Dougal Alexander RIP

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At the Start
Mar 1, 2008
Dougal has run his race, and it was a brave one.

I couldn't put him through what would effectively be force feeding and he was preparing himself to go. The voice in my head kept saying: "Let him go."

He met me on the landing and asked for a cuddle, and when I asked if he wanted his hair brushed his eyes brightened and his ears perked. So I cuddled and brushed his furry little face and bald little body so he would look good for the vet. He cuddled into my shoulder and smiled.

So, at 12.50 Dougal Alexander, the most beautiful of cats inside and out, was put to sleep. I am greatly honoured that although he was half wild, he came home to me to die.

Goodbye darling boy, my heart goes with you. xxxx
He was a very lucky little chap to have met you and you were lucky to have had his company for a few years. You did everything right for him right up to the end. Thanks for sharing him with us.
He was a very lucky little chap to have met you and you were lucky to have had his company for a few years. You did everything right for him right up to the end. Thanks for sharing him with us.

I'm now beating myself up for not doing it sooner, though Mary the vet also thought he would rally yesterday as he had eaten so well before she sent him home.

I had got everything together to feed him over the weekend, syringes, chicken Complan. But when he tried to hide under his blanket rather than taste the food offered, I just could not put him through that.

Thank you all for your kind words and support over the years. I hope Dougal's story would encourage anyone to give a loved pet a fighting chance if their condition is not too far gone.

Dougal taught me a lot and gave me much fun and pleasure. Life is going to be pretty empty without him - the house feels too big.
We always blame ourselves for doing it too soon or leaving it too late; it's what comes of being responsible for another life. You had to give him a chance and you did. Have you thought about writing a little book about him? You might find it cathartic.
I have just made a book of my favourite photos of him, which helped a little. I found his hairbrush at the top of the stairs, just as I was thinking that I hadn't taken some of his fur for the photo book...Howwwwwwl!

He had the prettiest face, even when he had lost all of his lovely long fur. I started taking photos when he was diagnosed with lymphoma, and I am so glad that I did as they show how beautiful he was with long fur, and how pretty he still was without.

Ruddy 'ell. This is even harder than when I lost my last cat, Oscar. I loved him dearly, but Dougal really twanged my heartstrings, probably because he went through so much in our time together.

I shall just try to think of the first time I called him when one of the neighbours kicked him and called him a dirty little stray. He leapt the fence into the garden with a beam of delight and came galloping down the lawn to me, with all his lovely long hair blowing in the breeze.

I know people say that animal expressions are not the same as humans, but Dougal really beamed - his face muscles would lift and his eyes would light up. To be greeted like that truly is heartwarming and does make a rough day at work a bit easier.

I was honoured to be trusted by a semi-wild, very mistrustful cat who, when he decided to trust me gave me everything, trust and love. I have been blessed.

Tonight is going to be very, very hard.
Thank you so much for letting me know about Dougal. We shared a lot of laughs and tears over our rescued waifs, and it was wonderful to know that Dougal's brave character and zest for life was rewarded when he found the person who would assist him in defying death for so long. He was such a character, so handsome and so affectionate - and I am so glad that he had you. And that you had him. I know how much it hurts losing him, and for this I am so very very sorry. He gave you great love and hopefully one day, in time, the good memories will outweigh the bad ones.

I've been there too, but you cannot beat yourself up about how it ended. You always did your very best for him - and he knew that, which is why he chose you, and stayed with you. We are mere mortals and such decisions about those we love are so hard to make.

You know, so few people get a good death really. The best we can all hope for is that we have a good life, and live it to the fullest we are able. Ad that is what you gave Dougal.

You could write a book of his adventures! I loved knowing him and thank you + him for all the smiles that he shared.

I'm thinking of you and hope that you give yourself plenty of time now and spoil yourself a little. He would have wanted that. He will always be with you, nothing can take that away.

Hope to see you later this year when real racing commences. We can share tales of our memorial gardens for the cats who loved us.

Hugs xxx
PS - Tried to send you a PM but it says that you need to free up some space before you can receive anymore posts. Let me know when you have. x
Welcome back Isinglass! Sorry to spoil your Saturday night, but I thought that you would want to know. I decided to have him cremated and he will "come home" Wednesday week.

When he was living wild he used to lie at the top of my front garden to catch the winter sunshine that always shines strongest there. When he came to live with me he used to do the same, so I am going to buy a selection of bulbs and plant them in that spot then, on a sunny day, I shall scatter his ashes there.

I had been considering burying him there, but the neighbourhood is changing and it is likely that I shall move in the next few years. If I had buried him there it is likely that he would have been dug up to make a drive. I have resisted that because the cats needed the garden and I like grass!

Dougal was already disliking all the noise and, as they will soon be building in his beloved fields behind my house, he would have really hated it.

Also, some of the people moving in around me do not seem the nicest. I shouted at a couple of kids who were enticing cats to them and then throwing them into the road. Ended up with an angry mum on my doorstep. A very loud row - good healing for grief - she shut up when she heard what her darling little girl had been up to and went even more quiet when I told her that if any cats died or were injured I would call the police and point the finger firmly at her little angel.

Jenny Pitman would be hard put to out-shout this Redhead in full flow. I have opera singer's lungs!

Thank you all for your kind words. Isi, I am clearing my inbox.
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Hopefully one of my favourite pictures is attached.


  • Loved paper.jpg
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And a few more. You can tell when the chemo kicked in because he began to lose his lovely long hair - but he was still pretty when he went bald because, oddly enough, he never lost the fur off his face.


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    A Cat's Tail.jpg
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    All this play is hard work.jpg
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  • kitty football with pinecone.jpg
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  • An elegant pass.jpg
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  • Catnap with Grandma.jpg
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Wish I'd known how to do this before, I could have shared him sooner.


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  • Which present is mine.jpg
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Just a few more, don't want to bore everyone.

Farewell Dougal.


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    Balding but still pretty.jpg
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  • Enought to make a cat laugh.jpg
    Enought to make a cat laugh.jpg
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    No one is looking... .jpg
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My deepest sympathies to you, Redhead.

Dogs or cats, if they're loved and cared for its a sad loss. I've hardened up to it but I know its hard.

My doggie lived life to the max, this always comforts me. I have a video of him on my phone, I watch it back sometimes. Condolences to you and RIP to Dougal.
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Thank you, High Rate. I don't think that I will ever get hardened to it.

When Dougal first arrived in my house in August 2008 I was originally planning to get him adopted, so I tried very hard not to get attached. Several people were interested in him but as they all lived in town I couldn't let him go. By Christmas 2008 he was part of the household, so I gave in and let myself love him - he worked so hard to win me over and make me love him!

Tilly is still with me, but is an old lady now. She will be my last cat as, due to the changing neighbourhood I think that I will be moving back into town - but not until she has passed on - not for a few years yet as she is "only" 14. I think that, after Tilly, I will still need to be around cats, so will look for some voluntary work, perhaps with the CPL.
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Oh dammit!!!!! Another howling session.

I had ordered a microwave hot water bottle for Dougal's bed and forgot about it with all the flurry and worry of last week.

It arrived this morning and I am off again!
Try interacting with actual people for a few days, cats come and go.
People like you, Slim?

Or do you mean the cancer patients whom I work with voluntarily every Friday and who have been so entertained by the Dougal stories?

Much prefer animals to many of the people I know.

Can't think why.
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As you say, each to his own, so why are you even bothering to read this thread?

I've enough to deal with in sorting out the affairs of sick people, nursing a sick mother and making the decision to end another creature's life, without your crass comments.
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