
Saw The Invisible Woman last night. Boy was it dreary [but had interesting camera angles]. The girl who played Nelly was very good. Trailer for The Monuments Men looked much better.

I don't know if you saw the rp yesterday but you are in good company. Willie Mullins hated 12 years a slave too
No I didn't see it! So that's two of us then [I must have a chat with him at Cheltenham; kindred spirits and all that...]
Not a film tip as such, but have to say RIP to Harold Ramis. Quite scary to see stars of movies I watched when I was younger starting to die, makes me feel older than I did anyway :(

I'm finding that too Col, they are meant to be invincible aren't they - we aren't any older I'm sure, so how can they be??!!

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I know, I still see them as they were in the 80's when I watched the films, and rewatching them makes you think they don't age, here is is recently
Wat till you get to my age; we're constantly asking each other who's still alive [I mean, not us personally although there is a chance that one of us might spend several days talking to the other one without realising they weren't getting a reply;that happens all the time anyway]. Saw the Monuments Men last night. Think all the best bits were in the trailer; it was ok. Must say I had no idea how many works of art were destroyed in the war or how empty so many galleries and museums would now be if something hadn't been done about it. Thought the characters were all pretty one dimensional but did get emotional about the statues and paintings. Reckon a better film could have been made of the subject matter [hey guys, we need to introduce a love interest into this] probably starring Dirk Bogarde, Peter Finch and the Attenborough one who's an actor [get them mixed up] and filmed in black and white.
Got round to watching Searching for Sugar Man last night; nice lttle film, enjoyed it. But would still like to know where all the royalties went?
Great year for films. Haven't seen gravity or 12 years and should see the latter

Inside lleyn
Great beauty

As good as anything I've seen in recent years.

Just behind that captain Philip and behind the candelabra

Francis ha and what Richard did were gems

McCullin a great, simply told and absolutely riveting documnatry
Before the Off, does anyone think DiCaprio for Leading Actor tonight is a bet at 5/1 ?
(Betfair seems to think Matt McConaughy is a certainty for same at 1.28).
Just back from seeing 'Philomena.' You would have to be a hard-hearted bstard not to cheer for the nuns.
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Not that far out, Gareth.
Spot on with Best Doc, ............. Gravity won an Oscar in another category but we'll give you that one too anyway. :)

McConaughy duly does the business. In hindsight a nailed-on I guess considering the character portrayal and the physical prep he put into the role.
Is it worth getting Gravity on dvd or should I make the effort to see it at the cinema? Did Philomena and Nebraska win nothing?
Moe, some time back in the thread I mentioned that I watched it on TV -- in regular 2-D.
Subsequently I saw it at a 3-D cinema, and frankly there is no comparison. Seeing it on TV makes it just an ordinary film. 3-D was invented for the likes of Gravity, and the film must be seen in that format.
Wadjda. Charming film about a Saudi girl who dreams of owning a bike (something the fairer sex weren't allowed to do at the time the film was made)
and what she does to achieve her goal. Really well made film and the actress who played the lead was excellent.
Went to see The Book Thief tonight. Loved the book and this was a brilliant adaptation of it. Some excellent acting too by Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson & newcomer Sophie Nelisse.
Moe, some time back in the thread I mentioned that I watched it on TV -- in regular 2-D.
Subsequently I saw it at a 3-D cinema, and frankly there is no comparison. Seeing it on TV makes it just an ordinary film. 3-D was invented for the likes of Gravity, and the film must be seen in that format.

So its a film that relies on the visuals rather than plot, acting etc? Only asking because special effects and so on, do nothing for me. Dont think i will see it anyway but if so, would certainly swerve it
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jinny; reviews for The Book Thief have been awful so I'm pleased to hear that you enjoyed;even more so that you enjoyed it after reading the book. Have had the book for ages; my daughters pupils gave her a copy when they left school as they loved the book so much. I picked it up one day and thought it looked very readable and a bit quirky, but then didn't get round to reading it. It's on at the cinema for quite a while; should I try to read the book before I see it or read some of it to get a feel for it but not read the ending? The trailer for the film looks amazing and I well up watching that!
I don't think it matters if you have or haven't read the book to be honest. Quite often you form a clear picture in your head as to what the characters sound and look like and then end up being disappointed when they are cast wrong. I went with Songsheet and another friend neither who had read the book and they were both affected by the ending whereas I wasn't so much as I was expecting it. They also both immensely enjoyed it.

I think the audience reviews have been accurate - most people have read the critics reviews and thought "Oh dud film" Its not - it has beautiful cinematography and I was really drawn in by the emotion and the exasperation of the family's situation. Its not Schindler's List but then it doesn't need to be. It is what it is - a film about a German family during the War who don't happen to support the Nazis particularly and a little girl who removed from her birth family, has to adapt to a new life, new family and new friends.

Definitely go and see it!