Daily picks.

aye..most of the postings are fawning crap though Dringwr....rather than folk passing a real opinion..if all i did was fawn around a forum i'd pack in..why not those who fawn..offer something to the forum..ass licking is ok ..i do it a bit ..but you can't build a forum posting career around it unless you want to look a real div..i'm all for congratulations..but i couldn't just make it my career posting in that way

this is a big forum..lots of topics..even our cat would get bored saying..ooh i love you G..well done G...will you have my kids G...etc..after a bit..get stuck in to other parts of the forum..Gigs thread is always here for you anyway..make the forum something special+
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I hope and think that Gigilo will continue posting in the thread

his work is brilliant and i find amazing how someone can post so many winners , especially at this level.

but the forum has 2 positive things for him:

after posting so many winners, many people follows him in market with not high liquidity and he is able to lay some bets

and also we all know what a satisfaction is to provide winners to people and be recognized for it. We all have Our ego

I think it's good that someone mentioned the elephant in the room. When you have a following where you can shorten up any horse in any race why wouldn't you use it to your advantage? I want to be clear that at NO stage do I think Gigilo has put up a red herring but he owns the overnight flat markets.
the fact you will challenge that post Grass but never ever take time out to post on here with a positive outcome for the person whose thread it is (Gigilo)tells me a lot really.

to be honest..i don't really care who challenges anything i say on here anymore..i'll speak my mind..and if it don't go down well..tough

i've had plenty of folk shite on stuff i spent a long time posting on..now..i don't give a fook..you will see that over the coming months..i'll be speaking my mind..if it don't go down well..best choke on it then..i'll post whatever i feel..whenever i feel like it..and those with a gripe against me who never post when they agree..but are quick to post when they disagree... can go swing.

get used to it

EC1, all it should tell you is that gigolo bets exclusively on the Flat, and that I therefore have no interest in the races in which he plays, or the thread in general. To be perfectly honest, I went into the thread by accident - mainly because my thumbs are too fat for my keyboard, and my eyes too bent for my screen. I did, however, note the barney with Slim (I still don't know if that ended peacefully or not) and it was this that drew me in.

Other than that, nothing else should be inferred from the fact that I never contribute to the thread. The subject-matter holds not one iota of interest for me, and I don't bet real money on anything but my own hunches.

Call it a character-flaw, and sweep it into the pile with the rest of them.

Insofar as gigolo himself (I assume it's a bloke) is concerned, from the various Kabooms and high-fives that litter the thread, it seems abundantly clear that he is successful - which is great........but it's also abundantly clear, that he doesn't need me to tell him/her.

I don't have much in the way of an issue with your post, other than that I disagree with it. Speaking ones mind is, of course, a two-way street, and you should not think that I am in any way trying to neuter your voice. I'm merely putting across a different viewpoint, and there's really no need to be going-off on one about it. There wasn't a trace of malice in my post.

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aye..most of the postings are fawning crap though Dringwr....rather than folk passing a real opinion..if all i did was fawn around a forum i'd pack in..why not those who fawn..offer something to the forum..ass licking is ok ..i do it a bit ..but you can't build a forum posting career around it unless you want to look a real div..i'm all for congratulations..but i couldn't just make it my career posting in that way

this is a big forum..lots of topics..even our cat would get bored saying..ooh i love you G..well done G...will you have my kids G...etc..after a bit..get stuck in to other parts of the forum..Gigs thread is always here for you anyway..make the forum something special+

Forum posting career. :lol: Give me strength
The worst part of all this is I actually really like Gigilo. I hate getting caught in stupid online bullshit like this, it never happens in real life where people know what you're about.
Unlike you to admit fallibility.

I think there is a lot of crossed wires on the issue but when you **** off someone you respect you must be liable directly or indirectly. In this case I'm happy to admit I had to be wrong, despite my intentions not being underhand.
I think there is a lot of crossed wires on the issue but when you **** off someone you respect you must be liable directly or indirectly. In this case I'm happy to admit I had to be wrong, despite my intentions not being underhand.

Aww!The kids are all grown up. Pint in Ashtons for that. I'll buy.
I think there is a lot of crossed wires on the issue but when you **** off someone you respect you must be liable directly or indirectly. In this case I'm happy to admit I had to be wrong, despite my intentions not being underhand.

I think that's more than fair, hopefully Giglio is happy to accept and we can all move on. Nobody wants to lose posters that contribute a lot to the forum.
Thanks slim for saying you were the ONLY one defending/praising gigs on pm means alot mate that! 4 pages of posts and who knows how many views I'd move into viral blogging. Unlucky today gigs shocking ride by George baker on crispies.
Glad you're all friends again, and thanks for the entertainment yesterday - it's why the internet was invented. I've never seen so many of us simultaneously viewing one thread.

FWIW, this forum is a far better place for the presence of studious judges of form and those in the know. Long may it continue.
Ec1 I'm not sure I agree with you bud about people on here only liking losers and celebrating when tippers fail. Often you see people congratulating (or fawning as you say) and I don't think me personally in the number of years I've been on this forum I've seen abuse for putting up losers, albeit I don't read every thread, every day. Apologies if I've missed it. I've put up way more losers than winners over the years and don't remember a negative comment. Even when I got bullish after a 7-1 winner on the will win thread, put up another from the same source that got turned over. In fact posters told me not to worry about it.

I think many have profited from Andy's work over the years, and Slims, yours, etc etc. You boys are far superior and knowledgeable to most of us. It would be a shame of this misunderstanding as I see it means a huge loss to the forum.
Ec1 I'm not sure I agree with you bud about people on here only liking losers and celebrating when tippers fail. Often you see people congratulating (or fawning as you say) and I don't think me personally in the number of years I've been on this forum I've seen abuse for putting up losers, albeit I don't read every thread, every day. Apologies if I've missed it. I've put up way more losers than winners over the years and don't remember a negative comment. Even when I got bullish after a 7-1 winner on the will win thread, put up another from the same source that got turned over. In fact posters told me not to worry about it.

I think many have profited from Andy's work over the years, and Slims, yours, etc etc. You boys are far superior and knowledgeable to most of us. It would be a shame of this misunderstanding as I see it means a huge loss to the forum.

I didn't really mean people just on here PTP..i was just talking about human nature in general ...and possibly its just an English thing...the underdog favouring nature we have...it wasn't a diss really..just something i think happens

One example away from horse racing that highlights what i mean....is..bingo...when someone wins...they don't get a round of applause or well dones..its.."oh sh1t i only wanted one number"......people don't display in that situation a liking for a winner...in fact if someone wins regular at bingo..you will start getting the.."oh no not him/her again..i only wanted one number as well:)"

My point was that people don't actually celebrate and want people to fail..well i hope not..but subconciously its there in the back of the mind..but bingo highlights thoughts spoken out loud..its probably one of the best studies of how people actually react to winners..they voice it..can't think of any other winning sphere that highlights better tbh.

In horse racing its a little different..but i think that people who display failure are better liked than those who are successfull...which is similar to the outward display you see at bingo.

I'd just like to add..i don't go to bingo:)..but i have seen those reactions when they have had bingo in clubs through the years and seen it on TV.

its not a dig at anyone here..it was just a comment on human nature really

I like to see people congratulating others...there is no point bothering otherwise..i'm not a congratulate opposer:)...and i certainly think that anyone who says they don't like being congratulated is fibbing.

My comment about fawning was more aimed at somone asking for us not to chat anymore on this thread in case it upsets Gigilo..like we can't use the thread for a chat like we did yesterday...which to me just seemed a very odd mindset..its a forum for chat...thats what we do..and try and win a bit of money at same time.

anyway..so i don't upset anyone..lets leave the thread to Gigilo
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Just had to smile at the bingo analogy, EC1. It's spot on.

My maw started going to bingo relatively late in life as she sought a way out of the drudgery my father was dragging her into. She went with his sisters and came back saying exactly the same thing as you: why are they unhappy when someone wins? Why aren't they happy for them? Why are they angry that they were only waiting for one number? I loved my aunties and thought they were wonderful wee wimmin but seeing my mother's reaction made me think.
Fair comment EC1, I hear you, it sounds to me like you know a lot about bingo though... And there is a deep resentment about a win you mist have had and the way you were treated!

I will now leave to Gigolo. Come on Andy, you must have a Rick today, it is Lingfield!
If you want to really play the crowd at bingo, call house and then have your card checked. Watch their faces light up - whilst calling you a not very nice name - when they discover you've incorrectly marked your card. They absolutely love that one.