
Just set to record it - meant to watch it ages ago but one of those films I kept missing.
The Radio Times review wasn't very complimentary about Spielberg's loose treatment of the facts surrounding the events.
The missus is off visiting her old man with the kids at present, so I parked myself in front of the goggler and watched two films last night.

Valkyrie was actually very watchable for a Cruise behicle, and though he was hopelessly miscast as usual, it's well worth a viewing.

I then watched Slumdog Millionaire for the first time. I hesitated about this, because I figured that the hype must have been overblown, but it was utterly excellent from start to finish - a real gem. Every chance that Freida Pinto is the most beautiful creature on the planet.
Munich is a genuinely fine film. An underrated film in many ways. Whether a completely accurate or not (which film is and i undertsood that the discrepancies were relatively minor,, its a great story and a quite grippingly told
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I watched most of it and taped the rest. If it is accurate they, the Israelis, were ubelievably amateur in the way they went about it and very indiscreet with their behaviour. Don't think Eric Bana had quite the gravitas to pull it off although when asking 'why me', his 'normal' appearance was perhaps a plus but odd that the task was given to someone who had no previous field experience?
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Il Divo. I'm a massive Servillo and Sorrentino fan and they did well to keep it moving with an incredible amount of information to take on board. I need to watch it again!
Mesrine: Killer Instinct. Wow! Everything that Public Enemies should have been.

Not typical French, far from typical Hollywood. Cassel is outrageously good.

Can't wait for the second part.
I just watched The Wave (Die Welle) on DVD. It was really good, I was gripped (probably a bit worrying given the subject matter :D). Never looked away once. The outcome was inevitable but that didn't detract from watching it occur.
Went and saw Orphan on Friday night. Very creepy and not what I was expecting from the moment it started. A twisted thriller/horror which leaves a feeling of suspense. I can see this developing into a series of films, a bit like The Ring or something in that regard.

A good film and very creepy, as well as being well put together. The girl who plays Ester is brilliant for a 12yo girl.
The Hurt Locker is possibly the best modernwar film i have seen. Im scratching my head to think of anything in the same class. It trumps Apocolypse now for tension and grit and in many ways the characters are better drawn

And the tension... almost unbearable to watch at times.

Beautifully directed (a bit of the Paul Greengrass style) and is completely non judgemental and without agenda.

Mesrine: Killer Instinct. Wow! Everything that Public Enemies should have been.

Not typical French, far from typical Hollywood. Cassel is outrageously good.

Can't wait for the second part.

The two were released here sometime last year and are out on DVD, so if you would like me to send you the DVD of the second part, just let me know.
I watched No Country for old men for the umpteenth time last night - it really is an incredible film, and has made me want to revisit the old Coen brothers films, starting with Fargo tonight!
The two were released here sometime last year and are out on DVD, so if you would like me to send you the DVD of the second part, just let me know.

Cheers yes I saw they were available on I'm going to see the second part next week I think, but thanks for the offer.
If you want to see a really shite film, tune into Independence Day (on now). The only movie that gets close in the schmaltzy America-Saves-The-World stakes is the equally shite Armageddon.

Titanic is like Citizen Kane in comparison with those two utterly abysmal efforts.
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If you want to see a really shite film, tune into Independence Day (on now). The only movie that gets close in the schmaltzy America-Saves-The-World stakes is the equally shite Armageddon.

Titanic is like Citizen Kane in comparison with those two utterly abysmal efforts.

I remember seeing an interview with Jeff Goldblum where he said that when he was sent the script for Independence Day he thought it was a comedy.
Love Goldblum - he seems to be one of the few realistic, no-bullshit types in the Hollywood machine. Read a longish interview with him some time back and he came over as free-thinking and insightful.
The Hurt Locker is possibly the best modernwar film i have seen. Im scratching my head to think of anything in the same class. It trumps Apocolypse now for tension and grit and in many ways the characters are better drawn

And the tension... almost unbearable to watch at times.

Beautifully directed (a bit of the Paul Greengrass style) and is completely non judgemental and without agenda.


Looking forward to this, been hearing great things about it for months.
You wont be disappointed Gareth. I like to judge a film by how i feel about it a few weeks later rather than immediately afterwards. This film was as resonant as any ive seen in recent years.