
Just watched "The Man From Snowy River" - slightly corny but visually amazing esp the cliff scene (if you have seen it you know the one!) which was done in one take.

They rarely show the sequel but it has a great moment near the start when some stuck up bloke is showing off to the girl until Jim Craig comes along and shows him what horsemanship really is ;)

Haven't seen the sequel but I know exactly the scene you mean in the original - I downloaded the soundtrack from Amazon, brings it all back.
Django Unchained. Tarantino never disappoints and this is another fine film. Plenty of excellent acting (particularly from Christoph Waltz and Samuel Jackson) cool deaths, lots of ridiculous blood and a few good laughs as well. I really enjoyed it. Nice to see Walt Goggins getting some big screen roles as well. He's also in Lincoln.

Agreed, definitely recommend it.
Saw Lincoln the other night. I must be a bit thick because I didn't understand any of it and covered myself with my coat part way through in an attempt to fall asleep [I didn't]. I'd been watching the Ken Burns documentary about the Civil War [all 11 hours of it] in an attempt to be up to speed with that era, but it didn't help at all. Looking forward to Django Unchained, though. Perhaps my new found knowledge will be of use with that one. [must say that the documentary was amazing, as are all Ken Burns/Ric Burns documentaries].
By the way, has no one been to see Life of Pi yet? Going to see it again in a couple of weeks; I've never done that with a film before.
Went to Lincoln the other week - good film but actually enjoyed Argo more. Speilberg is great at long dramatic pieces but they have a tendency to get a bit "preachy" - Argo is quite snappy and engaging, and perhaps because its of a period that we can relate too is why its getting more awards?
Enjoyed the beginning and end of Django Unchained but got a bit bored in the middle. Had to laugh at the end when, after all the bloodshed of the film, the announcement came up on screen that 'no horses were hurt during the making of the movie'.
Nipped out at lunchtime and watched a film called What Richard Did. Nice little piece of filmmaking. Based on a book called A Bad Day In Blackrock. Might appeal to a few on here.

An excellent film. Thoughtful piece which is often quite riveting too with class performances. Really impressed

Zero dark thirty is terrific. Genuinely great filmmaking and I rate her the best director around at the moment

Argo was good as mentioned before. Not a bad Oscar winner if it came to pass

Not seen Lincoln yet. Read the book, team of rivals, which is a great read so well prepared

A real gem that's around is McCullin. Documentary on the great photographer. Absolutely unmissable. Simply and straightforwardly put together and very moving in parts and yet the star himself is without ego or sentimentality. An extraordinary film
Saw Zero Dark Thirty tonight. Didn't particularly want to go [wasn't all that keen on The Hurt Locker, although I only saw it on the telly] and don't like anything to do with war. Found it absolutely mesmerising and can only agree about her being a brilliant director. Not easy to keep the suspense going in a film when we all know what happens at the end but I was on the edge of my seat and lost count of how many times it made me jump out of my seat. McCullin is on in a few weeks so I'll definately check that one out.
Yes do so. Don't miss it Moehat.

Saw No today, the Chilean film about the Pinochet era and the campaign against the vile man. Interesting and entertaining but not quite as resonant as some reviews would lead you to believe perhaps. Wouldn't put anyone off it though
Spoke to someone today who'd been to see Lincoln; told him I'd tried to fall asleep and he said his wife actually did nod off.
Went to see Wreck It Ralph with my daughter last week.Very funny in parts-ive seen some absolutely head wrecking childrens movies-this was enjoyable.
Che Parts 1 and 2

Benicio Del Toro is excellent in the title role. It's a film that worked well for those who knew the freedom fighters story and those who thought he was just a t shirt.

My only criticism is the lack of any back story before he went to Cuba. His witnessing of the CIA led overthrowing of a democratically Govt in Guatemala in 1954 (at the behest of American business concerns) was a big factor in him taking up the struggle, as was his journey throughout the Continent as young man (covered in The Motorcycle Diaries of course.)
I can't handle Daniel DL he bores me and is very over the top at times but I must admit he was really good as Lincoln but like a previous poster I thought Argo was a much better movie. The problem with a film like Lincoln there's only so much you can do with a film about someones life and as most people know how it ends and most of the bits in between there's not a lot to keep you interested. tbh I only watched it because James Spader was in it. and found it instantly forgettable
You know how Argo ands and you know how zero two thrity ends... cant see that point at all

Never got round to lincoln. Im a bit adverse to historical epics even with worthy subjects but will give it time of day soon

Side Effects is about the best Sodenbergh ive seen along side Traffic maybe. Cracking thriller with the nice touches you expect from the director. jude Law is superb
World War Z soon

The book was can't be as good but can't wait anyway
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The Look of Love is a bit flat. Coogan does not convince. In patches he is just how you can envisage raymond to be and then he slips into Coogan too often. Thats not good enough. He's not a good actor full stop. Its an interesting story but related as if told by a teenager. A pity

Saw Milk at last. Superb. Complete contrast. Penn is completely in tune with the role and its a performance out of top drawer. What a fine actor he can be. The film was gripping. excellent
Went to see Rush last night - not a petrolhead personally but this is a brilliant film. They have got Hunt & Lauda spot on. Really enjoyed it as I remember the 1976 F1 Championship battle well. Well worth going to see.
The distaff side are all away, so me and the boy watched Oblivion last night. It's where The Matrix meets Independence Day, via a quick detour through very-much hit-and-miss (mainly miss). Tam Cruise much less irritating than he normally is though, so not all bad.

It's a fair excuse to rattle through some popcorn and sweets, but no more.

Cannot wait to see Rush.
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Went to see Rush last night - not a petrolhead personally but this is a brilliant film. They have got Hunt & Lauda spot on. Really enjoyed it as I remember the 1976 F1 Championship battle well. Well worth going to see.

Superb film...Oscar winner next year...if not for best film them certainly for best actor as Daniel Bruhl is brilliant as Lauda
Can't wait to see Under the Skin [is it out yet?]. Can't quite imagine what it will be like although asume it's a bit Let the Right One In'ish.
I thought they would have got a python to play him

Seems like an interesting theme but I would spend two hours having root canal than go anywhere near f1.

The great beauty is a film to see. Said more about it on other thread

Watched sideways again the other night. Rare I re watch films but still love it. He has a new one out later in the year too
Relieved to find The Great Beauty is starting mext week at my cinema [thought I'd missed it]. Saw What Maisie Knew tonight which was very sweet and a bit Woody Allen'ish.