Daily Picks Comments


At the Start
Jun 3, 2010
Presumably this drifted because of the going concerns and is one for the notebook on good ground? Likely to be smashed up when he gets it. The danger horse was second too. Do the lemmings do forecasts?

Some of us lemmings do forecasts and tricasts, so much to our detriment that we have to employ part time help to tabulate our winnings.:D
This appears to have turned into one of those betfair forum threads,quite surprised as i thought this forum was nothing like,seems to be everywhere!!:blink:
This appears to have turned into one of those betfair forum threads,quite surprised as i thought this forum was nothing like,seems to be everywhere!!:blink:

It hasn't. A few have gotten all defensive on your behalf.
I'll say what i think about how this thread is going

one word..jealousy

its very hard to fit in on here...as is shown with what G has achieved on this thread..and still he is made to feel like he is somehow pulling the wool over people's eyes

tell you what Slim..if you f00k him off enough and he packs in it will do great damage to the board

and yes i've made a few bob off this thread..but don't think for one minute i rely on anyone to pick my horses

right is right..the guy is brilliant..get used to it...and cut him some slack eh
in fact..i'm not happy with your attitude at all..and seeing as how you seem to have support of mods..i'll have a break from posting and see if it gets any better
If I knew you weren't a woman for certain I wouldn't believe it. Find me any post on this thread you have issue with and I'll back up exactly what I meant as opposed to what some have interpreted it as.

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Please a bit of sanity guys.

I'm like EC and rarely rely on others to make my selections but when I see a guy like Gigolo pop up on a racing site I take notice. I've been doing this since early 2000 and I can split the wheat from the chaff very quickly and G is pure whole grain wheat.

Nothing wrong with being a bit envious, I am, but I also know my limitations and the type of mostly low level races he bets in are simply not my forte

So why not just let him continue with what he is doing and we can choose to learn something and profit or we can ignore him and those who applaud his acumen. Just would hate the guy to think this is another Betfair forum because in the main it is not.
The hysteria is completely unnecessary and I'm at a loss why anyone thinks I have anything agsinst gigilo. No one is stopping him from doing what he is doing and it's the lads jumping down my throat that would not be out of place on the Betfair forum.

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I've used the phrase lemmings many times on this forum. Mostly to describe forum members who followed me on golf selections. It's a humorous term. I didn't realise people were so precious. You dont see me stamping my feet over the personnel attacks a few pages back and for good reason too, it's only words and it's only an Internet forum.
in fact..i'm not happy with your attitude at all..and seeing as how you seem to have support of mods..i'll have a break from posting and see if it gets any better

I think you need to take a step back and calm down a little.
Nice of you to stick up for your bud and you are one of those around here that make a lot of sense but if the Betfair forum is used as a positive example then good grief.
The last from me on the subject, just hope G continues on and if not oh well it was good while it lasted.
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Here's what I don't understand, what exactly has been posted to stop him from posting?
I should add if that makes me a lemming then so be it,
My bookmakers dont think it's so funny either :cool:.
I should add if that makes me a lemming then so be it,
My bookmakers dont think it's so funny either :cool:.

Exactly and if I post something which seems critical that's the sort of response I'm expecting or looking for. It's called banter and I got a great laugh out of your reply to my forecasts dig.
Here's what I don't understand, what exactly has been posted to stop him from posting?

Delicate subject. You have a way that can come across as a bit barbed or yes jealous but I'm sure it has mostly to do with youthful (younger than 30) exuberance. No skin off my nose personally cuz I'm a mean old junkyard dog on two legs whose bite is definitely bigger than his bark when need be.

I've been around EC on numerous sites and he has some serious talent as someone who thinks on different planes but he has been known to spit the dummy a bit quickly every now and then. Hope he doesn't come in here now and blast me away
Slimchance has been Gigolo's biggest advocate (if he ever needed one) on this thread. The rest is just fluff..

My crime has been asking questions when things have gone tits up. Not as a criticism but more as to figure out the best way to maximise profits. There is more to this thread than backing horses that shorten, it's understanding why horses shorten or why horses with obvious form chances dont shorten. That's what intrigues me about the thread and I've picked up plenty along the way.

As the old proverb goes and it's very apt for my perspective on this thread

* * *
“Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.”
It's a good thread, very good actually. What is the point of people spitting their toys out of the pram. It's a forum

If someone puts up a post by the nature of a forum someone has the right to agree/disagree/question/congratulate etc etc

Lets get back to the point of the thread.. brilliant form analysis and horses shortening in price
What Slim needs to understand is that us Lemmings aren't as fortunate as him. We don't have the luxury of having Aidan, Jim, Dermot, Tommy, John and Elvis (probably) popping round our bedsits for a cheeky can of Special Brew and a quick game of Risk. You see we aren't IN THE KNOW.

Slim, you are indeed a Turf hipster and you have my utmost respect. I also admire the utter devotion that ensures a grown man (I think) can stalk a horse racing forum 24/7. Honestly, how dare this Gigilo distract followers from your razor sharp 'wit' and knowing asides. You OWN this forum and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Its the 21st century. iPhone and broadband readily available. I can do a days work, the forum, Twitter, the girlfriends sister and kick the cat when the lemmings don't force the price down all at the one time.