Fighting Fifth Hurdle 1st December

My question would be why? It's not as if they didn't know when the race is, so why go for something like this when nowhere near fit?

I don’t think they factored in Samcro rocking up for this obviously. He is a big gross horse who takes plenty of work. He is as fit as they can get him at home with a racecourse gallop but it’s still only 75%. He’s been the same the past few seasons and comes on a ton for the race. If he wins this tomorrow or even goes close he will devour them all come March.

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I don’t think they factored in Samcro rocking up for this obviously. He is a big gross horse who takes plenty of work. He is as fit as they can get him at home with a racecourse gallop but it’s still only 75%. He’s been the same the past few seasons and comes on a ton for the race. If he wins this tomorrow or even goes close he will devour them all come March.

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This pretty much nailed it. Samcro was never coming here originally.
Kauto Abu...was Jerry Mc disappointed when Rather Be cane a cropper...had he one hand on his winning % cheque?
Kauto Abu...was Jerry Mc disappointed when Rather Be cane a cropper...had he one hand on his winning % cheque?

Sick. Said he was only doing a half speed and kept reining him back but he’ll be back for Caspain Gold Cup.

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What’s the views on jockeys bookings here? This time last year Kennedy was riding a lot better than Geraghty but now it’s very much the other way around. Geraghty is now just one win shy from his full total of winners here from the whole of last year.

Will it have any bearing on the race? Noel Fehily on SB is also riding extremely well.

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Since you ask, I reckon Geraghty’s riding has been as poor as I’ve ever seen it this season, particularly on hold-up horses (and he can’t be throttling them all for JP).
Barry's as good as ever it's the amount of shyte he's riding in Ireland making him look less of a pilot.

Damned if I can work out his deal with JP but it seems in Ireland he's 3rd jockey at times
I'm beginning to think Kauto Abu could be right with the 75% fit/ready. I was hoping they were playing it down a bit as trainers/connections normally do. After seeing the race over at Newcastle a short time ago with Style De Vole winning by a head. There was people talking about how good this horse was weeks back. It has got me a bit more nervous. I still think BD is so much better than Samcro it'll still win so I'm sticking with BD.
I think the juvenile was all about Geraghty getting him home without using the whip IG.

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You could be right, but I was under the impression they were expecting it to win 8+ lengths. Not seeing it winning with ease is the worry now. If that would have eased home, the confidence behind BD now would be strong. I still have niggling doubts in my head now about the Herderson horses but BD is just such a champion I still think it'll do the business.
I’d say if he hit him a crack or two he’d have won by what he liked to win by but more important to educate him & ensure he enjoys himself. Thought it was a good ride.

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Thought Style De vole just looked a bit of a monkey there thats all. Agree with Kauto that's just a nursing ride on an inexperienced horse, the sort that gets them beat sometimes hence why I wouldn't punt in such races as the education is more important than the result to connections sometimes.
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The horse did look 'free' in the early stages. It'll be more of a pointer when we see more of the Henderson horses running.
I've took a small punt in the market without B.D at 100/1 on Bleu et Rouge as its not all that apparent to me that the rest are that much better than him on his best days and has won twice when fresh albeit not at this level. Always a danger he'll blow his own chances making the pace for B.D but he'll do me for a small interest in the race.
I actually layed Santini, on the basis of the Henderson's not running well. I'm actually happy in a way because my confidence in BD is after growing now.
market hasn't moved off santini winning. not yet anyway.

You're very right. It actually spiked out there a few minutes ago. I've went in again with another few bob on BD. If the Henderson horses are running on par and with odds against on BD I'm really delighted. Samcro is well backed too at the minute, be interesting to see how the market fares the closer it gets to off time.