Films I just thick, but I can't understand what Will Self says?... it's like we don't quite speak the same language and I use one word for every twenty that he does; by the time I've got to the end of a sentence I can't remember how it started. Not sure if he meant to say that True Grit was worth watching or not, but I sure am looking forward to it.
I've only seen the trailers for True Grit..but to me it looked hammy and shite

wtf have they remade this film?..fookin pointless

I watched the Kings Speech..good film..enjoyed it..didn't seem to be on 2 hours at all..which is always a good sign:)

Inception - good film..but nearly disappears up its own arse quite a lot
Last edited: I just thick, but I can't understand what Will Self says?... it's like we don't quite speak the same language and I use one word for every twenty that he does; by the time I've got to the end of a sentence I can't remember how it started. Not sure if he meant to say that True Grit was worth watching or not, but I sure am looking forward to it.

he's a top guy is Will..he was on Question Time the other week..quality

when they have someone like him on who cuts through the bollox talk it shows the politicians up for what they are big time
After the brilliance of Inception I decided to check out the Nolan movies I hadn't seen. I'd already watched the Batman movies which were a bit meh and I though Memento was good but a bit overrated. The Prestige however is right up there. Good performances (Christian Bale and Scarlet's cleavage the highlights) and yer typical non-linear Nolan plot. Nice.

My Best Fiend. I kept thinking of Bale and his infamous rants during this film about Werner Herzog and his relationship with Klaus Kinski. The latter was a pure nutter and would have been a lot more famous if he'd been around for the You Tube generation.

Summer Interlude. What could be better than a lazy afternoon watching a classic Bergman film? I'm a bit of a sucker for a tragic love-story. I didn't cry though. Honest.
I'm going to see Skeletons tonight in a 25-seater cinema. I've no idea what to expect from either.
The film was very good, which coming from someone who can't stand anything of the supernatural is saying something. The Cinema was great; gas lamps and free cups of tea!
It's great when you find a cinema like that. At ours we don't have people texting or eating popcorn and stuff like that. Makes such a difference [no free cups of tea, though, but you can have a game of scrabble on a Sunday afternoon if you get there early].
I saw Day for Night (La Nuit Americaine) by Truffaut over the weekend. Very very good. The BFI is a great evening out.
It is a good film Hamm.

I on the other hand watched Love Actually. Interesting concept, just keep introducing famous people scene-after-scene regardless of whether they can act (or criminally under-use those that can because of the sheer volume of the cast) building a huge mess, so that it can all be wrapped up neatly at the end.
Not sure do you know BM, but there is a really good Truffaut retrospective season on in the BFI, could almost be worth your while coming down. Added to that, there is an interesting documentary on Truffaut and Godard out at the moment.
Just been to see Biutiful, because I thought Javier Bardem might give Colin Firth a bit of a fright on Oscars night. And he will. He was magnificent. The film has left me feeling somewhat numb; a bit 'Mike Leigh directs Pans Labyrinth'....very fly on the wall'ish but with undertones of other worlds and other lives.
Paid for RED on tv last night. With a cast of Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, Brian Cox and Helen Mirren, I expected something fairly good. Well, even very good. What a waste of talent. I can hardly remember the silly plot - something about the CIA trying to assassinate them all because of info they had - but really, even for a daft 'action' film, there ought to be a reason how they find huge weapons stashed everywhere, and how they all miraculously appear out of thin air, even when previously left for dead, to rescue each other. It ends happily ever after for all of them, in case you were wondering. Which I doubt you were.
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Not sure do you know BM, but there is a really good Truffaut retrospective season on in the BFI, could almost be worth your while coming down. Added to that, there is an interesting documentary on Truffaut and Godard out at the moment.

Looks good, shame I missed Shoot The Piano Player though, I would have definitely gone to see that.

Not sure which documentary you mean, but if it is the one where they are both interviewed together about the new wave then I've seen it. I always preferred listening to Truffaut speak about films than I did Godard.
Brighton Rock; dire..last 2 minutes were good but not worth sitting through the rest of the film for. Imagine the original is quite good; why bother to make another. Uncle Boonmee was better, and I never thought I'd ever say that about a film.
Watched the sparsely-set Three Monkeys (Uc Maymun) in Turkish tonight (with Ingleesi subtitles) - terrifically engaging. A dash of very dark humour at the end, leavening a cautionary tale of moral turpitude. Rigid camerawork and a very limited colour palette make it more tightly focussed. 1hr 45min well spent.
Oscars; Colin Firth best, so pleased and so deserved. Bet he gave a good speech as well. Pity govenment has got rid of the funding for films such as the Kings Speech.
Why didn't Geoffrey Rush get Best Supporting Actor for The King's Speech, I wonder? Only seen the trailer, but he looks as if he really gave it full throttle.
I think he's already won an Academy Award [not sure what for]. They tend to spread things around at the Oscars.