welfare - which I'm sure is paramount for him - but to wizened old racing fvckers like us it's an act we can see through.

And I love it :lol:
To be absolutely fair to NJH, he has taken his responsibilities very seriously this time. He knows he is responsible for the wellbeing of a once in a generation horse, and he knows racing fans DO want to know what’s going on with the horse before Cheltenham. Yes, it has turned into a bit of a soap opera, but you can’t accuse him of his usual approach, which is to treat racing fans/ punters as total mugs, and feed them the bare minimum.
I doubt if Nicky's acting ability would get him a role as an extra in a cartoon:lol:

You won't find a more genuine person than Nicky according to Mick Fitzgerald.

His whole season revolves round Cheltenham and that is first and foremost on his mind every sing day

Imagine the greatest thing that ever happened to you is suddenly is taken away from you and it might give you an idea how the guy really feels

He has been accused of lying by fools for years who seem to know nothing about horses so he decided to be open as possible.

Now that he is people still find a way to critices one of the greatest NH trainers of all time........the mind boggles
To be absolutely fair to NJH, he has taken his responsibilities very seriously this time. He knows he is responsible for the wellbeing of a once in a generation horse, and he knows racing fans DO want to know what’s going on with the horse before Cheltenham. Yes, it has turned into a bit of a soap opera, but you can’t accuse him of his usual approach, which is to treat racing fans/ punters as total mugs, and feed them the bare minimum.

well said Len:thumbsup:
I get all this.

It's the way Hendo goes about it. I also think he spends half an hour in front of the mirror each morning practising that wide-eyed, flummoxed, roll of the eyes, shrug of the shoulders, gaspy sigh and 'educated' stammer.

And I love it :lol:

Don't forget the menthol tear drops ointment...
You won't find a more genuine person than Nicky according to Mick Fitzgerald.

He's hardly going to say anything detrimental toward his old boss..

**** sake, when he's on the morning line and he never picks anything other than a Henderson runner!