
I'm hearing a number of stories about people having to leave the cinema due to illness because of the nature of the shooting of this film.
If we're talking about the latest one, it's the Bourne Ultimatum.

Brilliant, they have got better each time.
Just watched Seraphim Falls with Pierce Brosnan and Liam Nielson. Was recommended by guy doing film reviews on Five live last Friday. i take it just been released on dvd as made in 2006. Set in Wild West American times, but an interesting little plot.
Watched The Bourne Supremacy earlier today. Excellent, and i hope to see the third one some time next week.

Watching Longford right now on More4. Very good biopic with Samantha Morton excellent as Hindley. One of my relatives is in the film as well which came as a bit of a shock.
I thought Longford was superb, one of the two dramas that were on tv last year that were as good as anything I had seen in ages.
I watch 2-3 movies a week (so about 100 this year) and the one I saw last night was the best of them. Death Proof. Tarantino's latest. DO NOT MISS THIS.
Went to see 'Knocked Up' at the weekend. Plenty of laughs, but the plot - girl gets pregnant after drunken one-night stand with unemployed druggie - seemed more of a tragedy than a comedy to me :eek: Also some rather graphic scenes of the birth were not too pleasant! Good one for you boys to take your girlfriends along to if you want to put them off babies :laughing:
Saw Atonement tonight. Beautifully made for the most part, with some fine performances, but handicapped by a set of characters with which it's extremely hard to sympathise.
I have just watched A Few Days in September.

Quite a witty film with clever and interesting characters. The plot is really secondary to their performances which makes it pretty different to anything I have seen based around that subject matter (9/11).
Saw Atonement last night and GF has hit the nail on the head. Incredibly sterile and I couldn't have cared less what happened the characters. I thought the book was way over-rated, but not as much as the movie.
Romanzo criminale

If you are a fan of epic Gangster movies then definitely worth checking out. There are plenty of nods to Scarface etc. although this isn’t really in the same league. Set in Italy it follows the Magliana band through the 70’s – 90’s. and as you would expect it is pretty political.

I am not sure of its merits as a piece of filmmaking, there are a couple of bits of dodgy CGI and the editing is not that slick, but if you like the genre then the story is worth seeing.
Just watching In the Name of the father. I've seen it before but its lost nothing, a very powerfull show.
Watched Outlaw recently - though because it had Sean Bean and Bob Hoskins in that it might be worth watching.
Definitely the worst film I have ever watched - almost worth watching it for that reason. It was a bit like watching The Word, I had to keep watching it to see if there was a point !
The film club i`m in have recently viewed:

Fiddler on the Roof - 21/30
Mulholland Drive - 19.5/30
Clerks - 19/30
The Departed - 20.5/30
Sexy Beast - 21/30
Gone With The Wind - 21/30
It Happened One Night - 19.5/30
Anchorman - 9/30
Yeah, but the part wasn`t much of a stretch for him. I liked the film but the ending was a bit poor. It was like they couldn`t think how to round it of so just killed everyone.