Not at all, and in the context of there being zero evidence to support the creation story described by the Bible. It only requires 1% to survive scrutiny for it to comprehensively outnumber religious evidence given the sheer weight of volume.
I for one would rather put my money of there being extraterrestrial life than I would the notion that a God created the world in seven days and made woman from a rib bone of man, and that if that bloody woman hadn't been persuaded to eat an apple by a snake, then we'd all be living in the garden of Eden and Scotland wouldn't need a referendum to carve out a better world, yet alone David Cameron needing to spend 40 days in the desert being taunted by Alex Salmond
Crikey, I'd say that even the Loch Ness monster might have a bit more to it than Adam and Eve, albeit the general view is that Nessie is probably some oversized slightly monsterous sturgeon which i find more compelling