
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@May 28 2007, 09:05 PM
The Lives of Others is absolutely brilliant.

I saw The Painted Veil which was good. Definitely not worth going to great lengths to see, but a decent way to spend two hours nonethless.
Did you think The Lives of Others might have been even better had it stopped after the big incident ? When you see the paper with the relevant election?
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@May 28 2007, 09:16 PM
No, I think the end of the film made it for me. Heartbreakingly ridiculous, I felt.

I can understand what you are saying, but I think the end when he read the files was really moving.
Point taken - especially the smudged ink
Great film, my brother and sister-in-law hated it though - big row. My relatives are all philistines. Maybe i`ll choose Oceans 13 next.
Ocean's 13 not well reviewed, and I fell asleep during the long, explanatory sequences in Ocean's 11 the other night. Almost the equivalent of knitting while drinking cocoa, but with that there's the frisson of possibly kebabing yourself on your needles if you dozed off, which would be considerably more stimulating than the film.
Watched Manhattan tonight. Not a patch on Annie Hall which I kept wishing I was watching (for the umpteenth time) instead.
Oh, Euro - NO! Shaun was dreadful - a real one-trick pony whose one trick was repeated over and over as if it could get funnier, which it didn't. Hot Fuzz has been panned and the trailers made it look about as subtle as a Benny Hill sketch, except it'll last four times as long.
Really? The trailers showed snippets which hardly looked like leading-edge originality - the Three Stoodges sort of stuff, except this time it's two.

Just a thought, Gareth: can something be 'more than' equal? Wouldn't that make the praise unequal in its amount to the criticism, therefore, it has been praised more than panned? :suspect: I know you like logic and facts, so I thought we ought to clear that up...
For what its worth i thought Hott Fuzz was absolute cr*p. I havent seen shaun of the dead and after this, i have no desire or plans to see it in the immediate future.