Get well soon Diamond Geezer

I feel your pain, Mr. Geezer.

I have to travel to Warsaw 16th to 18th March inclusive. The only silver lining on an otherwise black cloud is that my flight will touch down in Dublin at 14.10, so I should be in the boozer for the Gold Cup.

I want to cry.
Tape it ? :eek: Troodles - what planet are you on, dearest??????

Tape Aintree, maybe.

Tape Cheltenham - when he's only a mile or so away and should either be there or watching in real time - NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Poor DG. He'll be sitting in a stuffy waiting room counting the minutes to the off-times of every race and straining his ears to see if he can hear the cheering. It really does hurt to be so close and not be able to go.

:D Actually - I think Ive regressed to the 80s by using the phrase "tape it" to start with !!!

I know how much it hurts to be so near yet so far - oh how I know that.... maybe you could arrange to have it on in the waiting room for him? "accidentally" change it from that awful tripe that usually gets played in waiting rooms in a totally innocent fashion.... ;)
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I was initially given a slot for 1400 on Queen Mother day to see my consultant - swiftly told them no can do [back in September] and managed to switch it to a week later! Good luck DG.
:D Actually - I think Ive regressed to the 80s by using the phrase "tape it" to start with !!!

I know how much it hurts to be so near yet so far - oh how I know that.... maybe you could arrange to have it on in the waiting room for him? "accidentally" change it from that awful tripe that usually gets played in waiting rooms in a totally innocent fashion.... ;)

If I ran the NHS ...
A son of one of our patients who collected his mums tablets today said she was a different woman when she went to Bingo; imo things like that should be provided by the nhs including two weeks in the sun for everyone. Read about a scheme whereby anyone who hasn't visited their doctor in 6 months would be struck off [think they were going to trial it down south a while ago]. Someone is sitting in an office being paid a lot of money for thinking up ideas like that! I hope that, by not bothering my doctor too much I'll get brownie points towards a new hip, knee, memory etc.
On my last visit to the consultant he was concerned about my weight.

I am just over 12st. now whereas I was 19st.+ before all this shit!:o

His suggestion was to consume more alcohol as that is absorbed in the stomach.

I didn't think to ask him if I could get it on prescription.
If you can get ganja on prescrip now (for pain), you darn sure ought to be able to get a half-jack of voddie a week (for the humours). Waiting rooms are boring-to-gruesome, and I definitely think your ideas, Moehat, should be implemented forthwith. Why shouldn't they contain a small bar, snacks, and a few slots? Why, we could even loan the NHS Racing for Change when we're done with it - face-painting for the ankle-biters while they wait for some unspeakable examination, Kuddly Korner with small pets (purchase optional), and so on. Sorted!
I did the Good Citizen thing a few years ago - reported a crime I saw being carried out, did the select the criminal from the line up etc etc and was exceptionally cheesedoff to find that the intended court date was Gold Cup day - I was not happy. Did manage to give evidence in the morning, though, and got back in time to watch race but the bastard got off (even though I picked him out no problem in the line up and correctly identified their vehicle) on some technicality or other. Complete waste of time and tax payers money...
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Well, if it makes you feel any better, not a total waste, as he'll have been placed on the "known to" police list, so that while juries won't know about the little scrote, in any future events the police will probably go feel his collar first. Well done for a good try, anyway.
Thought of him and Mrs Geezer during the X-country - DG showed me where was best to stand for the Paddy Power's, and it's a shame he wasn't there today. Hope all went well, DG. Let us know soon.
All tests, scans, xrays so far are negative, just one more to go in a couple of weeks and they say they will know then what further treatment they need to carry out (or not ) prior to operation later in the year.

Meanwhile planning on going to Gold Cup on Friday if feeling ok

Thanks for messages
All tests, scans, xrays so far are negative, just one more to go in a couple of weeks and they say they will know then what further treatment they need to carry out (or not ) prior to operation later in the year.

Meanwhile planning on going to Gold Cup on Friday if feeling ok

Thanks for messages

Sweet news DG!!:)
That's cheered us up, DG - excellent news. Enjoy Friday if you go (I can't even watch as I'm dragooned onto the desk at Lingers), and here's to you firing on all cylinders until your op, which I'm sure you'll tackle famously.
All tests, scans, xrays so far are negative, just one more to go in a couple of weeks and they say they will know then what further treatment they need to carry out (or not ) prior to operation later in the year.

Meanwhile planning on going to Gold Cup on Friday if feeling ok

Thanks for messages

Excellent news, DG. Hope to see you and Mrs DG there.

If you've got your camera handy, you can take a snap of irate Redhead telling Edward where to stick his Membership. (See F****** Cheltenham thread for details).
See you there next season Redhead l:D

Thanks Martin, was glad I went, wouldn't have missed that for anything.
Bumped into Mrs DG the other day.

Sorry to hear that you are not well again DG.

Hope you are fit for the October meeting.
Looking back, DG was looking at a late-year op. Is that still on? Come on, dearest. I would love your company again at next year's Best Viewing Spot for cross-country.