Count the number of connections in the Parade Ring


May 3, 2018
Does anyone count the number of connections in the Parade Ring and back the one with the most connections present.
If its raining, and nobody is in the Parade Ring, consult the Timeform card and back Heavy Ground horses ?
There was a horse who often ran at Brighton whose connections only ever turned up mob ended when the money was down.

As for the rest, yes definitely, forget going stick readings, forget race times, if it starts to rain the ground must be Heavy.

Said no one (who was in their right mind) ever.
I remember at Ayr a bunch of shrewdies hiding in the car park before the race started, the horse won.
I remember sitting in the parade ring at Ayr one day, dejected because we'd had our arses handed to us all day, watching the horses parade as if we knew what we were doing. The final two horses came round and one jockey shouts over to us "it's not mine you want, it's that other one!"

We excitedly scanned our racecards to find that the horse in question (Celebration Cake) had been beaten soundly at Ayr the previous day and immediately discarded it from our thinking.

Of course, it duly won at 9/2, much to our chagrin.

I didn't count the number of connections in the ring.
In the parade ring the trainer gave his horse something.
“What did you just give that horse” barked the eagle eyed steward, Lord Richmond
“Just a sugar lump, milord” said the trainer “ here, have one and I will too”
Later on the trainer gives his jockey his instructions.
“Hold him tight until round the last bend, then let him rip. Don’t bother looking back, if anything passes you it’ll be me or Lord Richmond.”
It probably depends on whether the horse is owned by an individual or a syndicate.

I also look for advertising adornments on the jockeys. The more the more likely it is to be trying but I wouldn't really factor it in to my thinking too much.

The Johnstons have an owner who lives in HK, a doctor or summat. If he turns up at the track it's usually for a reason.
Two years ago at Limerick White Strand ran in first handicap.
We expected big things so a lot of the syndicate showed up.
Virtually every runner in the race was syndicate owned so the parade ring was choked with people, more inside than outside .
The two runners with no owner present finished first and third, we came second.
Owners in question were Prince Fahad and the Aga Khan so it could have been interesting in the winners circle had all been present.
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For this technique to be truly scientific you’d need to know the percentage share held by each of the owners in the parade ring and then be able to tot them up. You would then back the horse with the highest percentage. But that is impractical, so I’d say it’s best to avoid backing syndicate-owned horses.
Sorry I can't take this crap seriously Sunshine you really are wired to the moon.....guys hiding in the car park ffs Jackanory Jackanory
Sunshine is obviously on a wind up and he's not too bad at it. Gives me a laugh and god knows we need some laughs in this very dour place
In a chitchaty way that is, not connected to the more serious side of this forum.

I still have sunshine as maybe being gamble. Bit of a long shot, but possible ;)
I always remember a friend of mine backing Sinndar for the Derby after realising that the Aga Khan had gone to watch him race in Ireland when he could have been elsewhere. Methinks any angle is worth throwing in the mix when it comes to finding a winner!
Weirdest the I saw was at Epsom..........a flock of Arabs around 8 of them all dressed in Thawbs marched in. Walked straight over the rails apparently to back Oath. Watched him win the Derby and marched straight out again