Daily Picks Comments

The irony of the whole thing is that had Vodkatini not posted his condemnation of my posts on behalf of gigilo, which set of EC1 the thread would have carried on regardless.

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Private forums with limited numbers mainly owners,same old thing info about odds on shots and doing their balls!!:blink:

My initial distrust of Gigilo was based on something I read on the betfair forum
last year in the American racing section. In reply to a post by icebreaker99 someone called thegiggilo talks of a trade he put up on Bianca Medici and how they don't like him in the other place.
I have no problem with Icebreaker of Gigilo -I think they are both good solid contributors despite being convinced that Gigilo was up to no good.
The thread I refer to is on the betfair forum American racing section -dated 9/8/11.
The irony of the whole thing is that had Vodkatini not posted his condemnation of my posts on behalf of gigilo, which set of EC1 the thread would have carried on regardless.


Eh no it wouldn't. I had a couple of PMs from Gigilo and he was thoroughly pissed off with you and Luke. It's always someone else's fault with you, either that or your banter is misunderstood - all because of silly, petty jealousy.

Have to laugh at Luke though:
"]I have no problem with Icebreaker of Gigilo -I think they are both good solid contributors despite being convinced that Gigilo was up to no good"
I mean WTF does he actually mean by this? Dim as pigshit and desperate to fit in. Pitiful.

Anyway well done you've killed one of the most profitable thread I've ever been fortunate enough to read. The site is now yours to spout on about non-existent connections and bore all and sundry with your shitty aeroplane metaphors.

Peace Out
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How could he be pissed off with me and Luke when Luke had not contributed to the thread in months?
My initial distrust of Gigilo was based on something I read on the betfair forum
last year in the American racing section. In reply to a post by icebreaker99 someone called thegiggilo talks of a trade he put up on Bianca Medici and how they don't like him in the other place.
I have no problem with Icebreaker of Gigilo -I think they are both good solid contributors despite being convinced that Gigilo was up to no good.
The thread I refer to is on the betfair forum American racing section -dated 9/8/11.
Well, well, ............... there's a blast from the past ! :)
I couldn't remember making the post you refer to, so I looked it up.
Nothing much passes under your radar, lad !!!

Yep, it was a query about Ebetusa and live Tote prices. A chap with the moniker Fawwon kindly replied with a solve of the problem I was experiencing (not getting the Tote odds -- only the Morning Line). I thanked him,and never revisited the thread .................... until now. And now I see that Gigilo added a post about three weeks later with the comment you refer to in your post. I only regret that I missed it and so didn't show him the courtesy of a reply.
I'll say this, Luke, in-my-view you are harshly judging that particular comment of his; I honestly don't read anything sinister into it.
You can be a hard taskmaster when the mood takes you ! :D
Luke the clouseau of the forum,absolute corker ''my initial distrust'':lol::lol:
you need to get out of the house even i'm not that suspicious minded.:D
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ARAGORN!!!!!! Who the feck says I have left? I happen to have been very busy due to the fact my best friend had a sroke and I have been covering for him plus I don't particulary like the start of the flat.

Let me put you straigt Aragorn because quite frankly you are spouting shyte.

I have never ever been thrown off a forum nor have I ever been banned.

David Cormack once claimed I was banned from TRF 2 weeks after I had left. I have asked him for an explanation but never had one nor did I get any notofication from him.

Water under the bridge I post there when I can but to be honest it's all but died a death lately.

I doubt if this place is losing posters it's that after affect from the build up to Cheltenham and people thinking what we going to talk about now.

No doubt by the time the Guineas is over interest will be at a high again.

BTW you are a terrible judge and if you want a second opinion your ugly as well :p
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Touchy feely threads have no place on a horse racing forums unless they're in relation to Noel Fehily...
"Cliques on forums are pathetic childish and stop forums growing more than any other single factor"

Spartacus 71 BC

And some still haven't learned :lol:
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Luke the clouseau of the forum,absolute corker ''my initial distrust'':lol::lol:
you need to get out of the house even i'm not that suspicious minded.:D

Says the man who claims to work 16 hours a day on form.

For what it's worth-any negativity I had towards you disappeared fairly early and I had started to make what I thought were positive contributions on that thread.
Icebreaker-I can honestly say I wouldn't mind having a pint with you.I'd say we could find plenty to talk about.
Vodkatini -you have nothing to contribute.
Fist, I never said you'd left this forum (read Marbles comment then mine) but you threw your toys out of the pram a lot on TRF and I thought you'd been banned a few times hence the need for a new username all the time!! Your word against Cormacks..... Lunatic was plain wrong but you'd be hard pushed to argue you're not controversial.

I also never claimed to be a decent judge, a comment which couldn't be levelled at you. I didn't need to move to Thailand to get a woman either......

Having said all that I'm pleased you haven't left. You old goat :)
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Well I hope you all learned a valuable lesson from all of this.

I most certainly haven't.