Covid Vaccine

Would you take the Vaccine?

  • No

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Yes

    Votes: 22 95.7%

  • Total voters
Yes, I did mean to put it on the what are you watching thread: I got sidetracked at the last minute!
Lucky you barjon. Had a phone call today to say a dear friend of mine had died of COVID. Had a fall, went to hospital, discharged to a nursing home, caught it and died. Thought they’d got a handle on that but it appears not to be the case. 96 years old but bright as a button. Proper racing fan, too: we used to discuss the King George every year and she used to nip into the bookies to place her bets on the way back from the shops. Could honestly do serious damage to any anti vacc'er/COVID deniers that I might bump into. Not that I’m likely to bump into anyone for the foreseeable future. My daughter has several friends all in their early forties suffering from it: one with long COVID. It’s getting very close to home.
I'm getting more and more annoyed watching the TV coverage of the new restrictions and the lack of penetrative questioning by the other media.

We're moving into Christmas week and it's obvious from the graphics they're putting up on TV that they have known about this new strain and its hugely increased virulence for a number of days yet they're only acting now.

Of course Christmas is important to families but surely no more important than keeping family members alive.

I'm already resigned to not seeing Orchidette over the Christmas period but that's because Mrs O and I and Orchidette can look at the evidence and come to the obvious conclusion.

And, of course, (in my opinion) this government continues to sacrifice the lives of teachers because they don't want them to have more 'holidays'.

Murderous basterts.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned about this virus it’s that you’ve got to nip it in the bud and that hanging about is disastrous. In the first wave we had a six week lead time as we saw things develop in Europe, but still we finished up behind the pace. Same, now, with this latest strain. Instead of hitting hard and fast we’ve pissed about again.
Except that Sweden and Germany who were sitting there all smug first time round are now suffering.

I think they desperately wanted Christmas to go ahead but unfortunately too many people take out notice of any rules. People spread the virus not the Government. Friends said going into Taunton over the last few weeks, the blatant disregard for social distancing in shops was incredible. I could see this happening ages ago so did all my necessary shopping in November and haven’t had to go back.

All this talk of manufacturing a stockpile at risk that we heard from August onwards, precisely to put in a position to respond to the exact crisis situation we're now sailing into, and how many has the UK government actually managed to oversee? 500,000 five bloody hundred thousand. That's all

This is a national scandal. Tens of thousands of people are going to needlessly die now, as well as hundreds of thousands of others becoming infected because this useless government lacks the skills set to project/ crisis manage

This was foreseeable. The hindsight defence has no place here. It's a lame excuse to cover poor individual performances from useless ministers who just lack the basics

Oh, and next time Hancock says there's use by date on the vaccine just remember he hasn't told us what the half life is. Why? Because its inside what he could have done. India has just confirmed the production of 40m doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine produced in the last 2 months (for use in India). That alone immediately gives the lie to Hancock's explanation

I fear the virus won the race. We potentially had a chance to turn this round if he'd built up a stockpile since August, but he's failed us

Now do the maths

The government has indicated they can produce 1 million a week. It's no where near enough

We're currently seeing infection rates of 55,000 a day. The festive holiday period counts are yet to feed in, and the more virulent strain is still expand out of the South East into other regions. We're staring down the barrel of 100,000 a day by the second/ third week of January. We have a case fatality rate of 2.95% on the current data (very high)

David Cameron might be one of the very worst Prime Ministers in British history, but Boris Johnson's flying circus would certainly have collective claims to the worst cabinet
Seems the problem isn't producing the vaccine, but the lack of phials to put it in; can't believe it's beyond the wit of science to ship it wholesale, and break it into usable doses later?
Does anyone know how they contact you? They say ‘you will be contacted’ but is it by letter, by phone, by text? Carrier pigeon? Smoke signals.....
100K+ Dead.

BJ: "We have done everything we could to save lives."

Latest Opinion Poll: Tories +3%

Can somebody with a UK vote/citizenship square this circle for me?
By employment, I have to analyse Internet crimes and related matters.

There is a remarkable (relatively speaking) number of vaccines being sold which are naturally fake. Mostly scam artists but some people have received lord only knows what.

Also the Chinese vaccines, 2 approved, 3 awaiting clearance are from early indications not as successful as hoped.
Pleased to hear that DG. My DIL (health worker) is having one today. Every vaccine is one step closer to normality and one less person to worry about.
Pleased to hear that DG. My DIL (health worker) is having one today. Every vaccine is one step closer to normality and one less person to worry about.

Both of us had slight reactions. Mrs DG felt extremely tired next day but soon up to speed again whilst I had a strange headache all night which kept me awake but which disappeared once I took a couple of Nurofen and then during the afternoon I felt really cold and by four pm was really shivering to the extent I was shaking and could barely hold a knife and fork so after adding layers of clothing failed to work had to lie in bed for a couple of hours fully dressed with the electric blanket turned up before feeling warm again.Symptoms didn't return and felt OK again in the evening. Since then learnt that one of Mrs DG's friends experienced exactly the same.
Meanwhile the European Commission make Hancock and Johnson look thoughtful and competent and that takes some doing. Five years negotiating a NI prortocol and they undermine it in a month because Macron is sulking. Gobshites.
Both of us had slight reactions. Mrs DG felt extremely tired next day but soon up to speed again whilst I had a strange headache all night which kept me awake but which disappeared once I took a couple of Nurofen and then during the afternoon I felt really cold and by four pm was really shivering to the extent I was shaking and could barely hold a knife and fork so after adding layers of clothing failed to work had to lie in bed for a couple of hours fully dressed with the electric blanket turned up before feeling warm again.Symptoms didn't return and felt OK again in the evening. Since then learnt that one of Mrs DG's friends experienced exactly the same.

My partners parents had the headache thing too DG., they were also done on Monday.
Meanwhile the European Commission make Hancock and Johnson look thoughtful and competent and that takes some doing. Five years negotiating a NI prortocol and they undermine it in a month because Macron is sulking. Gobshites.

Are we surprised!
Meanwhile the European Commission make Hancock and Johnson look thoughtful and competent and that takes some doing. Five years negotiating a NI prortocol and they undermine it in a month because Macron is sulking. Gobshites.

Macron definitely not coming out of this well.
I knew the Pfizer vaccine sometimes caused headaches but interesting to know the Oxford one did, too. At least it shows the body is reacting to the vaccine. I was extremely tired after my flu jab this year: I mentioned it to the pharmacist when I had a pneumonia jab and she said she hadn’t thought about it at the time but that she, too, had been tired afterwards. First time I’d had a reaction of any kind to a vaccine.