
Let me know what you think Moehat. I like the directors work a lot. Some might find it a little overblown at times but some very very sharp scenes.
Before the main film started and they were showing trailers and adverts, I turned to the S.O. and said 'oh, this is the film I want to see' then saw a big sign for Martini in the background so thought I was watching an advert and felt a bit daft, so was relieved to then find it was The Great Beauty I was watching. It's been compared to Fellini films [which I used to love] so I think I'll enjoy it. I've got boxes and boxes of videos and dvd's that I've never found the time to watch so will make a start on them next week when I retire [I can watch a film a day, or even watch films all day if I feel like it!]. And then go to the cinema at night. I could start a blog perhaps [if I knew how to...]
Dont look forward to retiring too much

Most end up sitting around in weatherspoons all day. Highlight of the day is going out to buy milk or Countdown. With nothing to do you will quickly look ten years older and brain will quickly deteriorate. You wont wash and you will be asked to leave the library because of the smell

And then within 18 months its in a box. Everyones forgotten who you were by then so no cnt will turn up to the cremation
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Woody Allen film has had a good write up. "Best for years" etc. needs to be. Match point also had good previews and was one of the worst films I've paid to see. Absolute garbage

But one strange moment. I saw it at curzon Mayfair. In the film the characters go to the cinema and guess where? Ever watched a film where what's on the screen is almost exactly where you are at that moment?
Woody Allen film has had a good write up. "Best for years" etc. needs to be. Match point also had good previews and was one of the worst films I've paid to see. Absolute garbage

But one strange moment. I saw it at curzon Mayfair. In the film the characters go to the cinema and guess where? Ever watched a film where what's on the screen is almost exactly where you are at that moment?

Nearly, during World War Z they divert an aircraft to Cardiff Airport and the whole cinema burst into laughter

Really Brad Pitt, you would rather be eaten by Zombies
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Dont look forward to retiring too much

Most end up sitting around in weatherspoons all day. Highlight of the day is going out to buy milk or Countdown. With nothing to do you will quickly look ten years older and brain will quickly deteriorate. You wont wash and you will be asked to leave the library because of the smell

And then within 18 months its in a box. Everyones forgotten who you were by then so no cnt will turn up to the cremation

Sounds like the plot for the next Bergman film.
Want to watch all of Woody Allens films now I've got the time, and I think Cate Blanchette is worth watching in anything anyway. Annoyed that I didn't get to watch Blade Runner when it was on telly t'other night [have never seen it] but, from now on can stay up all night watching films with no worry about being knackered at work the next day. Too tired to see Rush last week so seeing it this week. Work have given me a 'day out at Newmarket' as a retirement present so I'm well chuffed with that. Maybe should go sooner rather than later given that my life expectancy doesn't sound too great although, perhaps, if I don't go to weatherspoons or watch Countdown I'll be ok [?]. Now going to work out if I can afford a bet on the Cambridgeshire with me pension...
Saw blue jasmin. Very decent effort and nicely put together but not quite sure it's as memorable as the papers say. Certainly his best for a very long time though.

Seen nearly all of them apart from some recent efforts after the terrible match point

For my money Manhattan is the very best of them all.

Play it again sam is the funniest.

Others I rated were broadway Danny rose and crimes and misdemeanours. Hannah and sisters and Annie hall are rightly popular. Purple rose of Cairo is overrated. Did nothing for me

If you can find his first, take the money and run then do so. Radio days is great nostalgia and works well.

Could go on

Will say looking back through the list that he's made many good films but only a couple of times have all the pieces fitted together. Some films seem a bit rushed out (manhattan murder mystery). Too many were enjoyable but somehow don't stick in memory as they should (sweet and lowdown, bullets over broadway, celebrity)
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I saw Match point, that one with Johanssen and Cruz, and the Paris one, and can safely say they are 3 of the worst films put to screen, particularly the scripts. I have never seen any of his older stuff, so watched these without any preconceptions. It would be hard to watch any further films of his, even if it means I may miss out.
Clive - I saw Claire Denis' latest film last month. Very good, but shocking. Not sure when or if out in UK cinema.
ill look for it

Match point had truly awful performances , esp the male lead.

Earlier films are different quality. Up to Annie Hall they are strong slapstick black humour. Great stuff. Then its the more mature stuff with the same darkly jewish humour which i love, but then it slipped away with the odd good moment.
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Saw Rush tonight. Wow; loved every minute of it [the music was brilliant]. Was almost as wrecked emotionally at the end of it as I was when I saw Seasbiscuit. I had no idea that Lauda drove again that season, although I knew he'd made a come back. Can't fault the film in any way. The Great Beauty is going to be a bit slow tomorrow in comparison, I fear. I suppose eveyone has seen those BBC4 documentaries about the dangers of Formula 1 at that time [they have repeated them recently because of this film]. I lost interest in Formula1 during the years when Schumaker won everything and haven't been able to regain the interest, although I did speak to someone at work a couple of years ago that was involved in the mechanical side of it and he always knew who to back to win the constructors championship [didn't dare ask for his phone number].
Sleepless In Seattle on channel 30 right now.

One of my favourite romcoms of all time.

Which reminds me, I must watch An Affair To Remember again soon. One of my all-time favourite romantic films.
Plot to all romcoms:

Boy meets girl
Boy hesitates to express true feelings
There is a hapless calamity
Boy eventually tells girl in bus station/airport/over Internet
They live happily ever after

They are all of them universally shite, DO, and you have to forfeit some man-points for this nonsense. :cool:
Plot to all romcoms:

Boy meets girl
Boy hesitates to express true feelings
There is a hapless calamity
Boy eventually tells girl in bus station/airport/over Internet
They live happily ever after

They are all of them universally shite, DO, and you have to forfeit some man-points for this nonsense. :cool:


You can divest me of all my man-points, Grasshopper. I love quality romcoms!

And I suspect you've never seen Sleepless.
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I enjoyed The Great Beauty, although for the first ten minutes or so I wasn't sure that I'd be able to stick it out till the end [the S.O. was bored out of his head]. However, I was the only one in the cinema laughing when they wheeled that Saint out [coming after the giraffe and all] so maybe I mistook what I was watching. Kept thinking of a Pope and a conveyor belt in a Fellini film [but that was over 40 years ago].
I'm not sure I laughed at that bit moehat but some of the dialogue was very sharp. Its one of those rare films I could happily watch again.
I'm wondering about filth but I don't like mcelvoy as an actor. Can't put finger on why (maybe all the gurning) but he grates
I'm not sure about that one. For some reason I've never seen Trainspotting; I've had it on a video tape for years but never got round to seeing it [ditto Twelve Monkeys]. I might actually go and see Rush again; got a friend that I used to watch F1 with [before it got boring] and I've told him he needs to see the film at a cinema. Not many films that I could sit through twice. Did you see Holy Motors clivex?
Didn't see it but would like to. I am sure rush is decent but I have a near physical aversion to anything to do with that nerdish tacky "sport".
Filth got 2/5 in the Independant. They're not always right [I've seen some awful films that they've rated a 5] but, in this case I think I'll give it a miss. I need to see Holy Motors again as I was speaking to someone in Paris who was in a park when they witnessed a shooting. Having dived under a park bench they realised that someone was filming and I'm sure the film was Holy Motors. Probably one of the wierdest films I've ever seen [and I've seen some wierd ones!].