Daily Picks Comments

Its the 21st century. iPhone and broadband readily available. I can do a days work, the forum, Twitter, the girlfriends sister and kick the cat when the lemmings don't force the price down all at the one time.

Wait til he gets wifi sorted....hel never leave us alone...
I can’t see too much wrong with any of this, apart from one or two getting over excited. Disagreement is part and parcel on a forum, as in life. Take what you need and leave what you don’t want. The content is the important thing not the side swipes.
I think he's packed in mate..which with the number of posts on here by those with lots to say previously.. displays the intention

if you don't mix with folk away from the board you are shagged basically..but if you do they will back you up to the hilt even when they know you are in the wrong
I think he's packed in mate..which with the number of posts on here by those with lots to say previously.. displays the intention

Not sure what you mean here EC1?
I think he's packed in mate..which with the number of posts on here by those with lots to say previously.. displays the intention

Not sure what you mean here EC1?

what i mean is that now he's been hounded and gone it suits the jealous element

read the last few pages...i don't blame him

you only fit in here if you socialise with the clique and get all your tips slung at you from "connections"

anyone else is deemed of little interest..lost some good posters on here due to this attitude..they will be losing more if its seen as the board ethos
I think he's packed in mate..which with the number of posts on here by those with lots to say previously.. displays the intention

if you don't mix with folk away from the board you are shagged basically..but if you do they will back you up to the hilt even when they know you are in the wrong

FFS -give it a rest.
I don't really know why anyone would want to hound a full time pro off here, don't think you'd get too many giving their observations for free!
Not exactly the busiest of forums is it!
I don't really know why anyone would want to hound a full time pro off here, don't think you'd get too many giving their observations for free!
Not exactly the busiest of forums is it!

you've only got to read the response of Luke above ...they want to be the big I am's...bragging about what they back and who they know..telling people what to post

bully mentality ..there will be more along in a bit backing their sad selfs up

this was the best thread on any board..but thats not good enough on here unless you are one of the lads
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Are you for free speech or against it-please decide.

if by free speech you mean constantly snapping at someone for giving his efforts to the board..then no

if Flame started a thread giving out all his info each day..and every day i were badgering him about where he got his info..who he gets it from..i know for sure you wouldn't be viewing that as free speech..i'd have all you lot on my back

well..to me when someone works at the game like G does he gives more than such as Flame...a lot more..its **** easy passing on info..no effort required..but its deemed somehow ok to keep badgering the bloke who lays his work out each day which has taken him a lot of effort
Where is the hounding?

you don't want to see it Luke..but its funny how others have noted it as well

Gearoid's tried to be clever and hide it..but he has been putting the knocks in..they are there if you read between the lines

you'll never have it though..you are biased in his favour
Fear not lads, Gigilio may have gone but we've still got the rapier wit of Slim and his Job Club posse to look forward to.

I mean Gigilio might have had the all weather totally wrapped up but these lads have QUALITY connections to the great and good of Irish Racing (rumour has it Slim once owned 5% in a serious flapper!)

Don't be fooled by the monikers and the repetitive inane drivel, these lads are serious movers and shakers. In fact, I strongly suspect that they may indeed be part of the C**lm*re mafia.

Be grateful and stop complaining!!
Fear not lads, Gigilio may have gone but we've still got the rapier wit of Slim and his Job Club posse to look forward to.

I mean Gigilio might have had the all weather totally wrapped up but these lads have QUALITY connections to the great and good of Irish Racing (rumour has it Slim once owned 5% in a serious flapper!)

Don't be fooled by the monikers and the repetitive inane drivel, these lads are serious movers and shakers. In fact, I strongly suspect that they may indeed be part of the C**lm*re mafia.

Be grateful and stop complaining!!

aye..we are blessed and don't know it

i've had my say on it anyway..others who are reading this thread now who enjoyed it whilst it were going on want to be having their say instead of sitting on the sidelines
EC1 - I am not backing up Luke, Slimchance or anyone else you think is in the so- called clique. Nobody is hunting anyone away. I question some of your thoughts periodically as you do mine and others. We all have different angles with which we contribute. Irish racing unfortunately by its very nature is more information based than its UK counterpart especially at a lower level. This I believe is due to the fact that Irish racing is miles behind in terms of integrity spending and a vested interest stewarding system. Sharing information is as important on this forum as the detailed form analysis done by others on Irish Racing and the likes of Giggolo and yourself on the all- weather and other UK racing. Irish Stamp gets plenty of banter regarding his French racing knowledge and Point to Point analysis but anyone with their head screwed on takes note. There are no cliques or no agenda amoungst any so called groups. We are all hear to enjoy racing, back winning bets and have a bit of a laugh as well. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.
EC1 - I am not backing up Luke, Slimchance or anyone else you think is in the so- called clique. Nobody is hunting anyone away. I question some of your thoughts periodically as you do mine and others. We all have different angles with which we contribute. Irish racing unfortunately by its very nature is more information based than its UK counterpart especially at a lower level. This I believe is due to the fact that Irish racing is miles behind in terms of integrity spending and a vested interest stewarding system. Sharing information is as important on this forum as the detailed form analysis done by others on Irish Racing and the likes of Giggolo and yourself on the all- weather and other UK racing. Irish Stamp gets plenty of banter regarding his French racing knowledge and Point to Point analysis but anyone with their head screwed on takes note. There are no cliques or no agenda amoungst any so called groups. We are all hear to enjoy racing, back winning bets and have a bit of a laugh as well. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.

JP is that you?? Can I have a go on your helicopter?
EC1 - I am not backing up Luke, Slimchance or anyone else you think is in the so- called clique. Nobody is hunting anyone away. I question some of your thoughts periodically as you do mine and others. We all have different angles with which we contribute. Irish racing unfortunately by its very nature is more information based than its UK counterpart especially at a lower level. This I believe is due to the fact that Irish racing is miles behind in terms of integrity spending and a vested interest stewarding system. Sharing information is as important on this forum as the detailed form analysis done by others on Irish Racing and the likes of Giggolo and yourself on the all- weather and other UK racing. Irish Stamp gets plenty of banter regarding his French racing knowledge and Point to Point analysis but anyone with their head screwed on takes note. There are no cliques or no agenda amoungst any so called groups. We are all hear to enjoy racing, back winning bets and have a bit of a laugh as well. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.

you will pen a long reply to me but you won't criticise Gearoid for his behaviour on this thread

i'm not pissed off all the time..but i'm pissed off with how someone like G gets f00ked off with the ankle snapping

and before some clever arse suggests i need his tips..i can guarantee you i don't

i am just fed up with people like DO..Warbler and now Gigilo stopping posting here because of the way they feel

people like those 3 are what keeps me interested in reading forums...people like this are the lifeblood of a good forum

we should be encouraging people like this to post

and if they disappear then we should be bothered..not just bloody ignoring the fact they don't post anymore

you think another good poster will just replace them..another will come along soon etc...they won't..good posters are very rare
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