Constitution Hill

They found the problem and he is on antibiotics and they will scope him again on Friday.

He will need to get the all clear by Sunday/Monday if he is going to make it.

Nicky looks absolutely gutted when they interviewed him ;0(
They found the problem and he is on antibiotics and they will scope him again on Friday.

He will need to get the all-clear by Sunday/Monday if he is going to make it.

Nicky looks absolutely gutted when they interviewed him ;0(

Nervous Nicky will only run him if he's 100%

In the last 3 days Hendo has had 7 out 14 horses pulled up..50%.

All under 6/1...
In the last 3 days Hendo has had 7 out 14 horses pulled up..50%.

All under 6/1...

Well spotted..I suppose a wide steer would be a good idea as looks like several could have this virus and that is why Nico is jocked up on only two of his 5 entries at Kelso. One of those not jocked up is fav for the Morebattle.
Yes, they must have deep, worried frowns furrowing their brows. On the other hand, never back theirs each way because when the winning chance has gone they aren’t usually given a hard time.
To be honest, I'm not expecting CH to be anywhere near Cheltenham on Champion Hurdle day. Hills can have the interest on the bet for a couple of weeks.

If you can play vet with your anti Henderson obsession I can play with my pro Nicky obsession:-

On the upside Nicky said it's not like he needs a whole lot of work to be spot on.

If he gets over this bug in a week he'll still have him 100% on the day.

Unlike you I am not guessing or trying to be a vet I am just repeating the facts :D
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BTW guys if you haven't heard the Latest: Nicky Henderson has revealed Constitution Hill is 'bright and well' today despite a mild lung infection
Hopefully whatever happens, he gets campaigned like a superstar from here onwards.

Wrap up for one day and then this happens

That's a bit unfair mate, Nicky would have been happy if his original running plans had worked out. Every time he missed a race there was a legitimate excuse

He ran him 4 times last season exactly the same amout of times Honeysuckle ran when she won the Champion Hurdle
If you can play vet with your anti Henderson obsession I can play with my pro Nicky obsession:-

On the upside Nicky said it's not like he needs a whole lot of work to be spot on.

If he gets over this bug in a week he'll still have him 100% on the day.

Unlike you I am not guessing or trying to be a vet I am just repeating the facts :D

The facts as I see them are as follows:

Constitution Hill scopes poorly 3 weeks ago and misses the Bula Hurdle.
Two weeks later, Henderson enthuses about the status of Constitution Hill, citing an "exceptional" piece of work, and asking 'State Man who?" at his open day.
One week after that, connections appear ashen-faced after the horse trails in miles behind his yard-mates in an exercise gallop at Kempton.
The horse is subsequently scoped and mucus is found - two weeks to the day before he is due to defend his Champion Hurdle crown.

These are the facts. The speculation element is whether one thinks he will make it to Cheltenham or not.

I am pessimistic. You are optimistic. That's about the size of it.

See, not even a hint of anti-Henderson bias.......other than the fact I've had six sherries whilst writing this post, and I'mm considering withdrawing it later. ;)
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I find it strange how they only show you the trial as it approaches the line. Would liked to have seen it all, make my own mind up as to whether he was struggling, or by how much. I am suspicious of the whole escapade.... seems like the only true bit of true form here is, Henderson drama on the eve of the festival. The guy has a touch of narcism, don't mean that in a nasty way, it's just he cannot bear to lose. This guy even put a Grand on himself (at the risk of losing his license) not to have a winner at the festival one year. It's his show and he will be the genius if he runs and wins, what a training performance...
I thought along similar lines. For all we know, Constitution Hill was carrying 3 stone more and had just gone an extra half mile.

I don't doubt for a second that the horse had mucus as I wouldn't dream of questioning a vet's integrity but there are two ways to look at it. Hendo has become increasingly nervous so raises something others may deem trivial so that either; has a ready made excuse should the horse run and lose or looks a genius if he wins or there is genuinely something wrong that really will impede his chances and then he won't run.

Which is why the 5/4 NRNB was such a good bet IMO (though only time will tell for sure) and I have it as good as direct that the Hills traders were absolutely filled in at that price. I managed to get a good 3 figure sum on so they were standing it to more than twenties.
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I thought along similar lines. For all we know, Constitution Hill was carrying 3 stone more and had just gone an extra half mile. Hendo has become increasingly nervous so raises something others may deem trivial so that either; has a ready made excuse should the horse run and lose or looks a genius if he wins or there is genuinely something wrong that really will impede his chances and then he won't run.

Exactly how I see it...

Take a look at the freeze frame picture, CH is what, 10L behind, and has seemingly been on a cruise wind down for a distance. The jockey on Sir Gino has pulled up a shade before the finish, and the unnamed horse looks to have been ridden for dear life...
That's a bit unfair mate, Nicky would have been happy if his original running plans had worked out. Every time he missed a race there was a legitimate excuse

He ran him 4 times last season exactly the same amout of times Honeysuckle ran when she won the Champion Hurdle

you were nice in your comment, so will I

He should be able to take plenty of racing and has been mollycoddled

He should really be running in a chase now too (ok that one was low)
I find it strange how they only show you the trial as it approaches the line. Would liked to have seen it all, make my own mind up as to whether he was struggling, or by how much. I am suspicious of the whole escapade.... seems like the only true bit of true form here is, Henderson drama on the eve of the festival. The guy has a touch of narcism, don't mean that in a nasty way, it's just he cannot bear to lose. This guy even put a Grand on himself (at the risk of losing his license) not to have a winner at the festival one year. It's his show and he will be the genius if he runs and wins, what a training performance...

A staged sensationalist story to increase ticket sales

The build up to this years Cheltenham is as low key as ive ever known in 35 years betting and racegoing
I saw on Facebook the other day that the racecourse is offering tickets that you can pay for in three other words they’re not selling as they are getting ridiculously expensive for most people.
They are ridiculously expensive especially when taking into account that if paying for club and stand on the grass can see practically nothing and the only screen is at the end of the pull up area. Gave up paying for club as no point in going out the front to try and watch the races.

Can't see CH running which leaves Aintree for his season.
I saw on Facebook the other day that the racecourse is offering tickets that you can pay for in three other words they’re not selling as they are getting ridiculously expensive for most people.

Current prices for Tues, Weds, Thurs, Gold Cup day is sold out

Club £112
Tatts £79
Best Mate £57

You can add another tenner to that during race week, ive sodded it off for good i reckon, i'm going to Uttoxeter on the Saturday same as last year, Grandstand ticket was only £25
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Yeah I’ve decided not to go this year. Friend I was going with can’t now, and I really can’t justify spending that sort of money and persuade someone else. When you stick on a drink plus lunch plus parking it’s a lot of money. Of course I will probably regret it but for the past few years I’ve been lucky to get a free ticket and in years gone by used to go on my trainers badge, neither of which I have available to me any more.

I’ve been invited to a nice lunch by some Pointing friends for the Gold Cup (and Foxhunters of course!) though so will still have an enjoyable time.
There's more conspiracy theories going about than the Donald Trump Russia Russia Russia hoax. NIco felt he wasn't right and eased right down on him was what was said at the time...He probably could have finished upsides had he got stuck into him but he's way too experienced to be that stupid. unless you have experienced mucus in your respiratory system you probably don't realize how much affects you. You become short of breath very easily but if it's a bacterial infection a course of antibiotics for 7 to 10 days and you are back to normal. if it is not a bacterial infection no amount of antibiotics will help....hence the test by the they know the cause his chances of making it are increased 10 bet is he will get there
Come to Punchestown.
No pigsback offers this year but online offers 30 Euro per day, fiver extra on the day.

I usually do the week at Punchestown, and love every day, it's brilliant. I'd even say it is better than Cheltenham from an all round experience point of view. Cheltenham has gotten to the stage where it is ridiculously expensive just to get in, let alone whatever you consume whilst you're there.
I can never understand why there is a need to drink at the races.theres plenty of time after the races.
Jinny just said it was £112 to get in wonder they haven't sold all the tickets.just greed.