Departures 2009

I'm glad to see you posting again, Sara, but it's fair to point out that your first post in a month was having a pop at someone (Valart's ex-owners who may be satan worshippers for all I know), so there's a degree of irony in your second post here.
Well if they weren't paying their training fees its a good job they didnt keep her. Selling her was the only fair thing to do. Unfortunately for her the new trainer is truly incompetent and should not have a licence.
We were there, horse looked like a yearling in the paddock, and was behaving wildly. Should never have seen a racetrack. Jockey earned fee for sure. Could not tell if it was okay after fall, but it also brought down another horse who looked normal and was jumping okay. This is my peeve against people running horses who are not up to it - they are a danger to others in the race who are minding their own business.
Was it the horse in the white bridle, which looked completely out of control going into the back straight? I thought the race caller said that that was GLORIOUS GIN, but when I read the RP Analysis, it seemed that was VALART, and the BD was GLORIOUS GIN. Both went a helluva smash, but I don't know if they were okay, since the RP is now notoriously unreliable on such matters. The animal looked wild, almost unsteerable and unstoppable - I was very alarmed by its behaviour in the race and horrified by the speed it took Fontwell's notorious downhill.
It is with great sadness to say that in a freak accident Quizzene was killed this morning. Sadly nothing could be done to save him and Alistair and connections are all devastated.
Not sure about Trafalgar Bay, Irish, RUK reported that he was bandaged up and loaded into the horse ambulance. I realise that he may still not have survived but until I hear different I hope that his life has been saved.
Not sure about Trafalgar Bay, Irish, RUK reported that he was bandaged up and loaded into the horse ambulance. I realise that he may still not have survived but until I hear different I hope that his life has been saved.

Broke his shoulder and was put to sleep.
Was a freak accident and a sad one at that. I can't quite grasp why the post needed to say in detail what happened, only becomes more disturbing and upsetting for connections. Sometimes I do feel a paper takes things a tad too far.
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In all fairness, Flame, the detail of the reporting, if correct, goes some way to explaining what happened. I've already read on one or two forums some comments about why were motorcyclists allowed to be there etc etc but if they were behaving properly, driving within the law an so on, the fact the this horse was behind a hedge, spooked and then ran into the road does go some way to showing that maybe it was not down to being all the motorcyclists' fault which was th eoriginal knee-jerk reaction. If Lambourn wishes to be traffic free, they had better have very deep pockets!

It is very sad indeed and I don't know the horse at all but maybe he was a spooky sort and so this was just a sorry set of events with no one to blame and if the guy on the bike had done nothing wrong - especially if he couldn't even see the horse behind a hedge, then I have some sympathy with him and am glad he wasn't injured at least.
Flame has asked me to edit my post, which I'm doing, although I've explained to him that details of the incident/accident are on other forums and, had I known he had any connection to QUIZZENE, I obviously wouldn't have added any further comment. Unfortunately, road accidents do take quite a toll of horses every year, most of them as a result of becoming frightened by a thoughtless driver or some fool racing past them. All of them are very upsetting and, occasionally, fatal to riders as well. I know that the British Horse Society has been pushing for many years for better safety for horse-riders, which has given rise to fluorescent aids for winter riding, but the sad fact is that horses are still prey to fright or flight responses, no matter what we try to do.
I think Flame is being quite hypersensitive with this one - after all Kri, more than you posted up is freely available in the newspaper and none of it was distasteful, sensationalist or disrespectful. With respect, I also don't recall Flame being the owner/trainer/rider of the animal or being so involved with the yard that he looks after the animal on a day to day basis.
Shads, I was leasing 20% of Quizzene and was going to be sponsoring him for your information, so yes it is disappointing and upsetting for me. Myself and Kevin McCarthy who runs KMC Partnerships are very good friends with the Lidderdale's and chat to them on a daily basis. I often speak to Al about all the horses and me and Kevin had recently sat down looking at a couple of nice back end races which could have suited the horse. I was keen to take on a small percentage and also sponsor him as it would have been a very nice horse to be involved with.

Sadly that is no longer the case, so yes for your information I was involved with the horse.
Apologies and sorry for your loss Flame, but I'm still at a loss as to why you don't want the facts reported about what happened to him or why you wanted Krizon to edit her post when the full story is freely available on the Racing Post website. Not only that, the story isn't particularly gruesome and spares any horrible details which is, I suspect, their way of trying to spare connections any further hurt. Reporting the facts however is hardly out of order. At least it will bring some kind of awareness, if only to motorbike riders?