
7lbs is quite a hefty hike for a close finish. I thought it would be more like 3-4 at the most. Obviously the handicapper was impressed.
Considering it was the Britannia and in all probability featured many 3 year olds ahead of the handicapper, I think it's reasonable.
Race appears to have been rated through the 6th (Hyades) and 7th (Emirates Roadshow).

The average that a winner goes up is 6lb, so taking into account Hamm's point, 7lb is probably to be expected. Most of those involved in the finish have only made around 6 or 7 starts each, and the one who should be most exposed (5th placed River Captain) came into the race after dotting up by 5 lengths in a Derby day handicap which saw him go up 11lbs for this race (they really should have skipped Epsom!).
Hmm - 99! Well, that's a very respectable rating and yes, you'd have to hope he does for a pattern race next. Black type is always great to have on the mare's page - Songy does have that with MONSIEUR BOULANGER, as he placed 2nd in the Woodcote as a 2yo racing here then went and won a Stakes race in the US but if FAREER could place or better, win a Listed here, that would be fantastic.

Here's hoping!!
Has ended his current season on an OR of 100. He had some niggling problems between the Britannia and mid September which they couldn't pinpoint but he's now 100% sound, retired for the season, unlikely to go to Dubai and apparently Shadwell is the holiday destination of choice.

Just thought some of you would like to know this! :whistle:
Very good season for him. He should be able to continue and win at least a listed race you would imagine.

Will he stay running for Hamdan or is there the possibility Godolphin could take him?
I was just about to ask somewhere! - esp as I thought he'd been bound for the Cambridgeshire. Has he been gelded? Very glad to hear he's OK anyway, it's a worry when they vanish like that mid-season
Is he quite fragile, Songsheet? He doesn't seem to stand up to his racing especially well, seeing as he's been finished for the season in July and June respectively and only having stood three then four runs so far in each season. He's done well for you though.
Hey Songy - if they change their mind and send him to Dubai, can I have your breeders tickets???!!! :)

Have a fab winter off Fareer, you are a star, and see you next season :)
No, he hasn't been gelded yet although I expect it's on the cards.

I personally think he was raced on too firm ground as a quite big two year old. He has had what loked to be knee problems but nothing showed up in scans or x-rays - I reckon it was more likely a back or shoulder issue. He's also one of those horses who puts everything into his races - he's a real trier and maybe would have been better if he saved himself a bit! He acts on good, good to firm which again isn't ideal if you're a big immature horse, I guess.

Anyway, the boy done good and hopefully he'll be sounder and stronger as a 4yo next year.
I don't understand why he would have to be gelded?

What is stopping him continung to progress and winning at listed and Group level? He's very lightly raced.
Maybe they'll leave him entire to help him in the maturing stakes, Songsheet?

Yes, I know exactly what you mean about horses who give their all; they go through the pain barrier so can come back jarred up and all sorts, taking time to come out of their races. Like you say, it doesn't help him in that case that he wants fast ground!

He should strengthen up and grow again over the winter, good luck.
OK... Lincoln to start with, then the Hunt Cup and go out in a blaze of glory in the Cambridgeshire. Sorted.

(As a matter of interest, has any horse ever done that treble?)
Yes nothing more annoying than coming across a well handicapped filly and watching connections blow the mark chasing black type. Fallen In Love my favourite example this year.
They may not geld him, nothing's been said about that but I do know he gets very strong, so it's always a possibility, as he doesn't have a stallion's pedigree.

Of course I'd love them to try for some Listed races but the horse will earn more for them in handicaps, I guess. I will get Thorman on Ed Dunlop's case about it, though!!
Yes nothing more annoying than coming across a well handicapped filly and watching connections blow the mark chasing black type. Fallen In Love my favourite example this year.

It's something I've never fathomed myself, dj.

Early-mid summer you get fillies rated 70-odd or 80-odd running in Listed races, only to emerge with figures in the 100s and they end up stuck in no-man's-mand. OK, so they got their black type but I know if I thought I had one with that kind of handicap advantage I'd be looking to pick up two or three valuable handicaps, landing some decent bets in the process, before moving into Listed or Group company.