
Apologies, never saw this. What has taken your eye?

The Dardennes film and to a lesser extent the Almodovar film. Interesting to see what Sorrentino does with an English-speaking cast. CoL remains one of my favourite films and Il Divo was nothing if not impressive.
Saw Hanna the other night. Loved it..Saoirse Ronan is so watchable.Fast moving fantastic music, beautiful scenery [the scenes in an old disused German theme park were particularly atmospheric]. Rather Kick Ass meets the Brothers Grimm. Will try to watch The Lovely Bones now..bad reviews, but think I can watch Ms Ronan in anything [ loved The Way Back]. Great performance from Cate Blanchett also. having said that, probably a marmite film, but I like marmite.
The Lovely Bones - started on the book and while it's hailed as being so original, being from the perspective of the dead young girl, I found it a bit twee (how unkind), so speed-read it - well supersonicked it really - and got to the end fast. It's the sort of book where I'd have preferred 90 minutes of reading (as per film time), rather than longer.
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Julias Eyes; have to do a bit of suspension of disbelief but it out Psycho's Psycho and I jumped out of my skin many times. Won't give me nightmares or make me sleep with the light on, though..[I think].
I thought it was excellent. Don't know why, but relentlessly bleak movies like this kind of do it for me - and Javier was just immense. Proper actors film.

I see they've cast him to play Roland in the adaptation of the Dark Tower books. I'm not sure it'll work as a film but he's the man for the part.
I liked it too. But I only asked so you'd wonder how I knew that you had watched it!

Like Uxbal, I can see things that others can't...
I did wonder that. Noticed that I'd not mentioned it on this thread.:blink:

It must be the message board on IMDB.
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Yep. Watched the film, logged on to IMDB, first thread in the forum that I opened had a post with a familiar looking account in the tagline.

The internet is a small place....
Loved the Dark Tower series of books ( especialy the earlier ones ). Can't think how it will translate onto the big screen. Majority of Stephen King's books have failed miserably when turned into films ( Shawshank and Green Mile being the two exceptions to me ).
Let The Right One In

What a classic example of a movie being over-rated due to the use of a non-English language and a few "alternative" camera angles.

Mediocre at best.
Saw The Way last week. Have always wanted to walk the Camino, so I was biased about the film anyway; full of tears and laughter.Let The Right One In I loved..perhaps best seen at the cinema. No desire to see the remake. Biutiful was superb. Don't know these Dark Tower books, but if Javier is in them I'll certainly watch the film.
I saw The Way as well. Thought it was really well done; Martin Sheen was a good fit. The only thing a shade off was Nesbitt's character, which I thought bordered on the cringe worthy at times.

At the other end of the spectrum I recently sat through a god awful film called You've Got Mail with a girl I am going with. Tom Hanks has gone down significantly in my estimation. On the bright side she is coming over to mine on Sunday evening and, thanks to the magic of my recently bought Sky+, we will both be able to enjoy a replay of Derby day (and the supporting races naturally) at the Curragh. My treat.
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I don't think I have seen anything with Tom Hanks in it where he didn't grate on me to the extent of ruining the film since The Burbs. SPR possibly.
Watching Gnomeo and Juliet: pathos among the crazy paving, parental pride among the petunias, wild warfare in the wisteria... nothing of the original has been lost.
I don't think I have seen anything with Tom Hanks in it where he didn't grate on me to the extent of ruining the film since The Burbs. SPR possibly.

The Good: Apollo 13 (I also quite liked Cast Away, but he's supposed to grate in the first half of that).

The Bad: The Da Vinci Code

The Ugly: The Terminal

The last named is one of the worst-judged pieces of acting I've ever seen - some sort of freakish cross between Forrest Gump and Andy Kaufman's Foreign Man.
Was going to say the same about the James Nesbitt character in The Way..he was a bit Jar Jar Binks was he not! Road to Perdition and The Green Mile two of my favourite films of all time. For some reason get Tom Hanks mixed up with Bill Murray..whatever and whoever they play they always seem to still be themselves, but it doesn't seem to matter.
Went to see Harry potter last night/this morning - it's every bit as good as you'd hope for the final piece.... Special effects were incredible!!

The new batman looks like it's going to be very good,as does johnny English and the next Sherlock Holmes too. :)
Loving FINDING NEMO this afternoon. Brilliant, astounding work by Pixar. The detail and clarity of the pixellation is non pareil.
Mighty Heart:shown yesterday on Film4. The story of the investigation into the kidnapping of Daniel Pearl, a journalist for the Wall Street Journal. If they repeat it, which this type of channel seem to do quite frequently, would highly recommend a viewing.