From The Paddock


At the Start
Jul 22, 2005
Newmarket Day 1 Paddock Guide

2.00 –

To my surprise there wasn’t a whole host of strong looking fillies as one would expect in this type of maiden but there definitely a few who stood out from the crowd. Shabiba a daughter of Seeking the Gold was clearly one of the strongest lookers in the paddock and she was still carrying a bit of condition suggesting she will still improve again for the run. A big leggy sort she certainly was the pick of the bunch and it was no surprise to see her win the race itself. Provence who shaped well in 4th was another who looked as if the run would do her good, slightly on her toes on the paddock she showed signs of inexperience. She didn’t appear to lack any fitness for the run so I doubt there will be much physical improvement to come but she was a compact sort who will certainly improve mentally for her debut.
Just Like A Women is a cracking looking sort and she is a good looking filly who has plenty of growing to do. Starting to get a bit hairy on her quarters and on her upper neck she has probably just about had enough for the season but she certainly has a frame to fill over the winter and looks the type who could progress into a useful 3yo.
Jennie Jerome was the subject to some course vibes but she was on her toes in the paddock and was hollering quite a lot until the paddock was nearly full. A big filly she looked extremely green and will certainly know more next time. She wasn’t anything special to look at but the dogs were barking early and it would be no surprise to see something more from her next time. Storyland is another to take from the race and she was probably the best looker apart from the winner. She wouldn’t have looked out of place upsides the colts and was very green in the pre paddock, she will know an awful lot more next time and is certainly a filly I would like to stay on the right side of, especially when she steps up in trip.

3.10 –

These looked in different gear to those in the opener and there would be a good 6 or 7 to take from this with confidence. The eventual winner Twice Over was a typical Cecil horse which looked very well in the paddock and was lacking nothing in the way of fitness and wasn’t too green once he settled down. A big strong sort he has a good frame to fill into over the winter and he was very strong in his walk. He looked a smart prospect and was probably the best looking horse in the race.
Austintatious was another neat looking sort and he walked with purpose. Still looking a little weak behind he has more to come and looked a horse that will do better over middle distances in time.
The 3rd Made To Ransom would be my main horse to take out the race and in the paddock he looked a little star gazed staring and spooking at plenty of things. Hollering quite a bit he also got a little warm but was fine once the saddle was in place. He was a big imposing sort but clearly wasn’t anywhere near streetwise as the two that beat him today. He has bags of scope and will come on awful lot for this debut.
Savarain was another who has a big frame to fill and will be a horse that will probably need at least 10f next season. He was a large strong horse who was carrying a lot of condition, he will improve a lot for this run and looks a nice stamp for next season.
First Avenue was very leggy in the paddock and just looked a very weak horse to look at, he was quite narrow for my liking but clearly looked a 2yo in a 3yo’s body and will need to fill out and come up behind over the winter. He was one of the more relaxed in the paddock but anything he does this season would be a bonus.
Majeen was probably the horse I would most want to back next time and he was a fine looking sort. A big powerful individual he was easily one of the lookers in the paddock but showed plenty of inexperience in the pre paddock. He showed plenty of speed in the race and weakened late on. He will be better for this run and he had the look of a nice type.
French Art was fit as a flea for this and didn’t look a nice type in the paddock. I wouldn’t want to be taking short odds about this in any maiden. He was flattered.
The one to take out the race at big odds was Black Rain. If a horse could win a prize for the most green horse ever this would have won by a country mile. He was constantly on his toes and would have spooked at a fly landing on his nose. He never really got the hang on things but he was a lovely horse to look at and carried himself very well. Franny Norton didn’t have an easy ride to post and this horse was fly leaping to start with but took a grip for 3f. In the race itself he walked out the stalls and got himself detached by bucking for almost a furlong. He however was still last 2f down and the penny didn’t start to drop until late on, He flew home like a rocket and done very well to beat 6 horses home and done very well to only be beaten 15L in total. He will improve immensely for this run and he would be one to catch right in a mile maiden next time. There was plenty to like about him and there a was a good look to him that suggested he is miles better than he showed this afternoon.

Newmarket Paddock Guide Day 2

1.05 –

Not the most inspiring bunch of juveniles to look at and the winner Fireside was probably the best of what was an average bunch. A big stocky colt he held himself together nicely and looked a strong type but he looks a horse that will be better next year when he has filled out into his frame. He won in gutsy style and will improve over further. The 2nd horse Slam did not appeal to me and he looks a very small colt who may struggle next season. He ran well enough but is a very compact sort and its hard to see him progressing much in the future.
Of those in behind Whitcombe Minister was a nice type and he definitely looked as if the run would do him the world of good. He was a leggy individual and has the scope to improve into a nice prospect.
Lazy Days was a very big horse and he looked all at sea in the paddock hollering for a good 10 minutes, he finally consented to relax but was extremely wet behind the ears. He actually ran a decent race and he may end up the best horse that ran in this race.
Falcativ was another big framed sort but was very weak behind, he needs time and anything he does this season will be a bonus.

1.35 –

Not the most inspiring bunch for a solid group 3 and my biggest worry pre race was the appearance of the Godolphin horse Iguazu Falls. He looked very dull in his coat and was very lethargic in the paddock. He looked like a horse who had run 10 times this season not two and whilst he is quite a handsome individual to look at he has definitely done enough for this season. He is a strong colt and should easily be a horse to look out for next season, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was better than this run.
River Proud who was on his toes at Doncaster was very relaxed in the paddock here and looked much more settled. He is actually a really strong colt to look at and probably possesses the most scope of any of these. Quite rounded in behind he looks the time who will come up again over the winter and remains a nice sort. He was still a little nervy down at the start again and looks the type that will only gain confidence from more racing.
Yankadi was an okay sort but definitely looked weak behind and clearly needs to fill into his frame. He is a nice prospect and will be better suited by middle distances.
None of the other horses in this race really grabbed me in the paddock and are likely to struggle at group level.

2.05 –

A cracking bunch of fillies and there were several nice types in this pack.
Natagora was easily the most attractive filly in the line up and the big grey filly walked with plenty of purpose and was a very relaxed horse in the paddock. She was glistening in her coat and has a bit of growing still left to do. She is nice filly and whilst longer trips are a worry next year she looked in a different league to these.
Fleeting Spirit is rather muscular for a filly and looks just like a colt. She has a really strong look about her and I can only imagine she is actually a sprinter and not a Guineas prospect. She has probably had enough for the racing by now but certainly is a cracking looking filly who will have no problem training on.
That I’m afraid can’t be said for Visit who was very dull in her coat in the paddock and looked as if she had done her running for the season. She was a little on her toes and doesn’t possess much scope for next season. I would have to say I was disappointed by her and she looked an awful better at Ascot earlier in the season. She isn’t over big and I would be worried about her training on.
Missit is another good looking filly and she was one of the bigger mares in the paddock. Still unfurnished behind she has the scope to do better next year and looks a filly that will do better over further in the future. She is a likeable type but she is punching above her level in group 1 company.
Perfect Polly was another likeable type and gives the impression she too will come up over the winter, she has plenty of growing to do in front but looks a filly with scope to do better.
Unilateral, Elletelle, and Festoso were all fully grown but looked well in their coats. There was little growing space left for any of them and I would seriously question whether they would move forwards over the winter.

2.40 – I didn’t paddock this as I don’t particularly like sales races.

3.15 –

This will sound a serious bit of after timing I’m sure but I actually backed Dark Angel after paddocking this race and he looked in a completely different league to anything else in this race. He was a strong colt and walked with plenty of purpose. The only colt glowing in his coat he had dapples behind suggesting he was very well in his race. He is a big horse and still has growing to do behind suggesting he will be even better next season. He was a really relaxed horse in the paddock and looked a very classy type and was a mile better looking than his rivals.
Dream Eater was probably the other looking well in his coat to some extent and he walked as if he was quite fresh in himself. A very imposing sort I have a feeling he will do better over further in the future but was one of the better lookers in the race.
Tajdeef was an okay sort who moved nicely to post but was starting to lose a bit of condition. He should be better next season.
Sir Gerry looked dreadful for me and he was very short in front and was very dull in his coat. He was very laid back in the paddock and looked a horse that was over the top. This was not his true showing today but suspicion he would run dreadful could have been gained by just looking at him pre race.
Rock Of Rochelle is another nice colt and he is very big and backward, the fact he has won twice already hints he is useful but he was very weak behind and was starting to go in his coat. He looks a horse with a frame to fill over the winter and it would be no surprise to see him develop into a decent sort over the winter.

4.25 –

There were only 5 possibles (Porthole, Almajd, Whistledownthewind, Arabian Spirit and King’s Wonder) in the paddock before this race and Porthole was easily the “today” horse in the race. He was a very compact sort with a lot of scope. Looking fit he walked with a good shape to him and was very relaxed suggesting he was quite streetwise. He was a big horse and I would be surprised if he were to run over 7f again and he looks a middle distance horse in the making. He is a really nice prospect and whilst I’m not convinced there is more to come mentally he does look a classy prospect.
Virtual I didn’t like although he looked fit and ready today. He doesn’t have much scope and has done the majority of his growing. He clearly has some ability but I would be surprised if a few of these didn’t improve past him after today.
The winner Almajd had been talked up very highly in town and in the looks department he didn’t fail to impress. A very strong horse he was very muscular and looked a classy prospect. A bit green early he was on his toes but settled down nicely. A beautiful walker he just looked in a league of his own and walked around as if he owned the paddock. Carrying a bit of condition he will come on for this run but there can be little doubt he has a big engine having won this without being asked too serious a question. The words Derby horse were floating round on track before race but he may have a bigger fish to fry next May if all goes well. The Horris Hill could be a race he could go for next as he holds no group one entries at present.
Roaring Forte was a big baby in the paddock and he didn’t stop spooking and getting a bit edgy. He ran a blinder to come 3rd and whilst he didn’t look as classy as some of these he clearly has an engine and should have little problem winning his maiden this season.
Foolin Myself was a big horse who looked as if he had plenty of growing to do. He will be a much nicer sort next season and there was plenty to like about him.
Resurge was one I didn’t like in the paddock and he was all legs and no body. He ran well enough but he’s not a horse I would want to have.
Whistledownthewind was one of the 5 I really liked and whilst he was clearly in need of the run he has a very nice look to him. Still shining in his coat I would be surprised if he didn’t leave this run behind him next time.
Another of the 5 was Arabian Spirit and he was a strong looking individual. He looked fit enough but was a big baby spooking at a lot of things and also caused a bit of concern whilst being saddled. This experience will have done him the world of good.
The other horse worth mentioning was Goliath. Well actually he was called Cossack Prince but he wouldn’t have looked out of place in the Gold Cup line up. He was absolutely massive and towered above his rivals. He was a bit of a handful at first for his lad but settled after a while. A big baby like a couple of others in this he looked in need of both time and racing experience. He is definitely a long term prospect but he has the makings of a nice horse.
King’s Wonder was another attractive individual and was easily the straightest in the line up. He is a nice looking horse and carries himself very well. He could easily he a horse that could do well next season in handicaps and was one of the nicer ones to look at, even if he was a tad outclassed in what was a strong Newmarket maiden.

Well I’m not here tomorrow but I hope these paddock insights have helped the past two days.

Good Luck
"Austintatious was another neat looking sort and he walked with purpose. Still looking a little weak behind he has more to come and looked a horse that will do better over middle distances in time."

Runs in the 2.00 @ Bath.
"Another of the 5 was Arabian Spirit and he was a strong looking individual. He looked fit enough but was a big baby spooking at a lot of things and also caused a bit of concern whilst being saddled. This experience will have done him the world of good."

"Majeen was probably the horse I would most want to back next time and he was a fine looking sort. A big powerful individual he was easily one of the lookers in the paddock but showed plenty of inexperience in the pre paddock. He showed plenty of speed in the race and weakened late on. He will be better for this run and he had the look of a nice type."

These two are due to run in the 2.10 Leicester
"The other horse worth mentioning was Goliath. Well actually he was called Cossack Prince but he wouldn’t have looked out of place in the Gold Cup line up. He was absolutely massive and towered above his rivals. He was a bit of a handful at first for his lad but settled after a while. A big baby like a couple of others in this he looked in need of both time and racing experience. He is definitely a long term prospect but he has the makings of a nice horse."

Runs today, at Bath in the 2.00.
Be amazed if he does anything this season Colin, he was huge.

Hopefully 2 more runs and the a nice 12f handicap on the all weather mid march, bang bang bang :)
I wasnt trying to nitpick Colin was just saying today wouldn't be the day to back him, appreciate you updating. At least someone is taking an active interest.

Im gonna do a big Newmarket 2yo wrap up on Friday, so hopefully people can make note for next season.

Chris, much appreciated your flagging these, and I for one will be making a note for next year
Whether I shall remember to look at it is another matter :D
but more fool me if I don't

"Here today and gone tomorrow" ......