
...and how terribly fragile capitalist economies actually are. Cashflow is everything
What's spooking people isn't the virus, or even the knowledge that coronavirus's can kill, it's that there's no cure. I'm sure that collective anxiety halves the moment a cure/ vaccine is made available (assuming or hoping it doesn't fall into Donald Trump's hands)

Ultimately this is going to be solved by people in white coats with petri dishes. I honestly for the life of me can't understand why there has been a global response in this direction. America's leadership in particular has been appalling. Both defaulted to their natural instincts in crisis management. Trump tried to bribe the Germans, and Pence tried to pray to God

Here's the thing. The research scientists tend to be attached to universities or employed by big pharma. Rather than working collaboratively, they tend to work under the veil of commercial secrecy in the race to get a drug developed and the all important patent. X might know something different to Y, and it could be Z who has the missing the link that makes both of X and Y's work significant, but they don't share or co-operate

It's quite telling that Trump, Macron, and to lesser extent that clown Johnson, have all been invoking warfare in their increasingly embarrassing attempts to convince they know what they're doing. Well let me remind them of something that comes straight from the 1940's formbook. When the allies wanted a bomb to win a war, they set up the Manhattan Project. They pooled all the resource and expertise they could from our top physicists and it worked

It honestly isn't a huge jump to make. They could have begun this process in early February. It wasn't a difficult policy decision to spot. If someone put you in charge of co-ordinating the Covid response (and remember these politicians are really quite amateur) the first thing you would do is quickly recognise you can't solve it. When you can't solve it, you find people who can

It doesn't require much imagination and insight to recognise that medical challenges are solved by scientists

Instead we've got Trump telling the world its a "hoax" or trying to convince us that he "really gets this" on some tenuous link to his Uncle John working at MIT. He even told us that "it's going to disappear, one day, it's like a miracle". We know Trump isn't religious, so I can only assume this was Pence's briefing. Johnson for his part has tried to tell us that 60% of the population need to contract it, and that means a lot of us will die. Then he changes his mind when he somehow struggles to understand that this might not be politically palatable. Credit the ever obedient BBC apologist called Laura Kuensberg incidentally for saying "the science changed". LoL. No it didn't, the science was the same as it was 48 hours earlier. The only thing that changed was the mind of that guy you're forever bidding on behalf of

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Surely there's only one person who can help us here... Greta Thunberg! - that's the young lady with a face like a slapped arse - She will surely be the one to save the planet from extinction. I must check her out on Twitter.. or maybe not
It is strange, but what's equally frightening, (given that Greta advocates listening to and following the science) is that she'd probably give better direction than Donald Trump and Mike Pence

If I had to choose between them, I'd rather Greta be making the decisions than America's dynamic duo. And you have to question Boris Johnson's ability too given that he's seemingly performed a 180

President Jokowi of Indonesia was getting some acclaim yesterday for admitting that he' tried to conceal the data and fiddled figures etc to disguise. Admitting to mistakes has its time and place, and can be considered a good character, but let's be honest, it's over-rated. The answer is not to make the bloody mistakes in the first place, and I'm somewhat fearful as to what led Boris Johnson into his herd immunity strategy which he's now withdrawn from. He should never have chosen that route in the first place
...and how terribly fragile capitalist economies actually are. Cashflow is everything

As everyones been predicting for several years,what could possibly go wrong all playing out now,the papered over cracks are now revealed and the shithousery of capitalists not willing to act quick enough,although if you look on the betfair forum anyone over 55 thinks its a conspiracy and over reaction,some of the sh21t these people come out with..If that's the case get out there contract the disease and come and tell us what it's like if you survive,not forgetting the medical staff don't have the ventilators,masks,equipment,no testing for frontline staff so if they get ill even more devestation..Ten years of underfunding,who knew? meanwhile lets give business 300 billion but everyone else,well you can guess..Lets also keep bars open and of course sporting events like cheltenhmam last week,absolutely stunk as well holding that winder how many extra thousands of infections thats caused?Plus lets keep schools open????????yes infect all the kids parents and those of health workers,we must have the vilest most incompotent fool,cummings mark all over it these two fcukerrs are as dangerous as trump,all to paper over a tsunami weeks of ignoring the facts and couldv'e been worse but for a u turn..
These tories are utter vermin,i caN see it now instead of closing schools last week they won't even close them this week we have easter holidays oh fcuk them we will just keep colleges and schools opeN another week by next week we will be in 5 figures,ffs how many do they want to infect this will be manslaughter..I have ms so compromised,my son has been admitted 6/7 times with viral infections and my mum has terminal lung cancer..all these deaths rest on this lot,disaster capitalism..
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People, in general, seem to have shut up about Greta and Extinction Rebellion because what they have been trying to tell us for ages is now actually happening. Didn't Corbyn have a policy of making sure that everyone in the country had computer access? Not such a daft idea now, is it? Strange that the human race, the only creatures on this planet that do more harm than good, could possibly face extinction and the world would heal itself. Maybe in future, when we read about another animal/insect/bird becoming extinct we might consider what part we have played in that.
Number 1 Rule

Never trust the tories..who knew?

Another 676 cases here..
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I see that EastEnders is stopping. How long before Corrie and Emmerdale follow suit.

What will the nation do without their soaps? Reruns of Morecambe and wise?
I see that EastEnders is stopping. How long before Corrie and Emmerdale follow suit.

What will the nation do without their soaps? Reruns of Morecambe and wise?

Thank god for Netflix and switching off from Tory propangadist and enablers Luara kuennsberg and the BBC!!
**** just got real. Local Tesco out of lager.

No ******* lager.

Motherf cker.

The ''lets get brexit done'' mob,first they hoarded all the bog roll then raped the shelves of the baked beans and eggs,explains all the bogroll, and the huge skidmarks in their union jack underpants..i don't drink but i'd go 1.01 they took all the lager as well,just ******* typical..!!
They're all a bunch of fkups across the spectrum but the virus started in a communist country where people are eating road kill. Communist gov tries to hide what's happening & let it spread across the world. Cue anti capitalist rants, I'm waiting for calls for another ge so that the reds can 'save the day' & then round it off with demands to overturn brexit....
Tennants Super isn't the only lager Simmo :lol:

Ew. Tennents super isn't lager, it's gunk.

Managed to snaffle the last few cases of tennents special which I haven't drunk since the 90s. But needs must when the devil drives.

Plan b if it continues is to get my neighbour to get me some from his work - at tennents brewery.
Can't wait to see Katie Andrews face :cool: karma and all that the IEA oh dear,what ashame never mind..