
Finall got to watch Trainspotting last night. Have seen so many clips of it I did feel I'd already watched it, but not seeing the whole film was a serious blip in my film going education. Enjoyed it [must have; didn't fall asleep].
Clive, i know you like Claire Denis, and her latest is out in Curzon Soho from tomorrow. I saw it in Paris last August - shocking to watch, but Lindon and Mastroianni amazing. If you fancy going tomorrow/next few days give me a shout.
Might do that Hamm. Didn't know it was out. 32 shots was a fine film

Might be tues. in town then love that cinema. Best anywhere
Don't know if anyone on here listens to Podcasts but a guy called Rich Eisen does one. He works for the NFL and naturally a lot of it is football related but Bruce Dern is on his latest 'cast and some of the stories he tells would interest any movie fan. On iTunes.
Watched The Monuments Men - nice film, nothing spectacular but actors all fitted together well, story well written and directed by the gorgeous George Clooney. The cast includes Matt Damon, Bill Murray and Cate Blanchett but would also recommend watching Graham Norton from this Friday with Matt, Bill and Lord Grantham who is also in it - one of the funniest for ages! Its a story I was vaguely aware of (being a bit of a history nut) but was done in a way that got the message through to everyone. Would be happy to watch it again when it comes on TV.

Yes I know there has been a lot of press about inaccuracies but films about true events would never get made/watched if they kept rigidly to facts! So long as this is mentioned at the end and/or give a shout out thats fine by me - I dont go to the cinema to be educated/dictated to - its a bit of fun for a couple of hours.

Although I stopped short of paying £3.50 for the worlds smallest tub of ice cream! Hubby was happy to pay £5.45 for a hot dog. Seats (granted VIP) were £14 each plus £7 parking made it an expensive trip which is why we have virtually stopped going!
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That's interesting; was on my list of films to see but the bad reviews put me off. Will have a rethink. We're member concessions at our cinema so it costs up just over £10 to see a film [that's for both of us] and I take a flask of coffee with me [how Last of the Summer Wine is that]. Parking is £2.20 as long as we time it so we don't go in the car park till 6.
Its a film that is worth watching but if you miss it at the cinema would work just as well on TV.

Yes its a little predictable but these are all mature actors who do the job well and dont seem to have a problem being old - there are some light relief moments but overall is an enjoyable movie worth catching and done in a style that seems to be on the way out, ie good story, steady camera and actors who can actually act and not pout!

We went in stocked up with a bag of white mice/cola bottles (2 bags for £2.50!) and a bottle of soft drink each - they had the cheek to ask me to fill in a survey which I duly did with comments about the prices!
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Watched The Monuments Men - nice film, nothing spectacular but actors all fitted together well, story well written and directed by the gorgeous George Clooney. The cast includes Matt Damon, Bill Murray and Cate Blanchett but would also recommend watching Graham Norton from this Friday with Matt, Bill and Lord Grantham who is also in it - one of the funniest for ages! Its a story I was vaguely aware of (being a bit of a history nut) but was done in a way that got the message through to everyone. Would be happy to watch it again when it comes on TV.

Yes I know there has been a lot of press about inaccuracies but films about true events would never get made/watched if they kept rigidly to facts! So long as this is mentioned at the end and/or give a shout out thats fine by me - I dont go to the cinema to be educated/dictated to - its a bit of fun for a couple of hours.

Although I stopped short of paying £3.50 for the worlds smallest tub of ice cream! Hubby was happy to pay £5.45 for a hot dog. Seats (granted VIP) were £14 each plus £7 parking made it an expensive trip which is why we have virtually stopped going!

I would edit your middle paragraph to say American films or films made for those who like American films.
Might do that Hamm. Didn't know it was out. 32 shots was a fine film

Might be tues. in town then love that cinema. Best anywhere

Went last night at short notice. Curzon was 13.75! You can almost get a monthly pass for every cinema in Paris at that price.

Very good film, very intelligently made, some shots would make great photos, Lindon and Mastroianni can say more with their eyes than most with 10 minutes dialogue. I thought parts were reminiscent of David Lynch.

I'm away from Tue-Sun but if you fancied the Mon/Tue of the following week, let me know.
Nope happy to say any "true" story film - there was a trailer for a film about Yves Saint Laurent the designer - French film but I have no doubt there will be dramatic licence used to keep the story going.

Oh and I like American films and really enjoy the Marvel series - I want to be entertained and forget about the craaap going on in the world not sit through a film that preaches at me
Bit harsh. Lincoln was an American film. And so on..

I don't fancy the clooeny one I must admit

Hamm. I tend to go during late afternoon when it's seven quid or something and its half empty. Joys of being self employed. But yes. If something on would be good to catch up
Just watched the Bafta's. Looks like I'll now have to see American Hustle and Gravity. Wanted Nebraska to win something [at least it was nominated]. Got quite weepy just seeing clips from Philomena [had forgotten how good it was].
Watched The Monuments Men - nice film, nothing spectacular but actors all fitted together well, story well written and directed by the gorgeous George Clooney. The cast includes Matt Damon, Bill Murray and Cate Blanchett but would also recommend watching Graham Norton from this Friday with Matt, Bill and Lord Grantham who is also in it - one of the funniest for ages! Its a story I was vaguely aware of (being a bit of a history nut) but was done in a way that got the message through to everyone. Would be happy to watch it again when it comes on TV.

Saw this at the weekend, the film not Graham Norton. Well told and a worthwhile story to tell, whether some of it is accurate or not, but come to expect that when the combination of war and Americans involved.

Suspicious of trailers always painting a true reflection of the whole film but the one for The Grand Budapest Hotel made if look very good.
By the same token Moehat, you would have had to see titanic after the oscars... Bit harsh maybe. I wouldn't put you off American hustle too greatly. It has flaws but nothing to obsess over.

G G. Oh Christ. When I saw the trailer for that I thought never in a million years will i go to see that bloody film. Then I noticed it was a wes Anderson film. He did royal teenebaums which is one of the few films I've paid to see that i genuinely hated
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By the same token Moehat, you would have had to see titanic after the oscars... Bit harsh maybe. I wouldn't put you off American hustle too greatly. It has flaws but nothing to obsess over.

G G. Oh Christ. When I saw the trailer for that I thought never in a million years will i go to see that bloody film

Well don't then. I thought the trailer for The Book Thief looked very good but I would never go and see that.

£3.25 all day on a Tuesday at my local. £4.25 off peak until 5 weekdays.
Well don't then. I thought the trailer for The Book Thief looked very good but I would never go and see that.

£3.25 all day on a Tuesday at my local. £4.25 off peak until 5 weekdays.

I'm not going to. The "humour" leaves me stone faced. Irritating. Just don't get his films at all

Some trailers are good but you know you will never watch the film. Some films are probably good and you know you will never see them. Gravity being an example

12 years a slave had a trailer making me think, no thanks.

Best last year was the great beauty. A rare film that I'm in a hurry to see again
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Just watched the Bafta's. Looks like I'll now have to see American Hustle and Gravity. Wanted Nebraska to win something [at least it was nominated]. Got quite weepy just seeing clips from Philomena [had forgotten how good it was].

Agree. Nebraska is very underrated. It is a great tale with so many nuances

Philomena had one of the most touching scenes in so many years. The video. Quite beautiful. But the film just needed more anger and less jollity. It was a truly disgusting chain of events and whilst there was definitely room for some irony and humour it was overplayed. But was riveting cinema when on song

Adult cinema too of which we seem to be getting a bit more of these days
Yes. An capall. Think back a few years too. Bloody titanic

"Adult cinema" being of course mature, rather than x hamster
I think the brilliance of Philomena was being able to bring humour into what was a heartbreaking subject [although a few of the humorous bits were a bit pathetic, and they were the ones that were most publicised; most of the humour was very subtle]. I can't remember much about Angela's Ashes [the film] but I'm sure that, at the time I felt it was sadly lacking in the humour that was in the book. I've just had a bit of a slating on one of my 'laidee's forums' for disliking 12 Years; feel that, by critiscising the film I'm somehow supporting slavery. Really wanted to rave about it in a positive way.
You should have told her that you did and as an economic model it has a lot of bottom line potential. Has had too much of a bad press which the film hasnt helped at all

Film is also inaccurate given that they used to sing happily in the cotton fields and when rowing across the ocean
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