
Swamp Fox broke my heart this week backed him in both his races, I hope The deise lift my spirits next week in croker

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Dermot Weld had two winners, Tony Martin finally got his first one today, and Gordon Elliott had none at all. Amazing really. But fair dues to Brian Ellison for his fourth win in a row of today's big handicap, Barry Geraghty made it back in time to show us just what a class act he is, Joseph had a fine week as did of course one WPM, who continues to impress with the likes of Riven Light, Whiskey Sour and Renneti picking up decent flat races, as well as continuing to dominate the bumpers, including with Poet Power, owned by some of the Cheltenham gang we've got to know.

Thanks to the hundreds of other trainers, jockeys and horses who gave us a fine week's entertainment and commiserations to all those who endured near misses, including the connections of Mine Now yesterday.
Swamp Fox broke my heart this week backed him in both his races, I hope The deise lift my spirits next week in croker

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Get on Waterford at 13/8 with Boyles-outstanding bet in my opinion.Will hopefully be there despite an awful few days at Goodwood/Galway.
Yeah 13/8 massive do you think Tadhg has any hope of getting the ban overturned?

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I think there is a good chance that TdB will play-we just need to have the balls and the funding to go to the High Court which we should have done with Mullane in 2004.
The success and popularity of the Galway Festival down the years stems from the rural economy as epitomised by the small square bale of hay, a magical time in rural Irish life, now alas no more.
"Old hay is old gold " so the saying goes, never more do than in the west of Ireland where the winters are longer and crueller than in the rest of the country.
The best hay is saved in June, while the bulk of hay is usually saved in July when the crops are bigger and the wetter ground has dried out.
Anyone listening to Robbie Power yesterday on RTE would have heard hum speak of summer Jumps racing "West of the Shannon " in Sligo, Galway, Roscommon, Kilbeggan etc and east of the river the rest of the year.
Cattle dealers who spend the Spring ferrying calves west from the South and East; the autumn ferrying cattle in the opposite direction spend june and July buying meadows of grass and making hay or buying hay already made to ferry west for winter fodder where it is needed.
This was historically a cash crop that ended up in bookies' satchels in Galway and Listowel, the so called harvest Festival.
Now read the blog for more and tell me how Goodwood, even on a fine day can compare !

Beautifully evocative as ever. However if you move any more of Leinster [other than Kilbeggan] to wisht of de Shannon you will be dead to me.
Congratulations to Dermot Weld, who yesterday had his 500th Galway win as a trainer. How many people have even backed 500 winners there, never mind training them?