Departures 2010

Alastair Down will no doubt act all po-faced at the end of the day, before dashing off to lay waste to a bottle of Merlot. I'm more than well aware, working at NH as well as Flat courses, of the fatalities that happen. But I've no desire to see what'll be a daily serving of really good, sincere horses breaking themselves in this overhyped atmosphere. There's something way too gladiatorial about this event - bawls and shouts from the crowds to the victor, as a horse's body lies cooling... nah, not for me.
Sounds crap for KAMIKAZE KING, hurdling at Down Royal today. Pulled up 'badly injured' so if he's not been pts, his racing may be over, aged 5.
Looks as if Kamikaze King's leg was broken. Not many sadder sights then seeing a horse standing with a clear break. As for Citizen Vic. I backed him. And I am extremely sorry that he met such a fate. Two good horses in two days. Two days to go, and I am viewing this with increasing trepidation. Just ask that the final two days pass without incident.
The most galling part about Citizen Vic's demise is that his jumping had looked safe as houses in virtually every start up until today. Was running a stormer as well.
CITIZEN VIC - sorry, but that's me done watching this shit.

Krizon, please. None of us like watching the horses die and it upsets a lot of us as well but isn't branding jump racing as 'shit' or 'shoite' and giving out angrily on as many threads as you can about how horrific jump racing is going a little over the top? By all means don't watch it but please, please cut back on the vitriol and the possible implications through what you say that anyone who watches jump racing is bloodthirsty and not a 'horse lover' [horrible phrase!].
Oh, don't be so feckin' hysterical, Shadz. You ought to know me better than that - and as for YOU dictating about me 'giving out' - please, dearie: pot/kettle, black X 500. If you do actually read people's posts, you'll know perfectly well that I support NH in the main. So put a sock in it and let other people vent a bit, will you? As in, just put up with a few lines of anger expressed - dozens of us put up with your vitriol about personal matters for YEARS, and still put up with your occasional rant. Thank you.
Kri, if anyone is getting hysterical on this subject it's you. You've sworn about and slagged off jump racing so much now that it's getting a tad tiresome - and you seem to be cranking up the pressure to the point where most of your posts contain some sort of bitching about the sport and how bloodthirsty it is! Please, do what you've been threatening to do for years now and stop watching it if it's upsetting you so much!
Other than I'd be weirdly perverse to work at NH courses if I thought it was 'bloodthirsty', Gal. I happen to prefer French steeplechasing as I think British fences are boring for horses, and that's 'slagging off' jumps racing? Shadz, you're welcome to the last word, but make it accurate.
How was the faller in the Coral Cup? Keki Buku I think? Awful place to come down, right in the middle of the pack.

Edit: make that Izita Star, Nick Luck just corrected himself.
Any news on Fairyland? Took a bad fall and I'm guessing she didn't make it as her lass was waiting around for a long time after the race for her to come back - no sign of her :(
IZITA STAR was trained by Anabel King, I guess? Such a nice lady - always wears bright red and looks smart. Tiny yard, so very sad for them tomorrow, with an empty stall staring at them.