Davy Russell

Not clever, and wouldn't condone this, but I'd say most people involved with horses - especially thoroughbreds - will have given a horse a clout when they've done something idiotic.
I have to say, having seen the images just now, that there is no relation between some people's reaction and what actually happened. I was under the impression from some descriptions he had punched the horse squarely in the face, when in fact there is no evidence that he even touched it, and if he did the horse would have barely felt it.

The calls for a lengthy ban are malicious.

Exactly Grey. If indeed he made contact at all it was the equivalent to a clip round the ear rather than a beating.
Horses are no different than people sometime they need a smack or two and the Russell controversy is hardly worth a mention.

He and Ruby are role models young jockeys and a lot of trainers should watch more often

I just watch a shocking display from 2 Jockeys who should be both punched in the head for stupidity.

How many times have we watched Davy Russell and Ruby on the first and second favourite in a race?

Time after time off they go, they are always in the first 3 or 4, away from the dross and ensure it's a true run race, giving the no-hopers very little chance to get into the race.

You want to get beat on a superior animal, do what Sean Quinlan and Finian O'Toole did and go so slow the dross in the field are still around at the business end.

Why wouldn't they be if you have gone so slow even the slowest animals can keep in touch and where it goes wrong is your horse has used up valuable energy fighting the slow pace but the slower animal has never been out of his comfort zone.

The worst culprit was Finian O'Toole but if it was his trainer who instructed him to hold him up in that field then he should change to pig farming,

They really should spend tome and watch the Ruby and the Russell it isn't rocket science

Footnote:.Weird fall/unseat...looked like he jumped LOL I assume Finian O'Toole's saddle slipped with him pulling the head off the horse for more than 3/4 of the race
Walsh and Russell are both perfectly capable of dropping-anchor on one, when they need to.........but generally I agree.

I don't have an opinion on the Russell incident, other than to say it was a bit of a stupid thing to do - these guys know there are cameras trained on their every move.

As for the Twitter-storm about it, I think I managed to get through about a half-dozen Tweets, before I gave up. Twitter is just white-noise for the large-part, I find, and extracting anything of any actual use from it an exercise in endless patience (which I don't have).
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It clearly doesn't look good what Russell did and should not be tolerated. He's been an idiot.
The horse probably hardly felt it but that isn't the point, is it.

Unedifiying at least and it the same league as whipping a horse when it is obvious that he's never going to get involved in the finish.
You like Disney movies Frankel and it shows :lol:

Go work in a yard mucking out for month then come back after you have been kicked into orbit a couple of time.

Then you can criticism the man.

Davy like all jockeys lose it with some ignorant horses sometime and what he did happens every day in every yard at one time or another.

No one who cares about horses would put up with cruelty for the sake of cruelty but make no mistake horses are as tough as elephants and a hard slap now and then can be justified.

Don't carried away with Bambi like thoughts and get real is what I say to anyone who criticizes Davy over SFA
I agree that horses, along with all other animals, can be dangerous and have to realise who's boss. But surely the golden rule with all animals is not to hit round the head [the exception being if a horse is about to bite you but, even then the best thing to do is to get out of the way as quickly as possible].
I accept the points about horses being frustrating and no doubt DR is a great horseman. However, it was a stupid and petulant thing to do. DR should explain himself and apologize. Racing authorities should ban him to make it clear that this is not how they expect horses to be treated in this industry.

If a football player raises his hand in striking another, he gets sent off and banned, regardless of how much it hurt the person he hit.
If this is a public manifestation can you imagine what goes on in the yards, out of the range of cameras and with horsemen a little more agricultural than Davy Russell?
Seen it first hand, AC, not pretty.

As an aside I used to work in a yard that trained Arabians and there was a 3-y-o colt, known as 'Albert' who had the annoying habit of giving me a little nip just below the rib cage (no malice involved) it happened every time I went in his box, so I thought I would give him a surprise, as he was about to nip I "put the head in", not a good idea and it it didn't stop him giving me the toothy kiss either.
"One end bites, the other end shites, and the bit in the middle is uncomfortable"

"For fu*ck's sake, Scudamore, you useless cu*nt"

"C'mon son"

"Good hoss....good hoss"

"Fu*cking mutt"
As someone who has never ridden a horse in my life, could someone please explain what people are referring to when they describe jockey x as "a horseman/woman" or "a good horseman/woman".

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