Get well soon Diamond Geezer

Thank you Helen.

Not exactly what I wanted but not as bad as they could have been.

Was rushed into hospital at Christmas with a DVT but unfortunately the scan missed it and it wasn't confirmed until another scan a week later during which time I was unknowingly at risk from the clot hitting the lung and was being treated for an infection I didn't have. Then once I started taking warfarin I had, and still have, some unwanted side effects which delayed the initial series of blood tests. Still can't get my blood readings right so blood tests every other day still, will be on warfarin for at least another six months. Finally they have informed me I have been given the wrong type of compression bandage for my leg but just now they can't obtain the right sort.

Didn't end there. During their examination on day one, they discovered another serious condition I didn't realise I had and so following various examinations, x-rays and medication had some tests in hospital yesterday which indicate I have to have an operation but this isn't possible whilst I'm on warfarin for the DVT so that will be delayed until later this year. I have to have a scan next week to eliminate various potential underlying causes for both of the conditions and assuming nothing sinister shows up will at least be able to return to work in some capacity (and in time to take a holiday for The Festival :lol:).

Hoping to make it even if only for the CH and CGC days.
Strewth sounds like you both have been put through the mill recently!

Fingers crossed that your health improves for both of you,
found this late as ususal but can only echo all thats been said above. get well, DG, this certainly does sound serious and like no advert for the british health system, but all fingers crossed you will be ok eventually. whats a DVT, and whats that stuff you have to take?
Welcome to the NHS, DG!!!:lol:

CrazyHorse - a DVT is a Deep Vein Thrombosis. Basically it's a blood clot that can move around in the circulation and hit a vital organ such as the heart or lungs. Scary.

Warfarin, the medication DG is on, thins the blood and prevents it from clotting - it actually started life as a rat poison!!

Imagine will be much more informative on this point than I, though.
Grim as it's been and is still to be by the sound of it, Rogerino, just thank your stars you ain't a horse! You'd have been turned into a tasteful handbag and set of inkwells by now!
You can't drink cranberry juice if you're on warfarin, just as you can't take grapefruit juice with statins. Thankfully I know about the statin thing, because my daughter gave an elderly in law relative a grapefruit for breakfast just as he was taking his tablets for the day. He survived all the horrors that the First World War threw at him, and could have been felled by a grapefruit. [this knowledge might come in handy one day]. I believe that on the continent people tend to carry dispersible aspirin around with them in case someone has a stroke or a heart attack, but I'm not so sure about that. If there was a girl guide hypochondria badge I would have got one.
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Oh DG - glad you are around and about again, and hopefully everything will settle for you to be able to have the op you need and then get well.

(in time for Cheltenham - thats a given !!)

Moehat, as I understand it, there is no danger in having grapefruit while on statins it's just that it inhibits the effectiveness of the statins............but I could be wrong.........once again.
Good to hear from you Roger - I've missed seeing you both at HQ and hope to be able to catch up with you at the Festival. Hope all continues to go well
Yes DG, I've missed you too and wondered if you had changed your regular standing place or something. :)

Glad to hear you are okay, well, nearly okay. Sounds like quite an adventure!

I was on Warfarin for awhile and discovered that when I ran into anything round the house, as you do, I got a bruise as large as an elephant. Apparantely it makes you susceptible to bruising so be careful. Whatever you do, do not play with knives either, had a small episode whilst cooking ...... :ninja:

Hope you feel better soon.
Can you effin believe it ?:mad::mad:

Not too well and daren't miss next appointment with consultant, so today the letter came and it's Tuesday March 15th 3.00pm

FFS :mad::mad:
Enough to make you take to drink! Very poor show by your consultant, DG - what on earth is wrong with the medical profession these days? Although in times past, along with court judges and vicars, you wouldn't have found one available during that entire week! Just get better, though, whatever the cost to your sanity.
Can you effin believe it ?:mad::mad:

Not too well and daren't miss next appointment with consultant, so today the letter came and it's Tuesday March 15th 3.00pm

FFS :mad::mad:

I'm sure these doctors do it deliberately.Baby Triptych has been given a consultant's appointment for 3.45 pm on Thursday 17th March. Grrrr. And I feel guilty for being annoyed.

Hope everything goes well for you DG.
Can you effin believe it ?:mad::mad:

Not too well and daren't miss next appointment with consultant, so today the letter came and it's Tuesday March 15th 3.00pm

FFS :mad::mad:

It'll probably get cancelled as your Consultant will be with his mates - at the Races - I know that quite a few of the Orthopods will be there.

Maybe you can get a consultation while he's in one of the boxes with his pals!

Seriously though, sorry to hear you aren't doing too well. Perhaps you could call the clinic and have the appointment brought forward slightly?
Rotten timing for the appointment DG:mad: Hope all goes well for you, a little prayer will go up in your honour. Enjoy the festival, however much of it you get to see.
Tape it ? :eek: Troodles - what planet are you on, dearest??????

Tape Aintree, maybe.

Tape Cheltenham - when he's only a mile or so away and should either be there or watching in real time - NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Poor DG. He'll be sitting in a stuffy waiting room counting the minutes to the off-times of every race and straining his ears to see if he can hear the cheering. It really does hurt to be so close and not be able to go.
Ten minutes before the appointment:

Enter nurse. "Mr Geezer? Oh, I'm so sorry to tell you, but Mr Sodabout's had to put your appointment back for a week and... gosh! Talk about a sharp exit!"