Departures 2010

NO!! I don't belieeeeve it! For how much, Gal, do you know? You wait 'til I see the Brightonians who own him - I suppose they'll say the money was too good to miss, and that they can buy 10 more horses with it.
Good time to sell him as you couldn't imagine him improving much more or getting a Group 1.
The commentator said he'd had a very bad fall and was trying to rise, which didn't sound good. Later confirmed on ATR by Richard Pitman, the channel sending its condolences. He was running so well at the time, too.
First day in ages I have actually got to watch some racing.Watched the York meeting this afternoon and then watched the evening racing. Wish I hadn't!

Looked like we lost Smoothly Does It at Hereford and Glacial Promise at Killarney looked to break his shoulder in a fall.
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Oh, good grief - same with me, BW - only had Worcester on because I was watching the Flat in between. Sorry to add to the list with RAINCOAT, broke shoulder following a fall while schooling, which also flattened Noel Fehily. He has broken some bones, the nature and extent of which (possibly collarbone, possibly compressed spine) will be known after, his wife says, further tests. Poor bugger's only just back in the saddle after being battered earlier in the year, and now this.
Oh no, poor Barry. Losing Raincoat will be a big blow to him and his team; it's always difficult to lose a horse but it often hits hardest in a small yard, not least when it is one of your best horses. When we lost a horse earlier this year Barry was lovely about it, I had a chat with him one morning about it. He'd had a horse suffer a serious bout of colic a week or so beforehand and they were very relieved that they'd managed to save him through surgery.
Yes, a very sad loss indeed, Shadz. He sounds a good person, and isn't it always a double whammy when it's a small, friendly yard? Any dead horse isn't a good horse, but I'm sure in some yards they're so big that the empty stable won't mean that much before it's soon re-filled. Commiserations to him and the team.
I had a look back at the fall again. It was an absolutely terrible way to go. Looks like he hit the fence so hard he broke his shoulder and I beleive his rider has broken his pelvis. If there could be any worse, there were plenty of people down at that last fence and I just hope there were no kids or first timers as that would be sure to put them off racing.
I have never seen a horse hit a fence so fast -hopefully Shay Barry will make a full recovery.Only consolation for Hairy Molly fans is that he surely went fast.
Two absolutely ghastly falls in beginners' chases at Killarney, yesterday and the day before. Horse falls, gets up and gallops away, it's broken leg swinging. I didn't hear that either was put down but it looked an inevitability.
Glacial Promise on Wednesday and Inagh Valley yesterday. It looked to be the same fence for both or possibly the fence before for Inagh Valley and the same sort of injury. Perhaps just coincidence but a dreadful sight.
I switched on ATR just as it was showing HAIRY MOLLY's race from six out. The weather looked atrocious and someone has said that the ground was possibly very slippery, which they feel might've contributed to his fall. I hadn't seen the race live and decided to watch it to see his last race, God bless him, and hell's teeth, that's a terrible smash. No chance for the horse to save himself and it's a wonder Shay wasn't worse smashed than he is. I hope he makes a full recovery, but what a terrible event all round. As you say, Cantoris, with that being the last fence where all eyes are glued to it at the finish in particular, not the best day out for some to experience.
Sad to report our old friend Smoothly Does It did indeed suffer fatal injuries on Wednesday. He was a syndicate horse of oursand had been running for a syndicate including members of our one so wish all those still involved, my deepest sympathy. Smoothly gave us some greats days, notably when returning to his best to win at Uttoxeter after he'd had the best part of a year out with a tendon injury. RIP
Very very sorry to hear about that, DJ. Sounds like he was game wee soldier for you all, who's at least left you with happy memories.